yugo sks or taurus 44 mag

Wow I haven't checked this thread in a while. I ended up with the 44 because I'd have more use for it. I read a lot of the replies. Thanks for all of your replies and opinions everyone
Wow I haven't checked this thread in a while. I ended up with the 44 because I'd have more use for it. I read a lot of the replies. Thanks for all of your replies and opinions everyone

You made the right choice, OP.

Sorry everyone but the Yugo SKS is just not a good rifle. I think the people defending it need to get out on the range with an M1A to experience what a REAL rifle should feel like. JMHO.

I think the people defending it need to get out on the range with an M1A to experience what a REAL rifle should feel like
I've spent plenty of time with an M1 Garand, FNFAL, Romanian PSL, AR15, AK47, and even a MAS 49/56. Also with the 4 varieties of the SKS that I own.
There is NO WAY, ABSOLUTELY NO WAY from my years, and I mean years of experience with these rifles that I actually own that I am going to agree that for their purpose the SKS is any less of a firearm!
In addition, where recreational shooting was not the intended purpose for the SKS, they do a very good job. Easy shooting for even young kids, economical to shoot, reasonably priced, and accuracy sufficent for fun shooting.
Maybe people who drive Fords, and Chevys should get out and drive a Lamborghini to experiance what a real car should feel like.:eek:

Congrats JustinTyme on your new gun. I think!:D. Violation of rule #1:D
You made your choice on what fit your needs the best.
congratulations on your new revolver OP. hope you have a blast.

now back to this guy.
Sorry everyone but the Yugo SKS is just not a good rifle. I think the people defending it need to get out on the range with an M1A to experience what a REAL rifle should feel like. JMHO.
to quote a person who shall not be named, who was addressing a disturbed individual whom had chased him down to his favorite hunting spot in the middle of nowhere for the purpose of yelling at him and threatening him:
"I don't know who you think you are, but you'd better take a look at where you're at."

you are addressing a board full of users who prefer C&R guns, most of which are old battle rifles. we all have experience with springfields, enfields, arisakas, carcanos, mausers, mannlichers, frenchies, M1s, SVTs, SKS, G43s, FN49s, MAS49s, and just about any other battle rifle prior to vietnam that you could name. in addition this board is filled with veterans that have extensive experience with modern military rifles. EVERYONE HERE has experience shooting REAL rifles. if you would like my credentials here they are.
M1903, M1903MK1, M1903A3, M1903A4, M1917, Enfield NO4 MK1*(2), enfield NO4 MK1 T, Mauser M41B, Arisaka Type I, Arisaka Type 44, Arisaka Type 99, Mosin Nagant 91/30(3), Mannlicher M95 carbine, M1 Garand, Chicom type 56 SKS, MAS36, and those are just the vintage military rifles.

in addition during my military service I had trigger time behind the M16, M4, AK47, Bushmaster ACR, FN Herstan FS2000, CZ VZ58 in addition to half a dozen AR15s in various calibers and other civilian variants of paramilitary designs.

I'm pretty sure I have shot some real rifles in my time and I highly suggest you lay off the personal attacks and remember that not everybody here buys a single rifle and claims that it's the greatest thing in the world. some of us actually have some real world experience in such matters.
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The best response for tahunua001's last post is.... I concur.
I served in the 70's. Had plenty of trigger time with Ma Duece, M3 Grease Guns, M16A1's, M14's, M60's and a few other toys that go boom and/or bang.
The SKS is a good rifle. No matter which country made it. Why? Because it did its job when put into service. And after all, isn't that what a military weapon of any type is required to do?
No one said they weren't a PITA to properly maintain or carry. But they did the job in the countries they were deployed in and that's we honor them.
Not all military weapons are good. In fact, there have been some real awful pieces of kit put into the field. The French Chauchat comes to mind. But that wouldn't stop me from adding one to my collection for historical reason alone. I just don't think I'd pull the trigger on it. ;)
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Excellent relplies both of you.
I think a major issue is that some people, most likely relatively new to firearms, believe that they have but one purpose....Combat, weather it be military, law enforcement, or civilian defense. Their opinion of any firearm is based solely on a criteria they put on them. To them, guns have no interest as to history, or recreation. They are just a tool.