You've Gota Be Willin'

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You win the medal for seeing things as they truly are. Too bad that the X,Y,Zers here, don't realize that not being able to have a true view of reality makes things twice as hard when you try to do them. Look at the way the Generals and Admrials treat the US Combat Forces. If they're mean to the enemy they are in trouble and Lord help the troop who cap a Rag who hasn't tried to kill him first or has kill lots of Coliation troops. And it's comming out now that the US Intelligence Services are infiltrated by Arab moles who are giving intel to Al Queda and other Terrorist Organizations. Sweet Jesus, Political Correctness and the weiners that the baby boomers and they spawn are producing will probably screw up everything. Gonna be tough on those who survive. Might help if they remove their head from their fouth point of contact, as it would clear up their vision. Again Kenny, too bad most of the folks here are not as smart as you.

Jungle Work
Jungle Work,

I opened this thread to congratulate you for your opening post on the importance of the combat mindset.

With that last post of yours, however, I changed my mind. Just another "Kids these days!" rant like the ones penned by Seneca the Elder lo these millennia ago.

I'm sure that the simpering products of Gen X and Gen Y who are busy smoking tangoes halfway around the world so that you can offer your viewpoints in security appreciate your views.

Wonder what the WWII vets thought about your generation in the SE Asia wargames?

"The Earth is degenerating today. Bribery and corruption abound. Children no longer obey their parents, every man wants to write a book, and it is evident that the end of the world is fast approaching." Assyrian tablet, c. 2800 BC
I was about to respond to that moronic post but Tamara did it far more succinctly than I could. Nice job.
You hit the nail on the head son. But what you don't realize is that this crap started with my generation, the baby boomers. The X,Y,Zers are just the end products of a of people who were concerned with their own agrandisements that they forgot or didn't give a rat's a$$ about raising their own children. It gets passed down generationally and each generation becomes more and more concerned with their own hedonistic desires.

T, what you fail to realize is that there will always be those who will sacrifice themselves for the good of the nation. And there are those, now a majority who will sacrifice this nation and its' people for their own good.

But then again you have not had the oppurtunity to explain to a mother how the people of this country could elect a Dope Smokin', Draft Dodging Rapist to the highest office in the land, especially since her son, a Navy Medic was killed in an ambush out side of Da Nang while dragging his wounded Marine buddies to safety. She did get a nice medal from the Department of theNavy thru the mail though. What she had, as those addicted to alcohol and dope call it was a moment of clairity. A moment when she saw the sacrifices that her son and thousands of others had made for this country were pissed on by a majority of the citizens of this country. My father and I were discussing this after Bubba's election and he said that the majority of this country cared more about themselves and what they wanted than they cared for the good of this country.

When I gew up, my father and every one of my friend's fathers had served in the military. Now it's the leave it up to a "volunteer" force. That means that most of the young men of this country get to slide by and get by on the sacraficies of a few. As one X generation product told me, the only folks who join the military are the Ni**ers, Mexicans and the white trash who can't get a job or go to college.

What you must realize T, is there will always be those who are good and true Americans and support their country. But what you don't seem to understand is that they are getting fewer and fewer and fewer every day that goes by.
Just as each and every day, there are fewer and fewer and fewer who are

and if you and your other buds such as MkII, don't understand what I'm saying, I truly feel sorry for you. If it doesn't fit you, then that's to your credit.

Jungle Work

BTW-What I see in this country among the X,Y, Zers is mostly a bunch of suants who Can't and Couldn't Cut it. No matter if it hit them in the face. Not all, but most. Many of the ones who can walk the walk are in the near east. Sin Loi.
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But Jungle Work, how come we're getting force-fed these cliches that masquerade as hard-earned wisdom? Even your valid points aren't anything that hasn't been said many, many times before.

More power to you for trying to give everyone a reality check. But the presentation is lacking.
I fairly new to this board, but I find a true lack of Reality and Common Sense among some of the YOUTS on this board. You'r right, I not very smart, but I know what I've seen and done and whether it's right or wrong.
What amazes me is how some of these folks who've never done much, but what their mommies and daddies let them became such X-Purts. If you can "splain" this to me, I'm all ears. I let very little BS slide since the late 60s, I saw too many of my friends killed because of the BS put out by folks who were suppose to know. I just don't suffer fools lightly. I know, I should know better.

Jungle Work
There are some here who have the been there, done that awards and decorations or have years of experience in dealing with confrontation, some of it armed confrontation.
[End Quotation]

Like John Kerry?

I'm always a little suspicious of folks who set themselves up as having the right hero stuff. Vietnam is over, and I don't really want to hear about it anymore. In my opinion TFL is about guns, not ranting and not guts.

My grandfather was in a Russian prison many years before he escaped to this country. My dad and my cousin were a WWll casualties. My brother served in Korea. My brother in law was killed in Saudi Arabia. My uncle was a retired WWll Army Full Bird.

WWll is the last war the American people fought, because it was the last war when 'everyone' had to sacrifice. I served in the military for 8 years. I'm proud to have served and that's all I care to say about it.

God gave us adrenaline to overcome fear, maybe some have more than others. I certainly think Audie Murphy did. I don't think for a minute the full test of courage is for one man to kill another. It sure as hell isn't anything to brag about.
Like John Kerry?

I'm always a little suspicious of folks who set themselves up as having the right hero stuff. Vietnam is over, and I don't really want to hear about it anymore. In my opinion TFL is about guns, not ranting and not guts.

Son, all my Heros died in Vietnam.

Maybe you should talk to the owners of this board and suggest that they eliminate the forums you don't like. Maybe they can start a forum on quilting if in the Tactics and Training forum makes you queesy and sick feeling.
There are other forums here besides ones devoted to firearms if you bother to look. As far as you not liking to hear about Vietnam and those who served, that's about typical for many of my age group. I Honor the Service Your Family has given to this Country but, Gee, my father and my uncles served in combat in WWII and Korea. I've had relatives that I know of serving the United States or the Southern States since the War of Northern Aggression. That and $1.00 will buy me a cup of coffee. It's my knowledge of their sacrifice and devotion to duty that makes me proud of them. Maybe you can go down to the local VA Hospital and tell the folks how you feel about them.

I don't think for a minute the full test of courage is for one man to kill another. It sure as hell isn't anything to brag about.

Spoken like at true pacifist. People who say things like this make me want to puke. I sure the young men now serving in the near east would love to hear you speak of their sacrifices for this country and it's people in such terms. You may not honor the men who have served in combat,but I sure the Hell do, but then again that's the difference in you and me. I also honor the men and women who go out each day and protect me and my family from the scum and animals who prey upon the weak and defenseless people of our community. And I sure don't whine and cry about the spilt blood of those who attack our country or it's citizens.

Bull what it boils down to is I'm not as impressed with you as you are yourself. And John Kerry was just one man, I knew many brave and selfless young men who served, lived and died in Vietnam and if you don't want to hear about it, Sin Loi. The true test of courage is how a person lives his life, whether in the military, combat or as a member of his community. Maybe some day you'll understand that.

Jungle Work
Spoken like at true pacifist. People who say things like this make me want to puke. I sure the young men now serving in the near east would love to hear you speak of their sacrifices for this country and it's people in such terms. You may not honor the men who have served in combat,but I sure the Hell do, but then again that's the difference in you and me. I also honor the men and women who go out each day and protect me and my family from the scum and animals who prey upon the weak and defenseless people of our community. And I sure don't whine and cry about the spilt blood of those who attack our country or it's citizens.
[End Quote]

I got it! You can't read from crying in your beer, Right! And don't call me son, sonny! You don't know me or what my experiences have been. My dad and my cousin died for your right to be born, so why don't you move on. Get rid of the hate and get on with your life.

No need to reply, sonny. I'm not reading anymore of your drunkin puke!
I hope I didn't offend you with the term Son, it just that I promised my eldery mother I'd quit using the term @$$hole so much. Sad about your dad and cousin, but what have you done, son?

Jungle Work
Unless you have been in the situation where deadly force was required, its hard to say what you would do. There are a lot of reported incidents of everyday folks, that reacted just fine, when it was required. I think I could also.
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