You've all heard of "the gun guys" I assume

There are so many rash, emotional pansies on the anti side. I have heard that some people believe these leftists are afflicted with some type of mental disorder. I am beginning to believe that to be true.

At the very least, they are overcome with hatred for those who do not agree with them... so much so that they are willing to endanger the lives of others in their cult-like zeal.
In the name of open and honest government, it is imperative that priviledges granted to individuals by the state in the form of licenses be public information. Otherwise, there is no way to know whether licenses are dispensed fairly, after requirements have been met, and without bias.

Is is not necessary to publish the names of CCW permit holders in Virginia to acheive the goals of "open government" (whatever that means this week) or to ensure that permitting is being accomplished in a fair manner in accordance with the law.

Virginia is a shall issue state. The jurisdiction where the application is made must show a compelling reason for denial of a permit and the permit must be granted within a specific time period (45 days). Any Virginia resident who is denied a permit has automatic recourse to the Virginia courts. There is no need to publish a list of CCW holders to ensure that due process is being followed.

In California, where permitting is at the descretion of the local chief law enforcement officer you might have a point.
I can not see how the list is putting you into danger. If anything I would believe the list is going to tell the BG who they should not mess with as your probably armed and ready to defend yourself.

VA CCW permit records until recent years carried the permit holders Social Security Number. Publication of the list of permit holders therefore carried a substantial risk of identity theft.

Publication of the list also tips criminals off as to where a home containing firearms might be burglarized.

All of this has a chilling effect on the exercise of the right to keep and bear arms. It is just as bad as making public a list of how everyones votes. Such a list would have a chilling effect on voting rights.
this is another lefty idea to get back at people for having freedom. they dont want you to have any rights. they want you to be dependant on the government. remember it is that time of year so be careful when you vote.
Copied from their website.

The Roanoke Times is making a big mistake here. It's the right of Virginia citizens to have that information-- if you sent your kids to a friend's house, wouldn't you want to know whether their parents had a CCW permit or not? By listening to an obnoxious minority of gun guys and folding on their First Amendment privileges, they've endangered Virginians who want to know whether or not there's a CCW permitholder living on their street.

These guys are so far left of reality it is amazing. I love how they pander to fear of non gun owners (endgandering Virginians who want to know if there is a CCW holder living on their street) and attempt to demonize pro gunners (obnoxious minority of gun guys).

If you can't get your point across in an intelligent, thoughtful manner, resort to fear and insults. Nice job Gun Guys!