You've all heard of "the gun guys" I assume


New member
This may be old, but I just heard of it, and it ticks me off.

Supposedly they posted a link with the addresses of PRIVATE CITIZENS who own firearms. "ticks me off" is really an understatement, they put people's lives at risk. Just apply some common sense to that, and think...

I wonder if that link is still up, but I hope it was ordered by law to be taken down. These subhuman scum risk other people's lives DIRECTLY for their ideals!

I think they should be imprisoned for a while!
These subhuman scum risk other people's lives DIRECTLY for their ideals!

I think they should be imprisoned for a while!

While I agree it sucks, I doubt imprisonment is a valid punishment. I believe a law to privacy should be passed (where it doesn't already exist); prohibiting publishing personal gun ownership information, as well as prohibiting the issuing authorities from issuing the information to the public or press.

The only other retort is to publish the addresses of NON-gun owners... A nice, full page ad in the local gazettes, like some places do to us, listing last names and physical addresses that have never shown up on a gun purchase form. Anyone else think that might drive the point home to them ? :D
i dont think there should be a list period. For the non-gun owners, that makes them a target for crime just as much as a posted gun owner is at risk for theft.

I agree, this 'gun guys' list is a terrible idea, but what kind of punishment is iffy. imprisonment is a bit extreme, and how would you impose a fine? This is an invasion of privacy from my perspective. They dont list the addresses of homes with males in them, only sex offenders. we're being listed as a possible threat when most of us are trying to eliminate threat itself or the possibility. my two cents.
I don't mean to be contrary, but there is nothing wrong with publishing things that are part of the public record.

As gun owners, we have pushed long and hard for CCW licenses. We should have been pushing for the right to carry without a permit like Alaska and Vermont, but we didn't. Instead, we chose the easier goal of having the state grant us a license to exercise our right.

In the name of open and honest government, it is imperative that priviledges granted to individuals by the state in the form of licenses be public information. Otherwise, there is no way to know whether licenses are dispensed fairly, after requirements have been met, and without bias. For example, everyone, I am sure sees the need for medical licenses on physicians to be part of the public record. For different reasons, CCW permits need to be public record also, otherwise there is no way for an independent party to know that the state is following the law by granting licenses. If the list of CCW holders is not part of the public record, then how do you monitor your government to make sure the licenses are dispensed fairly and lawfully, and not at the whim of some minor bureaucrat.

Now, the fact that this information should be publicly available does not necessarily mean it is morally right for a newspaper to publish the list. That would be up to the editor. If he publishes such a list, though, he should be aware of the widespread disapproval such an action would have.
It would be impossible to compile a list of gun owners. Form 4473 is not part of the public record, unless it is called forth in an ATF audit or investigation.
I don't mean to be contrary, but there is nothing wrong with publishing things that are part of the public record.

In the name of open and honest government, it is imperative that priviledges granted to individuals by the state in the form of licenses be public information.

You're right, unregistered. Perhaps you wouldn't mind posting a copy of your driver's license. So I can open a credit ca- er... so I can let the state know if you really should be trusted to drive.
matter of public record

the issue of public records has always been a two edged sword. We seem to be in support of those records that when we want to know about someone. But always unhappy when we end upon one of the list.

It is the same kind of issue that deals with publishing a persons name when they are arrested. Friends of the accused instantly write how bad it was for the paper to publish the name in a story before the accused was convicted. Meanwhile the person who was the victim of the crime is glad everyone knows who might be the bad guy.

I can not see how the list is putting you into danger. If anything I would believe the list is going to tell the BG who they should not mess with as your probably armed and ready to defend yourself.
Or Who has goodies for the picking?

How would you feel if I posted a list of every ones address on the net. After all it is Public information?

How many kids you have, Public information?

How many cars you have , Public information?

Your ownership of properties, Public information?

I could fill a few pages of information that is public information. Do you really want people to know this stuff?

I have the Internet service and I bet with limited info on you I could find out things about you , you forgot about. Do you really wish someone to make it a bulletin board?
I live in what looks like SandFord and Sons, Yard. The moble home is delapidated, Two broken down trucks in the yard. Only the people I know , know what I have.
I like how they don't mind outing gun owners / CCW holders, but hide behind a private registration for their domain:


Domains by Proxy, Inc.

15111 N. Hayden Rd., Ste 160, PMB 353

Scottsdale, Arizona 85260

United States

Registered through:, Inc. (

Domain Name: GUNGUYS.COM

Created on: 16-Mar-01

Expires on: 16-Mar-09

Last Updated on: 16-Mar-08

Administrative Contact:

Private, Registration

Domains by Proxy, Inc.

15111 N. Hayden Rd., Ste 160, PMB 353

Scottsdale, Arizona 85260

United States

(480) 624-2599

Technical Contact:

Private, Registration

Domains by Proxy, Inc.

15111 N. Hayden Rd., Ste 160, PMB 353

Scottsdale, Arizona 85260

United States

(480) 624-2599

Domain servers in listed order:


Too bad I dunno how to quote (just got up, yikes!).

Anyway, it is very convenient that their porxy is located so close to me. It is also very convenient for the rest of you that I am a very convincing person.

Then again, perhaps I won't have to "convince" anybody. As I understand they are are linked to the joyce foundation...big surprise. But I think "magnum mike's" real name is mike karlan, or something like that. Just google "karlan" and "gunguys" together.
Good, now when I walk down the street people will say, "hey, there's that crazy guy with the gun, lets rob someone else"

But really, this is way out of line.
I'm on enough lists as it is. I think it is foolish to think nobody can find out if you have a permit if your state makes that information public. I really don't care who knows that I have a CPL. If they break into my house they are not going to find my gun unless I am home. And if I am home I guess it will suck to be them. That is just my opinion.
