Your worst "I forgot to bring______"

Well, my buddy forgot his rifle sling too, and had to walk around with a rope around his Remington 700. I guess I have to come up with something else.

Oh yeah! After a long day of hunting, and settling down to a monstrous steak dinner, I discovered my buddy forgot the damn butter for the baked potato:mad:
My dad and I once forgot the transport pole by which we hung our wild
boar. Luckily, a big bowie knife, a small hatchet and spare rope made
up for that deficiency so carried home that 160 lbs boar.

So far, when I go hunting, I pack accordingly to the TO&E the evening
Forgot the magazine to my new CZ 75B when i went to the range to test it out.Was very tempted to load one at a time then drop the slide but heard its bad on slide.Had to just sit there.....looking at it.You only do things like this once after driving nearly 70 miles to go shooting!!!!!! :o

After a long trip to a dove hunt, I found I'd brought the wrong shotgun! I'd put my old Remington 11-48 16-ga in the wrong case and had it instead of my 12-ga. 1100. NO ONE on the hunt had any 16-ga. shells. Luckily, I was still carrying a 12-ga. riot gun in my car in those days, so I whittled a plug for it, and still got some birds.

I've made other errors since, but not THAT particular mistake.

I forgot to bring allergy medicine. By nine o'clock my nose was completely stopped up. I still came home with a doe, though.
A screwdriver! Dern if those peky screws on the scope don't always come loose when your carrying a Jim Bowie instead of a pocket knife:mad: ruined an excellent squirrel trip.

Also at the range the other day, extractor on my 22WMR came off a piece of brass and would not re-engage, thus brass stuck in chamber. No cleaning rod to shove the brass out, cuz I was just loving having my bore-snake:rolleyes:

There is a legend in our elk camp about I guy. (I've met him and I believe it) who forgot his knife. He discovered it at the bottom of the canyon after he dropped a bull. He gutted the elk with the lid to his can of pudding.

My hunting license....several times. That was when we were required to wear them on our backs. As the weather, or type of hunt changed, so did my attire. It's six AM.....ooops, where the heck is that thing??!!

I also forgot my knife one day. I decided to take a pass on any shots rather then telling my buddy that I forgot it, or God forbid, asking to borrow his. Luckily (?) didn't see anything that day.
Personally, I very seldom forget anything when I go hunting. I always make check off lists days before the trip. However on one trip way back around '87 or '88, my buddy and I were going for a weekend deer hunt, by boat. Back then we weren't as well set up as we are now, but we were determined. We made a list and split the responsibilities. It was his job to supply the tent; no problem, since he was in the National Guard, he was going to get one of those pup tents which are two halves which snap together. (Yes, really, two men, a weekend trip, in December in south La., and all we had was a pup tent. I tell you, we were desperate back then.) When we arrived at the campsite, in the middle of the night, in the rain, after a 1 1/2 hour drive and a 1 hour boat ride, we only had one half of the tent. I was furious.(and wet) But, being the McGuyver types we are, we made the other half of the tent out of an army poncho, and managed to get a couple of hours sleep that first night. Mind you, not very comfortable sleep, as all of our gear which could not get wet was in there with us. The next day, after the morning hunt, when I could look around the public campsite in the daylight, it was obvious that we were the laughing stock of the campground. There were around 10-12 other groups in the camp (30-40 people total) and all had better boats, tents, equipment, etc. than we did. I'll shorten this long story and just tell you that at the end of the weekend, they weren't laughing anymore. My friend and I each had a deer hanging, and one other group of about six people had two deer hanging. All others had scratched. (our scouting the previous weekend had paid off)