Your worst "I forgot to bring______"


New member
Just to get the ball rolling...last night i went up in the woods, trying to call some Coon....brought the old J.S.Caller and tape, by same, of Coon Fight, a spotlight, my Howa .223, and a box of 55 gr. S.P.............well, I get to where I want to call and start the tape and run and get set....Nothing!....not nothing came(tho' that's correct as well).........but nothing, as in NO NOISE!! In my haste to get gone before Her original decision changed, I forgot to check the Battery in the Caller!!!..........To add insult to injury, I had also decided not to bring the old Tally-Ho for there I was sitting out in the woods with no way to call what I knew was So close....
Anyhow, if you've Ever had a good(bad) FORGOT-story....let us hear it!!!
Last time I hunted with a certain guy (last in every sense of the word) he showed up late, tromped through the woods and got put on a stand.

Fifteen minutes later he comes tromping back through. He left the bolt to his rifle in the gun case.:mad:

I went bowhunting with a friend and forgot my facemask. No problem, I thought, I'll just smear some mud on my face to cover up the glare. Of course, 5 minutes after I do this the sky opens up. Seven minutes later the mud has run from my forehead into my eyes, and I am using my bow as sort of a cane to make sure I don't hit a tree, trying to follow the sound of my friend ahead of me. It is a good thing we got to the stand early, because it took 45 minutes for me to get all the crud out of my eyes. Took the biggest buck of my life that day, though... :D
Not as bad as me driving 6 hours to the hunting lodge and had everything cept .........

bolt for my rifle AT HOME :o
I'm pretty good about remembering all my stuff. Up here, most hunts are in fly-in affairs and if you forgot something you are hosed!
I've learned to be somewhat of a prick when it comes to this. If somebody forgot something and they are counting on me to supply the deficiency... they're out of luck. If I have "extra's" of something, well maybe - but generally people forget some pretty bizarre things. On one trip somebody forgot their frame pack and I ended up partnering with him for the day. He shot the first deer and then had the unmitigated gall to expect me to surrender my pack (basically give up my hunt for that day) so he could tote his meat several miles down the mountain back to camp. Not likely! I'm sure the 4 or 5 hours of dragging that buck through alder jungles and up and down steep inclines was a good character building exercise that made him a better and stronger man - you'd think he'd be grateful...
Another time some idjit forgot his sleeping bag! Can you imagine? You've just been dropped off in the middle of Kodiak Island in November, the plane isn't due back for a week and you forgot your bag?
This is almost Darwinian! The other three guys had enough space blankets and a spare tarp to keep the guy alive but none of us would spend the week "cuddling" with him in our bags and he just thought we were all bastards because of that.... I don't know.
The most common forgotten item is the good old knife. I buy good quality and after having a couple of loaned knives lost and then "replaced" with K Mart junk - "Gee, sorry about forgetting your hand-forged knife on that log six miles back in the swamp, but here's a nice replacement that has a $2 compass stuck in the plastic handle!" I don't loan stuff any more unless I'm standing right there with my hand out to get it back.

OK, rant mode "Off".
Well the worst thing i have ever forgot was my ammo box i get to the state land where i shoot and i get all set up then i go to load my rifle and i dotn have any ammo. No big deal i just had to pack everything up again and go back to get it, I guess that was pretty stuppid but its only a 3 mile drive.
I have two knives (neither of which are available for loan... :D ). One is a little caping knife called a "cub-bear" by Knives of Alaska and the other is an old skinner made from a car spring and with an ivory handle that I bought from a native in Nome - it's very old and I like it for that reason among others. Both of these are small enough to be useful (no Bowie knives for me, thanks!) and excellent tools.

This is the second "Knives of Alaska" knife I've had to buy and at about $100 a pop I hope it's the last. They have a website somewhere that details all the work going into their blades - I'll just say this last one has gone through a half-dozen deer and a caribou and hasn't needed sharpening yet.
Got all the way to my treestand, got up in it, then realized I forgot my release. Sat there all morning with my bow across my lap praying that I WOULDNT see anything.
A partial list:
Release for bow
Hunting license
22 Rifle when squirell hunting
Caps for muzzleloader (got the deer that trip too:) )

And I am kind of like Zorro. Rather than take one knife and sharpening stuff, I'll carry enough knives for the trip.
I've been hunting for many years, and long ago started making lists of things I should always bring, depending on what kind of hunt I would be going on. So, I always "check off" stuff, as I pack it. Also, over the years, I've taken to handing my "lists" out to my hunting buddies, so they'll have the things they need. I'd become rather proud of never forgetting anything. Of course, pride runneth before the fall, so says Mr. Murphy.

In 1998, due to a very hectic situation at the time, I was extremely rushed packing for my elk hunt. Got to camp and looked in my hard case and had forgot my rifle sling. I made one from a piece of canas strap, para cord and duct tape, but it wasn't nearly as good as my regualr sling. Looked through the scope on my .338, and the horizontal crosshair was broken! (It was not broekn a few days before, at the range. Wha' hoppin'?? I don't know.)And, I had not brought a backup rifle this trip, due to the rush.

Thirty years ago, on a deer hunt in the central Sierra of Kalif., my buddy forgot ammo for his rifle... a Savage 99 .250-3000. Anyone tried to find .250-3000 at hardware stores in tiny towns in the boonies??

Lesson learned, no matter what, Mr. Murphy is always with you.

One trip I got about 5 miles from the house and remembered I had forgot the ammo.

Another trip I forgot the magazine to the rifle. Not so bad, just makes loading a pain.
October 1997...

I didn't forget to bring it. I didn't forget to bring it. I actually planned to bring this other rifle - Yeah - that's the ticket!!

Ok I kinda forget to bring it (my elk rifle - cough cough). I actually grabbed the wrong rifle outa the safe - and it was almost the same caliber (25-06 instead of 30-06). And I did take an elk with it - after a 60 mile roundtrip into the nearest town to get ammo (as opposed to a 500 mile roundtrip back to home).

Now every year when I pull into camp, all my hunting buddies gather round my truck, to see if I brought the right rifle or the right ammo for the rifle I have with me. I still try to explain that I was just proving that a 25-06 was adequate to use on elk - Yeah - that's the ticket!!


PS - I always remember the sour cream for the Friday night fajita fest!
Bud o' mine didn't forget anything - well, forgot to take the keys outa his truck before locking/closing the door. Oops!

Opening day for elk, still o'dark-thirty, I'm all set & shufflin' back 'n forth wonderin' what's taking him so long. He was deciding which (cheapest) window to break on his 3 week old truck.

Ended up standing the truck bed with an ax & busted out the rear window .... ouch!
1995 went on an almost all day trip looking for birds. Got lost, found out where we were and the state had just closed the land for hunts two days previous. :rolleyes:

Forgot to check if the fields were still in use before draging myself and two dear friends on a really lame trip.

I'm a sunny Florida boy. Went to Alabama on a bow hunt in late november, it got down into the low 20's. Plenty cold for me!

Half way to the stand, I realized that my nice, comfy, VERY warm hat was still in the trailer! I made everybody turn back 'cause I wasn't gonna freeze my ears off! I've never heard the end of it, since.

I packed up everything and then some and headed over to my cousins to go hunting loaded everthing into his truck and he says where is you gun? :eek: :o Be right back!
