Your vehicle's path is blocked by stranger. What would you do?

Your vehicle's path is blocked by a stranger flagging you down. What would you do?

  • Run him down!

    Votes: 7 8.6%
  • Back up, drive around, or "gently" push him out of the way.

    Votes: 18 22.2%
  • See what he wants, (concealed weapon drawn).

    Votes: 10 12.3%
  • See what he wants, (firing grip) concealed weapon holstered.

    Votes: 26 32.1%
  • See what he wants, don't touch concealed weapon until you see undeniable threat.

    Votes: 20 24.7%

  • Total voters
I would/have:

1. Back up car while looking all around;
3. Roll down window in a tactical manner, of course;
4. Give in the command voice "Hi, what's wrong?" or "Hola, que pasa, amigo."
5. Decide what to do then. It may be leave, it may be "no se mueva!" Depends. Once it was throw frags and deploy HK54 the other time it was call for a tow truck (easy to get those situations mixed up--I have same problem Steve does).
Did this make the national news?

"Two teen-agers were arrested yesterday in what police described as the senseless killing of 19-year-old Jocelyn S. Stanley, who was shot to death on a North Richmond street Wednesday as she was driving two of her boyfriend's children home from school."

It's been a few weeks and I can't get the entire article from the Times-Dispatch's archive, but she took a wrong turn in broad daylight and found two punks standing in the middle of a residential street. They shot her when she stopped and didn't even rob her. Tips from the neighbors led to their arrest.

Whatever my response to a similar situation would have been before, it's much, much different now.

Years ago a friend of mine told me a story about his wife driving through a less than desirable part of Philadelphia. She came upon a young man laying in the street, completely motionless. She slowed down with the intention of stopping to see if he was OK. But at the last second she saw, out of the corner of her eye, a couple of young men rushing at her minivan from behind some parked cars. She gunned the engine and took off. The man lying in the road jumped up and out of the way to avoid being run over.

It would all depend on where I was. If its the inner-city, he'd better get out of my way.:D
I'm single, so I have no family to worry about. I'd probably roll down the window and see what's up. I'd be in a position I can easily draw from, but I wouldn't draw -- if he's supsicious enough for me to draw on, I won't be picking him up.
Plenty of "ruse" scenarios here. I'll leave well enough alone.

On the other hand, suppose the stranger Your child lay in the brush, just beyond sight, mauled by a mountain lion and bleeding profusely. You need an ambulance---ASAP!!!

Now let other people take the poll.
On a separate note, isn't failure to render aid or assistance a crime in some parts?

Hope I don't stop for one of those goons in "The Howling" ;)
Rickmeister, I believe you are correct.

You are the first person to reach the scene of a serious traffic accident. All victims are seriously hurt. I believe it is illegal to just leave this scene. Personally, I believe it is immoral too.

However, if a person just tries to stop you and you have no reason to believe there IS a problem, I *THINK* you'd be OK to leave. (Might want to call police and explain what happened. I'd hope that calling police would be adequate here.)

Of course, someone could always fake an accident (like the earlier post) and draw you in. Gotta be careful and assess the situation. If I see a man lying down in the street... best thing might be to stay close (keep any other cars from hitting him), watch carefully all around you and call police or ambulance. I'd probably stay inside the car. -Not sure what I could do if I got out.
Okay - I live in a major urban area. I'd stop, crack a window, and ask if the guy wants me to call for help. Cell phone is ready. If I see a weapon, the car's in gear. Hard to hit a moving target folks... If he sticks hands in window, there's the CRKT Crawford Kasper that has regular dates with a crock stick...
There's nothing wrong with ...

... being a Good Samaritan and seeing what the guy wants.

There's also nothing wrong with having your hand on your concealed weapon, in case the guy suddenly becomes something other than what he appears to be.

Things - and people - are not always what they seem, and ruses can deceive the unwary. That's why BG use them.

Be helpful if possible, but evaluate the situation and use caution and common sense.

I grew up in the rural West; we automatically stopped for broken down cars and I still do. I usually have my 4 D cell Maglite in my hand when I open the door and a firearm concealed but within easy reach.

There's a fine line between being cautious and being paranoid. I keep my eyes open and I don't let fear of criminal attack govern my life, although I try to be ready to deal with it if it comes. There are bigger issues in life, such as living by the Golden Rule (do unto others as you would have them do unto you) that I am not willing to relinquish to a fear of "what if..."

Sorry, didn't start out as a rant.
Car Jacking never really caught on in Nashville-But I do live in the Hood so I am on High Alert I would try to pull along side the person and put the Jeep in reverse and turn the wheels in a manner to perform a "sweep" if worse comes to worse.
There are too many unanswered variable here for me.

Is it day or night?
How far away is he when he "jumps out from nowhere"?
Are you in a good or bad part of town?
Does the person "look like a threat"?
Can you see his hands?

I know you aren't supposed to "judge a book by its cover" but if you are honest with yourself, his looks will play an important role in how you and I will react.

I would have my weapon out of holster, but concealed under my leg, etc and see what his problem is, hopefully from a distance with the window cracked.
On a separate note, isn't failure to render aid or assistance a crime in some parts?

Failure to stop and render aid, (In Texas anyway) is a punishment meant for someone who does a "hit and run" type crime.
You are not LEGALLY required to stop and aide anyone, however MORALLY I would hope we all would help someone in need.

I believe there is a maritime law (Coast Guard?) that requires you to assist a stranded boater (either by direct action or calling for help on your VHF radio)
I'd see if they needed help. Depends on how they looked and where we was at if I had my hand on my gun below viewing level.

I've been on both sides of this senario. Helped people and given rides, and needing help. The most memorable one was when I ran out of gas and started walking...around the first curve theres a county Sheriff, parked and writing. I mosey up to his window and say, 'scuse me sir', well he was condition white and almost jumped out of his skin. Kind of a tense moment. He was so shook up he was too embarrassed (?) to ride me to the gas station, just took off...:rolleyes: Oh well, keep walkin'...
I have, in the past, just stopped and helped if I could. Many times I have driven a guy or couple to get help for their car. Today, I am a bit more circumspect. I live in an area where I am in the minority, Miami. I don't speak Spanish, and over 70% of those that live here do. This restricts me now, in any effort to help anyone.
a few years ago I hit a deer, broke its back, but those front legs were a kicking, no gun or baseball bat, so this couple come along and I TRY to wave them down ! had flashlight at deer, they speed up, and ba bamb, they squash that deer and lose their exshaust
system, they slam on brakes and screaming they ran some one over, no I say, but you could help get this mess off road,good to
at least slow down and check out WHY someone is trying to wave you down.:D