Your thoughts on Sarah Palin on TOP of the ticket...?

Palin or McCain: who would make a better president?

  • McCain

    Votes: 37 33.9%
  • Palin

    Votes: 72 66.1%

  • Total voters
Palin was a great choice for McCain's VP, but she won't win the election for him.
I'd really like to see her, or someone like her, as POTUS, but it won't happen this go-round.
Once the MSM gets their collective feet back under them, they will start spinning the (tempest in a teapot) ethics charges that were leveled against her, and her perceived lack of experience, into huge negatives, and the initial excitement will be gone.
BHO is the MSM's candidate, they will not let him lose.
McCain might get a bounce of a few points over the next week or so, but it will dissipate and settle back into a 5-6 point lead for BHO that will carry him through the election.
BHO is the MSM's candidate, they will not let him lose.

Your faith in the MSM is a little creepy. How did they "let" Gore and Kerry lose? They're much better at tearing down (e.g. Bush) than they are at building up.

It's early September. The Dems have had their convention. Probably didn't convert anybody outside the choir. We don't know what their bounce was going to be, but McCain just knocked it flat.

Now the Republicans will have their convention. Their bounce may be impressive. Actual human beings will like Sarah Palin. The Libs feel they own the concept of being female so they'll perceive Palin as a traitor and a "female impersonator." Their antics over the next two months should show their sick minds to the world.

If Palin can stay on her feet in a debate with Joseph Biden (can't pull an Admiral Stockdale), she should look like 10 trillion bucks by November.
How can so many applaud and adore Barrack??
It's a good question, but OT for this thread about President Palin.

President Palin. Hmmm.... I'm not so sure about her, but somehow I still like it better than President McCain, President Obama, or President Biden. Ewww, yuck. Whose sigline was this: Where are we going, and what are we doing in this handbasket?
people have reservations about mcain, a man with 26 years of political experience. a man that has taken so many different positions on the same subject he could write the kama sutra of politics. and you want to ask if a woman who was a part time mayor of a town of less than 10,000 less than 2 years ago would be a better president? a woman who when asked about the iraq war said she never gave it much thought? a governor of a state with a total population less than a single medium sized city?
McCain & Palin 2008!!

I think this is the best thing the Republican party has done in years!! No, I didn't know who she was and I'm still learning. But she appears to be charismatic and well versed and that is what the Republicans haven't had in years!! Obama isn't saying anything, but he is charismatic and he is playing on the people emotions that are having difficult economic times. Did you people listen to Obamas speach? Did you jump out of your skin when he mentioned banning AK-47's?? You all better listen and you better get behind McCain & Palin!!
She actually has more political experience than Obama, who has a verified 134 days' experience. It's a pretty safe bet who Putin is rooting for...

IMHO McCain was savvy by selecting her.
The importance of prior experience in conventional government positions is vastly overrated. Lifelong government wonks like Don Rumsfeld, Colin Powell, Paul Wolfowitz, et al, spawned the Iraq fiasco. Could we do worse? Palin seems level headed, not reluctant to challenge conventional wisdom. Its really a roll of the dice, if she'll be successful.

For someone only a skin lesion away from the presidency, this will be an interesting one to watch. "Maverick" McCain strikes again! :p
It's a pretty safe bet who Putin is rooting for...

And why would Putin be pro Obama? Do you think Putin wants a nuclear confrontation? He is fully prepared to do so if necessary as he bluntly stated in the Republic of Georgia fiasco recently [Namely, "re-arming Georgia will be taken as an open declaration of war."]. McCain is still barking at Russia which is interminably stupid. Russia should be our ally and Zbigniew Brzezinski's "Grand Chessboard" ideology, Samuel P. Huntington's "Clash of Civilization" and Halford Mackinder's "Heartland Theory" will lead to DIRECT CONFLICT with the "unaligned" nations (i.e., Russia, China, et als).

We all need to expand our horizons from time to time (myself included). You may wish to familiarize yourself with these Mattoids and their ideologies. Hint: the current administration's philosophy is an amalgamation of these fools. THIS *MUST* change.
Your faith in the MSM is a little creepy. How did they "let" Gore and Kerry lose? They're much better at tearing down (e.g. Bush) than they are at building up.

Not creepy at all, just realistic (and perhaps somewhat cynical). It's not so much they "let" Gore and Kerry lose. (And remember, they came within a whisker of winning.) The MSM has far more invested in Obama than they did in Gore/Kerry. They are out to make history this time. The first Black President.
And, the MSM these days is more about being part of history, shaping policy, and driving the direction of the country, than they are about journalism. The last vestiges of journalism being the raison d'etre of the MSM died some time back.
And why would Putin be pro Obama?

Come on Chui, your smarter than that, if you try real hard, you can probably think of a reason or two.

I'll start you off,---BO has all but said, that he is an appeaser, that we need to sit down and talk and get all warm and fuzzy with all these terrorists.
I have NO DOUBT that many of these countries that hate America ARE routing for BO.
The VERY LAST thing Putin wants to see is America elect a strong president and VP----He would rather have someone like Bill Clinton in office that lets some things slide and negotiates while plans are made and set in motion.

Ask Israel how that appeasement stuff works---they negotiated with terrorists, gave land away and STILL the rockets flew and people died.

Yep I'd rather have a fast talking socialist appeaser in office if I were them rather than a no nonsense though hard core American.

I'll join with others in having Palin run for prez and McCain serving in some insiginficant cabinet post. How does the Post Office sound?
I think Palin would make a fabulous member of the House of Representatives. There's no way in the world that she belongs on a presidential ticket and especially on one with a 72 year old man at the top of it.
I'll join with others in having Palin run for prez and McCain serving in some insiginficant cabinet post. How does the Post Office sound?

Sounds good to me. I think after he's appointed the position, Palin could defund the PO and allow it to be privatized.:D

Are there TFL members that would vote for Obama?

Yes, unfortunately, there are. I bet this would make an interesting separate thread....
Moderator Note

Deleted a couple of posts.

Gentlemen, I'd like to draw your attention back to TFL's forum rules for a moment. This one, in particular:
2) Language that would be inappropriate in the polite company of strangers is quite unwelcome here.

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This means that jokes which would be entirely appropriate in a group of guys standing face to face, really have no place here.

Although any one of these little jokes is relatively minor, the cumulative effect on the board culture can become huge.

So next time, please think twice, post once. If you wouldn't say it in front of someone else's young daughter, someone's wife, someone's grandmother -- whom you don't know well -- don't say it here.

In short: please remember that TFL is NOT the men's locker room.


Mrs. Palin needs more experience in military and foreign relations issues as well as a few years training in the mechanics of Washington D.C. She'll make a great vice president and Mr. McCain will make a great tutor so that when she's elected president in 2012 or 2016 she'll make a great president.
Presidents have assistants to help with foreign affairs and military matters. I think a down to earth common type person with little DC experience would be a step in the right direction. None of the other 3 have any experience, for the most part, in leading the military or foreign affairs. None of the 3 others have as much executive political leadership as Palin...