Your thoughts on Sarah Palin on TOP of the ticket...?

Palin or McCain: who would make a better president?

  • McCain

    Votes: 37 33.9%
  • Palin

    Votes: 72 66.1%

  • Total voters


New member
Assuming there was a guarantee from God himself that Republicans would win the 2008 election, I was wondering how many of you guys would rather see Palin on the top of the ticket instead of McCain and what your reasons are one way or the other.
hah wow - I was just thinking of this as I'm reviewing some vid clips and reading up. I'm very impressed so far by Palin - very exciting.
Don't buy before you do your research. That's how the Dems ended up with Obama.

After four years as Vice President, we'll probably know more about her. She may do nicely. Time will tell.
Mrs. Palin needs more experience in military and foreign relations issues as well as a few years training in the mechanics of Washington D.C. She'll make a great vice president and Mr. McCain will make a great tutor so that when she's elected president in 2012 or 2016 she'll make a great president. :D

Right now she's still pretty inexperienced, though not so much as the Democratic candidate.
Gov. Palin is a great American and up until today I was a NObama voter, now I will be voting for McCain :)
The Only One

Of the three folks running she has the most executive experience. In fact, the other three have a grand combined total of zero executive experience.
lol, saw this on another site, and thought you guys would get a kick out of it...


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people have reservations about mcain, a man with 26 years of political experience. a man that has taken so many different positions on the same subject he could write the kama sutra of politics. and you want to ask if a woman who was a part time mayor of a town of less than 10,000 less than 2 years ago would be a better president? a woman who when asked about the iraq war said she never gave it much thought? a governor of a state with a total population less than a single medium sized city? why not just skip elections altogether and just make the presidency a contract job and give it to blackwater?
Neither. I have a feeling picking her will haunt McCain. I don't know how but it just seems to me she is going to sink his ship. I do have respect for Palin for raising a her family while succeeding in her career, and for taking on the corrupt Republican party in Alaska. But, like all politicians once she gets to Washington she will be singing a different tune.
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I was going to vote Republican anyway, but this morning when I heard the news about who McCain had picked, I got pretty excited. I'd seen Gov. Palin on FOX news awhile back where she talked about her state's energy policies and I was impressed with her. She is the only person in the political arena right now that I feel shares my views. Her speech this morning blew me away, gave me hope that we can fight and win against this Obama character.
NRA life member
smokin hot
What more could any red blooded American ask for?
Palin is an outstanding conservative Republican. She has actual experience with the executive branch of the government, running an administration, and working with the legislature. McCain made an excellent choice.
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I think she is not the best choice but she is a good choice. She is a weak candidate in the experience zone, but she has had so far good reps as a gov of a state that is often run as a socialist state on the politics side. Lots of fed and state entitlements and programs fund most of the states businesses.

I think there are a few other people he could have tabbed who would have built him a stronger case, but this is not a bad choice, and she will tie Biden in knots.

To the most serious point, is she a heart beat away from being ready to be Pres. no. and that bothers me. While Biden is an a hole, and the thought of his title being "Mr President' makes me gag, I do believe his background would let him handle the pressures better. That said, if he was to be sworn in, I would have to start diggin holes and burying stuff.

I think Christine Todd Whitman, former Gov of NJ and JaneDee Hull of Az both would have been stronger choices, with stronger national presences.

I think Whitmans current role in the Energy business may have caused them to bypass her.

I think karen Hughs would have been a terrific and un conventional pick. While never having been elected herself, her skills at electing others and then advising them well would be a HUGE plus side to the McCain camp.

There are several other unconventional choices as well, but I think Condi Rice would have killed the Obama black and reparation-minded white liberal vote advantage.
"Most of us never heard of her before can you honestly answer the poll?"

A few TFL members bring her up with fair regularity. wildalaska has been particularly keen on keeping interested parties up to date on her. I remember discussing with my Dad about some of the things Wild related quite a few months ago.

"There are several other unconventional choices as well, but I think Condi Rice would have killed the Obama black and reparation-minded white liberal vote advantage."

Condi's going to have to wait 8-12 years for the stink of the current administration to dissipate. A McCain/Rice ticket would have driven the moderates and independants straight into Obama's arms.

Palin wouldn't fly as the main event for this election, but she's in a good position for VP I think. McCain could use her to indicate a return to sanity regarding the constitution and cleaning up a lot of the recent indiscretions. McCain would probably be a one-term president if elected and she could put herself into a position to run for the top slot in four years I think, especially if she avoids legislating morality and sticks with cleaning and tuning up government.
I have been watching her since WildAlaska mentioned her back in February. I was going to leave the Presidential portion of the ballot blank because I did not like McCain or Obama.

McCain/Palin is a ticket I will vote for. I don't know about the rest of America, but McCain just got two more votes- mine and the Missus.