Your suggestions for response to "I'm not a Bambi-killer".

Not exactly on topic, but last week I heard Bill Maher interviewed on NPR. When asked if he'd changed his opinion on any subjects while doing PI he said sure and used hunting as an example. He said after talking to several hunters he realized they were usually much more informed and concerned about environmental issues than their critics and certainly had a point about preferring non-processed, crap-free food.
OH this is TERRIBLE! :( We just thawed out the last of last year's Bambie this weekend for barbecue. It was so sad. Just enough left for a couple of sandwiches next week. :( :(

Will opening weekend NEVER come??? :confused:
"Certainly entitled to your opinion -- however YOU just finished off Charlie the tuna for lunch, and you said you and the Mrs. were haveing Elsie the cow tonight on the grill. Still planning on Tom and Porky for Thanksgiving?"
I have a very simple reason for being a hunter and scorning vegetarians. I'm allergic to soybeans. :D
It's always fun to condescend towards vegetarians and vegans who tout their "wonder foods" when the very manipulation of those foods for their increasing demand has made me allergic to them.
"Oh, I don't eat tofu. It would kill me. Would you care for some fresh wild turkey?"
I don't even discuss hunting with people who are not like minded. I don't need the frustrations.

At one time, I used the argument of "harvesting" game for table fair and to help in maintaining management objectives. However, I haven't eaten wild game in years, although I do have it processed and I give it to folks who are less fortunate than I am.

I am one of the few hunters who will freely admit that I hunt trophy big game animals purely for sport. I am not looking for Bambi...I am looking for Bambi's grandpa. When I find him I will shoot him under fair chase conditions, have his head mounted, and apologize to no one. If I can't find him, I might or I might not shoot a lesser animal to give away to a needy person. Try explaining that to the anti-hunter coalition.
First of all, I think it is very generous of you to offer to take some one hunting. Has anyone ever said yes?

My response to the "Bambi" comments depends on what the other person meant. Some people mean it as a joke or just are not interested in hunting. They eat meat, but just don't want to be involved in the harvesting. I have been to a slaughter house and didn't really enjoy it, but I will still eat beef.

If the other person is attempting to say that no one should be able to hunt, I usually go into more of a discussion on the environmental/management aspects. I honeslty have not run into too many of these people.
Them "I'm not a Bambi killer!"
Me "I don't want Bambi. He ain't worth dragging out. I want to kill Bambi's dad - the oldest and wisest in the forest!"
Just look them in the eyes and say:

"You DO! Know that Bambi is a cartoon, and that it is fictional? You do UNDERSTAND that don't you?"

"You know a children's film from 1942?"

Then when they get that deer in the headlights look, whack them with a newspaper!



:D :D

I Love being Evil............ ;)
You could always try the old staple...

YOU: "Did you ever see the movie "Watership Down", about those rabbits? You know, the one with that cute Art Garfunkel tune "Bright Eyes"?"

THEM: "Er... yes, I did..."

YOU: "Did you ever read the book by Richard Adams on which the film was based?"

THEM: Either "Er... yes, I did..." OR "Er... no, I didn't..."

YOU: "Well, if you have (or haven't) seen the movie and read the book, why not eat the cast?"

Guaranteed to turn any liberal Bambi-hugger into a mouth-foaming lunatic! :D
For me, I don't feel the need to defend myself at all. It took me many years of being put on the defensive by other people about many subjects before I realized that I didn't really care what they think about it. If I asked someone if they would like to hunt with me and they came back with a personal attack, I would probably just say something like; Ok, I was just trying to be polite and ask if you would like to go. From that point on, I would avoid that person like the plague.

Depending on who it is, I also think Zorro's comment is a good one. I have thought along the same line. Instead of being on the defensive, you turn the tables and put them on the defensive by implying that they don't have a grasp of reality.

My original post was not at all about me being on the defensive. It was about reacting to the tacky behavior of others without being tacky. I make no apologies to such people for being a hunter or shooter.

Thanks for all the replies. You all had some great responses.
Until very recently in Wisconsin, most deer hunters ate the proceeds---then came Chronic Wasting Disease. Suddenly, the hunters aren't so interested in the food aspect.

Be that as it may, we also have a 'no-predator/mild winter/lotsa food here' problem. My response would be along the lines of:

"Which death would you prefer for the deer? starvation? slow death from broken ribs in a collision with a car? or a single .30-06 through the heart?"

May not persuade someone to go hunting with you, but there's really no good response.

The ones who fight on eventually have to hold the argument that the deer (who actually eat everyting green in sight in your yard, are better left uncontrolled. This also means that their deer ticks (and THAT disease) are left around for our children to pick up while playing in the woods.

If they really believe that , then there's no hope.
I actually sell a bumper sticker that says "Water ship Down: You've read the book. You've seen the movie. Now, EAT THE STEW!" :D

I'm working on one that says, "Four out of five carnivores prefer vegetarians for lunch."

Oh, I could go on.

Did Unka Walt actually hunt??? I wouldn't believe it from that proto-PC piece of $#!+ "Bambi."
Good, simple responses...

You can try this one, if the person has a sense of humor:

"I'm not going to shoot Bambi, just his evil uncle"

For most others:

"Are you a vegetarian? No? Well, where do you think your food comes from?"

For vegetarians:

"Oh you are a vegetarian? That's commendable, but you do realize that when land is cultivated to grow your food, the habitat is altered, wildlife loses its food, and dies anyway?"

For vegetarians with a sense of humor:

"Plants are living things too, how do you know they don't feel pain when they're uprooted and devoured?"

And, one I just heard last night, in the excellent movie My Big Fat Greek Wedding:

"Oh he's a vegetarian? That's o.k., I'll make lamb!"

Your suggestions for response to "I'm not a Bambi-killer".

BTDT! This is more or less a quote...

"Bambi is a cartoon, not a documentary. Get the facts before you make a fool out of yourself again."
"You cook your meat before you eat it, don't you?
Well, I kill the deer before it gets EATEN ALIVE or starves to death.
It's called Game Management and Conservation.
Hungry?" :p
How would I reply?
"Bambi killer?..Well...H#ll yes, I've killed just about everything that walked or crawled on the face of the earth, at one time or another!"
"I've killed and eaten Bambi's daddy, mommy, borthers, sisters, relatives, and all his friends. Bambi is next!"