Your suggestions for response to "I'm not a Bambi-killer".

super cub

New member
Over the years, casual conversations with friends and coworkers, male and female, have resulted in mentions of deer-hunting. In a spirit of hospitality, I have extended invitations to certain of these people to
come hunting with me. They may not realize it, but I have the opportunity to show them a very enjoyable hunting experience. Anyway, how does one properly reply to the above response to an invitation--"I'm not a Bambi-killer", yet remain a gentleman ? I usually just say, "neither am I", but I depart the conversation truly offended. Some of these people outrank me on the job, so I have to tread lightly. Is this "not a Bambi-killer" response something you all have also experienced? Just curious, and I will appreciate your opinions.
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"Oh! I'm sorry...I didn't realize that you were a vegetarian. Wait a minute -- wasn't that a ham sandwich I saw you eating yesterday?":eek:
My responses vary with the audience. For some, "I'm a natural-food freak." brings it all to a halt and forces a bit of re-thinking. I'll sometimes say, "I'm a do-it-yourselfer on my food; just like a gardener."

Or I'll ask how Bambi is more noble or of higher morality than a cow or other food animal.

Why is it wrong to enjoy acquiring food? I'd really like to know.

Again: Only the hunter and the gardener start from zero in providing their own food. All others merely hire somebody else to do the scutwork for them, but the scutwork is always done before eating--else you don't eat.

I note that we had a pair of murder trials in Texas, involving a hired killer. The one who did the hiring got a stiffer sentence than the one who did the killing. Moral comparisons? Hmmm? :D

most of us have gone through it,it's not a matter of being a bamby killer,would they like to see them starve to death in the middle of winter because theres nothing for them to eat,your supervisors will allways try to imtimedate you if they know they can get away with it.
"Oh, you hire someone else to do your killing for you?"

"Not just Bambi, I killed his sister and mom too."

"I Love the smell of grilled Bambi in the morning. It smells like....breakfast!"
If you're going to eat meat, isn't it kinder to let you meat roam wild and free until harvested, rather than eat something that has been raised in a pen?
Q: How did John James Audubon paint all those pictures of birds?

A: He shot them. He could then see exactly which feathers were what color. He could describe specific sizes.

Aldo Leopold was a hunter. SFAIK, John Muir hunted. Most naturalists were hunters.

Other: I'm not a Bambie killer.

Meek: Bambie? Oh, you mean like the cartoon? Right. (big smile) You ever wonder what kind of herbicides they put on your soybeans?

Other: Wait a second, I'm not a tofu eater. I just don't like the idea of killing little helpless wild animals. Thats why we raise cattle.

Meek: Right. So you don't mind steroids and growth hormones and antibiotics. You know a woman your age shouldn't be getting zits unless she's taking steroids. I wonder if you've been eating south american beef? Its probably got DDT in it too.

Other: DDT?

Meek: Deer eat nothing but wild foods, no additives at all. You really ought to try it, pure low fat high protein organically grown meat.
re: Audubon

Walt, I've read that Audubon was fond of a technique called "barking" the birds out of trees. One would load a musket with a wad and no ball, point it at the desired bird in tree/bush/ etc. and let the concussion do the rest. He would tie the disoriented birds feet to a board or branch and have an undamaged subject to work from. I have never seen this in practice but it does sound feasible.
In our area one could almost get away with a " your Lexus/BMW/Mercedes or my arrow/bullet, you decide". We are ridiculously overpopulated here due to a nasty combination of lack of hunters/predation, quite a few of corn/soy farmers and several very mild winters.
Lots of good advice. I'm for the non-confrontational approac, 90% of the time. Super Cub, if your at work and need discretion, Art's comments are super (as usual).

Frankly, if the person is strongly anti-hunting (or guns), you are both wasting your time and potentially motivating them to vote or get activated. I know one person who is a anti-hunter/anti-guns but dosen't vote. Good! I avoid any debates as I won't change their mind and I don't want them getting motivated to actually throw a lever.

If your boss is an anti, best to keep mum.

BTW, we're much more effective when we set the example than showing up in cammies to argue our point.
I just arch and eyebrow and say "Bambi?" with just a touch of superiority and sarcasm loaded into the word. It makes them have to explain thier comment and I know where they're coming from - much easier to correct, pick apart, or ignore - depending on thier position.
some good responses above.

"I am not a Bambi killer"
"Well then, if you prefer, we could go out for lunch and someone else will kill our meat for us."

instead of feeling offended yourself, just remember it is thier loss for not recognizing the favor you offer. And that not only is it OK to hunt but there is honor in being able to ethically harvest and prepare game for your family and friends.
one additional thought. maybe an invitation to a nice sit-down wildgame dinner would get them thinking a little differently about your invitation. Of course, give them fair notice of the dinner menu.
My family and friends are honored to be invited to our house for dinner where all the meat is wild. Heck, anybody can serve a butterball turkey or a glazed ham.
Specifically to Bambi comments


Good points so far, some a bit more pointed than others.

When I get the "Bambi" comment and I have time for a short discussion, I bring up the cartoon aspect of the film.

My opener usually goes along the lines of "You know that in the real world, Flower eats Thumper." And "Animals really don't talk to each other."

If that goes well, I may even get into the reality of deer biology. My favorite here is, "Sure, Bambi's mom was great, but not if you were his twin brother. Did you know that mother deer frequently have twins and abandon the weaker one?"

Now there are lots of other ways to address the issue. These two comments eliminate the cartoon and humanizing aspect of the myth created by Bambi. I also find that if you have time (like you work with them) don't hammer them too much, just keep acting like a non-axe murderer and hunting becomes a normal part of a normal guy.

Adios and good luck,
Let's see, Bambi's mom was a Whitetail doe, his pappy was a European Red Stag, he still had his spots come winter (perhaps a Sika deer stopped by when poppa was out on business? Hmmm?) making Bambi a cross-species, mutant, born of a mother of questionable morals and a father who seemed oblivious to the fact that he was an obvious cuckold.

I say that a varmint like that needs killin'! If they aren't man or woman enough to do it, send me. I'll even burn the forest down like the hunters in the movie. ;) :eek:

Bambi :barf: