Your most ODD gun.

J.P. Sauer & Sohn Model 1930.


Discussed at length in this TFL thread. I've actually been contemplating selling it and buying another Beretta Series 81, but I keep talking myself out of it, because the Model 1930 would be exceedingly difficult to replace. They're apparently real needles in the haystack.

FWIW it has failure-to-feed jams about once every 2 magazines, which I attribute to the mag follower hanging up on rust inside the mag body, which I can't figure out a way to remove because the base plate is permanently crimped to the body. It only came with 1 original magazine, and original spares are about as hard to find as the pistol. :( Repro mags are available from Triple K but I've never got around to trying one.
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I have a GENUI-I-I-I-NE perfect condition Bannerman Super Delux Ninja Grade M1 Garand .30-06 complete with a 2-Groove barrel for when a feller runs across a Nazi, Jap, Commie, or other undesirable that just cain't be kilt with a 4 groove barrel! I'd sell it for $2000.00, but I don't know how I'd ever get by without it.

Seriously, the silly thing does shoot really well. I put a lot of rounds through it before I learned what a heartbreaker Google can be.