your most accurate/favorite c&r gun?

seansean1444: With one of my Enfield "Jungle Carbines", sat on the ground yesterday at the range. All shots at 50 yards into a black Redhead 12" target ('shoot N see' type). Stuck on a three-inch orange circle as a bullseye.

Something is hard to figure out. Made an ok loose group from 50 yards on the bench yesterday.
But just sitting on the ground by the bench, and with no training for this position, got a three-hole string about 2 & 1/2" long, and another string of three shots just 1" long:confused::). Just checked the target, and both strings were touching or very near the bullseye.

Both Enfield #5s are much lighter, handier (and for steady aiming) than a typical full-length milsurp. The smallest of the two aperture holes has a nice ladder adjustment. When I finally go hunt large feral pigs in south TX this spring, the Enfield #5 will probably be the rifle.
My first came from "", up in New Hampshire. Have you seen his selections:)? It cost about $425 before ship & FFL fees in April '09.
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Check out the Swede M96 and M38 rifles. They can be surpurbly accurate and you can judge their bore condition by the round condition tag on the butt stock. While there is a lot of 7.62X54 ammo around for the Mosin, it won't last forever and the Ruskie guns can range from pretty good to terrible. The Swede would be a reloading project but if you are serious about shooting you will get there anyway. The 6.5X55 round is also a great performer on anything from woodchucks to moose.

A really nice Lee Enfield No.4 Mk2 would be my second choice, but don't fall for a cheap worn out war-time model. With Lee Enfields, condition is less certain unless you get one of the newer models like the Mk2 made after 1950.