Your Idea for Gun Control

Shush! Don't be so radical! This is our government. These are the fine men and women we elected with our votes. Surely they would never harm us. We just don't understand.

If they make us leave our homes and take all our possessions, it is only temporary. They are our leaders. We can trust them.

Those numbers they tattooed on our arms are only to keep us properly accounted for. There MUST be order. How can the government help us and keep us safe if we do not cooperate. Just be quiet. Don't make problems for us. They won't hurt us.

They even have new homes for us. Oh! Look at the sign, "Work and You Will Be Free!" Isn't that nice. I can't wait until we get our free showers.......

Die Juden sind vertig, Herr Oberst.
Same song, just an earlier verse.....

Vote - for a change!
Vote - while you may!

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited June 21, 1999).]
do you mean? ;)


"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
First of all I do not believe there will ever be a way to control the acquisition of a firearm to the bad guys i.e., criminals. Although, I do believe if the FBI, BATF, DOJ, and all those other initialized departments within the government would get on the same sheet of music it would help. The second thing is STOP WITH THE MAKING OF NEW GUN LAWS, enforce the gun laws that are already on the books.

If a criminal wants a gun he will get one illegally, and there's not much one can do about it since the person who sold it to was more than likely a criminal himself.

Society is safer when the criminal does not know who is armed
Yep. I'm really grumpy this evening.

A lady I respect is going on TV with a 30-minute spot about gun safety. She asked me to help. OBOY! Darned near did cartwheels! (But I stayed calm.)

We discussed trigger locks. I explained that some trigger locks are good - some are a threat and a danger. None (by themselves) address both aspects of firearms storage. (She bit, so I began to reel....)

If all you want to do is keep your kids from getting into your guns, a glass cabinet could work. To prevent theft, however, requires an enclosure - something sturdy, hidden or both.

I explained that trigger locks provide no protection against theft and some are too easy to use improperly. (With some trigger locks, poor installation can let the trigger be moved by moving the lock, etc....) I prefer the nylon (rubber, whatever) covered cable locks. The work on virtually ANY firearm - handgun, rifle, or shotgun.

I reeled in some more.

And, even if you lock up your own guns, secure from both theft and children's curiosity, what about the neighbor's guns?

I reeled in some more.

That's why the Eddie Eagle program is so very great. (I briefed her on it.)

She spit out the hook.

She explained that she could never present an NRA program as a safety program. (Broke my heart!)
There was a LOT more to the conversation but no go on Eddie Eagle (not even paraphrased). She'll go to a gun shop and see if they have the small handgun safe, various trigger locks, etc. but (sigh) no Eddie Eagle. Just another show "for the children". Grrrr.
I think I had one minor success. I believe I convinced her that HCI, etc. are a bunch of GD liars. Comparing Eddie Eagle to Joe Camel is as valid as comparing Mother Teresa to Sharon Stone.
I didn't "convert" her to our side, but I believe I brought her toward the middle of the road. I guess at least that's something.....(pout) :(

((And I ain't done yet!))

Aged 12 to USE a firearm? My son Connor will be heartbroken to learn he has to give up deer hunting - he was hoping to take his third buck this fall - he's 8 years old and handles a rifle with absolute safety and attention (and supervision).

Branding - sounds cruel and unusual. How many articles of the Bill of Rights are we willing to sacrifice to save the Second Amendment? Get real guys!

The Bears and Bear Maulings Page:
Bruce from OZ, I must have had a brain fart and didn't realize you were from Australia. I feel that your idea is a very good one compared to what is presently going on in Australia.