your favorite reactive target?

Very few of my reactive targets are ever environmentally friendly. We have six big blue tarps to catch the mess most times.

Top Ten Reactive Targets.
10. Stuffed Animals
9. Plastic Easter Eggs
8. Clay Pidgeons
7. Computers
6. Any wood furniature
5. Cantelope
4. Spray paint.
3. Light Bulbs
2. CO2 Bomb. (see instructions below)
1. Expanding Spray Foam

Take an empty 2 liter soda bottle and put some baking soda in the bottom. Add vinegar, cap tightly, give a few light shakes and move away from the bottle. These are grossly dangerous, I don't suggest making them. Ever.
I take a bunch of water balloons and fill them up to different sizes, then freeze them. Put them in a cooler when you go to the range. The balloon slides off easily, and in one piece, and when you hit 'em with a hollow point, even a .22, there's a shower of ice. I recommend that you shoot no closer than about 20 yards.
- Ice cubes

- potato chips

- posts (2x4, 4x4, small trees, etc) - shoot in half

- metal plates (sized for range and firearm) set so you don't have to re-set them.
more ideas

I like using large plastic/rubber dinosaurs you can buy from the dollar store. they're large and can really take some punishment!! even multiple .308, .223, .45 rounds. also at the range here we have a 50m little backstop, I set up those old green army men we had when we were kids and play sniper with a .22. free aol cd's from walmart is always a great idea. try building a pvc pipe target frame then hang the cd's. it costs around $4.00.
if you have some time and range space you can make a reactive moving target. use a furniture mover (basically a square with 4 free spinning wheels at each corner). attach rope on the 9 and 3 oclock (opposite) sides. set the target 20 ft or so in front of you. on the 9 o clock side run the rope in a 45 degrees angle towards you though a screw eye (dug into the dirt) about 10 ft away, then 45 degress to you attach it to your left hip. do the same with the right. now when you move to your left, the target will move to your right. of course someone could be behind you pulling on the rope while you're doing this too. try it at night with light for more fun!
this is awesome!

this is the most funny thing I have ever heard! I would love to do the comp monitor idea! let us know how it works if you get a chance to do it. this is really stupid but if you get about 4 decks of cards and rubber band them very tightly together and shoot it with a 9mm, the result is very entertaining. I think shooting cats is going to far. I have personally shot 4 cats so I do know how it feels. I only shot them because they were trying mess with 'our' cats. And you dont 'mess' with our cats :) . they were very good shots ( 3 of them) I did not find it amusing though. the last time was right before dark and I hit it with my 22 rifle in the back end and it just ran away but his rearend was going side ways as he ran and I felt so bad that it was not a clean shot. it was in the winter too so my hands were ice cold. Please know that I am not a greeny by any means but if a cat is not messing with you dont mess with it. only a sick and evil person would shoot cats out of pure entertainment. perhaps someone should shoot you to show you what it feels like. I am sure that it would burn like hell :mad:
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I usually pick up baby food jars at garage sales. They can be filled with dyed water. Cheap, make a nice reactive target.

Have also taken zip lock bags and filled them with flour, duct tape to a steel plate (have a 4" thick plate) when hit with a high power, the flour really puts on a show!

Uh, Duxman, you might want to think twice about the bats. Several species are on the federal endangered species list, and game wardens know that. Also, not trying to sound like a tree-hugger here, but each bat eats several thousand mosquitos a night.... including the one with West Nile that's targeting you :eek:
Never tried it but it sounds cool...

Anybody ever shot one of those "snap-lights" (chemical glowsticks) at night? I'll bet the spray would be impressive.
bad idea...

...the computer monitor thing, no good. they're full of poisoness chemicals. bad for the envoronment and bad for you. Unless its one of those LCD flat screen ones, and in that case i'll take it off your hands...for a nominal fee :D
Rocks. Out to several hundred yards they show hits well, particulary with high power rifles. Even 22's show hits when conditions are good, and dry dirt around them show where your shots go when you miss. We shoot pistols out to about 300 yards at rocks and steel plates. Weed stems, sticks, empty rifle and shotgun shells, things thrown in the air where safe, scrap wood blocks, trash at the landfill, old cars,........

Running rabbits with pistol or rifle are good, as are squirrels and grouse (sitting in trees), and with an added bonus of being able to eat the targets after you're done. Cottontails are good, deer and coyotes are good practice too. I eat the deer, I don't eat Jackrabbits or coyotes. Some guys like jacks tho.

Clay targets are very good, particularly in the air. As in with a shotgun. I'm not really a shotgun person, liking rifles and pistols more. But the shotgun shooting I do when visiting family is very good practice, and a lot of fun. For those that haven't tried skeet and sporting clays shooting, it ain't as easy as it looks. Trap isn't as interesting to me, I like the crossing shots and more movement of skeet and sporting clays. All this translates well to rifle and pistol shooting, the lead needed to hit moving targets. We also like to do unusual stuff, like the thrower sends a bunch of targets in a flury, the shooter doesn't know when or how many. I do this with my model 12 winchester with about 6 rounds in the gun. Starting with an unloaded gun when the target is thrown is good practice too, or one in the gun, but two or more targets thrown. Left handed shooting, shooting other guys guns (like every shoots the guy on your right's gun), shooting as they come over your head from behind, laying on your back on the ground, etc are all good games. Follow the leader is good, first guy makes the rule for the shot, everyone else has to make the same sort of shot.

After practice of the sort afforded by these things, the "headshots" discussed so often don't seem that tough.
When I was a kid and had my .22 rifle we use to live on a big farm land about 10 acres up in Buckhead, GA. I would line up a set of used beer bottles and shot em off the fence. I would also hang old soup cans from the trees in the wooded area way behind the house and pretend I was a spy or something and shot em jumping around and what not. I use to love going hunting for squirrels or rabbits as well. I wouldnt eat em, but my next door neighbor would give me some money for them. So that was my cash for more ammo. :p I miss being a kid :( :(
Bullets and Words both create spectacular reactions.

I shoot bullets at Oreos and surplus fruit (grapefruits/oranges) because they are spectacularly biodegraded.

I shoot comments at TFL because some create spectacular responses.

"In a world devoid of semiautomatics, a properly set-up Webley is the ultimate full-size self-defense handgun."
Hedge apples (osage oranges)

The wounded ones ooze green sap and cry piteously so one must shoot them again. I shoot them on the tree with a .410 and on the ground with a pistol.
hey hawgleg44

please tell me what is the kick like on that fine piece of a$$ kickery you have there? I have heard that 45.70 have the same kick the common 12 guaug . your reply would be very useful as I wanto also get the awesome 45-70 caliber gun.
they should make a desert eagle in 45.70 just to see if someone would buy it.
thanks a bunch!! :cool: :cool: