Your favorite pistol and rifle you own?

Pistol - Colt New Agent 3" 1911 in 45ACP
Rifle - Remington 700 308 Cal. Set up for benchrest shooting only.
Favorite pistol and rifle?

The 'coolest' pistol I own is a Model 300 Astra in 7.65mm (Browning) caliber.
The 'best shooting' (most accurate) is a S&W M52.
The pistol I carry most is a Colt (lightweight) Commander in .45 Awfulmatic.

The 'coolest' rifle I own is a Y1903 Mannlicher-Schonauer.
The 'best shooting' (most accurate) is a Remington 700 in .308 Win with a fancy Leupold scope and an aftermarket H&S Precision evil black plastic stock.
The rifle I depend on most for anything is a sporterized M1894 (Swedish) Mauser in 6.5x55mm.

Not sure what 'favorite' might mean.