Your favorite, or most memorable shot?

This is the hunting forum. Archery shots are more than welcome.
Please share.

Okay, since AzShooter relayed a non-animal tale, I will also. This way when FrankenMauser comes down in a hellfire-fury, I'll have someone to help take the brunt of it!
I'm watching you. Always watching.... ;)
sighting in my .308. poor fly at 108 yards! my dad couldn't believe it when he spotted me through his spotting scope.
I nailed this fine South Dakota buck at approx. 325 yards which is a very long shot for me. My .243 bullet toppled him in his tracks with a double lung shot.


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Long, long hare.

Lots of good stories but here's one with a 22.
Probably about 20 years ago we were in the farm yard with my 22. This particular rifle was my first 22 and was a BSA century match rifle. I soon gave up being a gravel belly and had the rifle cut for a scope and threaded for a silencer.
Anyway there we were and across the field were a couple of hares , Jack rabbits to most of you. My brother and a couple of friends were joking about me hitting one of the hares, the distance was later paced out to be 270 yards .
So always up for a shooting challenge I duly lined up one of the hares and let fly a winchester subsonic hollow point. The little quiet slug promptly fell well short of the 6 foot of drop I had given it and I saw it land in the very bottom of the scope. So a quick reload and we were all amazed to see the hare roll over to the shot with a solid hit in the ribcage.
I still believe that I would never pull that shot off again but at least I did it in front of witnesses
There are so many among which to choose, but some one else's story reminds me of the second deer I shot with a revolver (ruger RedHawk .44 mag). It was the second year Illinois allowed handgun hunting for deer in select counties. I saw and shot at a doe quartering towards me at about 35 yards and missed. She apparently didn't realize where shot came from and ran towards me. I missed again when she ran past at about 10 feet. She swerved out some and picked up the pace even more. Then I shot again and hit her in the heart at a paced 160 yards. Someone else claimed he had shot it (from about 300 yards away) with his handgun until it was pointed out that the bullet had entered from right side went through heart and exited right in front of front left leg and he was on the deer's left side (deer had gone between us). Some of my best and worst shooting on same deer in matter of seconds with the "best" shot being one I never should have taken.
Some of my best and worst shooting on same deer in matter of seconds with the "best" shot being one I never should have taken.
It's how we learn.

One of my most memorable antelope hunts involved the absolute worst experience of my life, as far as taking big game. Bad, bad experience. Lots of suffering. Nothing I could do but keep trying for a kill shot with the screwed up rifle (scope let go).
But, that same day had some other rather amazing moments for my hunting party.
"Take the good with the bad and try not to repeat it" is how I look at it.
Most memorable shot? When I shot a buck in northern Nevada that had just finished servicing a doe. I didn't want to shoot him while he was breeding her because I might have hit her as well. But when he got off (no pun intended) and I shot him. Just like that. He's hanging on the wall in the stairwell.
In the mid-90's, I had a pretty accurate heavy barrel 257 Wby and mounted one of the high dollar range finder/trajectory compensator scopes. One cold, clear morning I made one of the longest one shot DRT coyote kills of my life-500 meters(550 yards) with my 15 year old Son lying next to me as my spotter. This shot forever secured my position on the pedestal of "supreme shooter" in his eyes.
Way back in time (1962),,,

My Dad went deer hunting with a bunch of his cronies,,,
They really weren't out there for the hunting,,,
But for the local tavern/cat house.

(I found out about the cat house years later)

Anyways Mom made dad take me when I was eleven years old,,,
My rifle was a WW-II bring-back 8mm K98 Mauser.

Anyways we were out there two days and saw nothing,,,
Dad and his cronies had spent two nights at the bar,,,
The third day I woke up and they were packing.

We were supposed to be out there for four days,,,
But Dad and his cronies had run out of drinking money.

I was very upset as I had been promised at least 4 days of camping and hunting,,,
So being the good American boy that I was, the whining started,,,
"But you promised!" was my wail.

I didn't realize that promises to a kid,,,
Were just something to get the kid to shut up.

The first day we were there we sighted our rifles in,,,
Dad paced off a 1 gallon can at 200 yards,,,
No one hit it or came even close to it,,,
Remember, they weren't hunters.

Anyways I whined so much that Dad said,,,
"I'll give you one shot and if you hit the can we stay."

So I cranked the sight ramp to 200 meters,,,
Used the hood of his truck as a rest,,,
And punched a hole in that can.

Dad really didn't have much choice then,,,
His cronies all agreed that he promised to stay.

So there we were for another two days,,,
None of the men had enough money for a bar trip,,,
And to top thing off, the next morning I shot my very first deer.

Dad had to go to the trouble of showing me how to skin the dang thing,,,
He grew up on a dirt farm in Oklahoma hunting and trapping,,,
He looked at this as another bad memory of his youth.

Many years later we actually joked about it a bit,,,
Two days camping with no beer to pass the time with,,, :p
He always arranged for me to hunt with someone else after that.


20 yard shot

Once shot a blackbird off of a bobbing branch in a 20 mph side wind with a BSA Meteor pellet gun that had a broken front sight (b/c it got caught in the wheel of my Schwinn Stingray earlier in the day).

Honestly, I have no idea if it were complete luck or just having had so much experience with that gun that I could Jedi-windage it despite the variables.

Still, best shot I ever made. Even beats the ones that got red squirrels or elk.
Aarondhgraham made me read the post twice when he wrote:
But for the local tavern/cat house.

(I found out about the cat house years later)

Anyways Mom made dad take me when I was eleven years old,,,

My first thought was, was his Mom making his Dad take Aaron hunting or to the...?
Was she a really progressive mom ? :)
I thought she sent a child so his dad could not go to the cat house.

I remember when I got my drivers permit. On the way to hunting camp my dad said "You drive, I'll drink"
I think I was a dad-sitter,,,

I had no idea of the situation at the time,,,
But I'm sure my presence was meant to be a deterrent.

I only found out the truth in my late 50's,,,
Pop and I were plinking off of his back porch,,,
I asked him if he remembered me making that shot.

That's when he told me about the other deer camp "activity".

So yeah, he remembered me making that shot.


Actually there's two


Both deer were taken in southern AZ (Fort Huachuca military base) when I was stationed there with the Army. The one on the left was taken at 350 yards, my best shot (and longest) ever! It was sooooo cold that morning that my hunting buddy and didn't leave the house until 7:30AM. By 8:30AM we were in our spot and glassing the the area - when low and behold this guy comes out! He was chasing does and had no idea we were there: until the bullet slammed into him!
He dropped in his tracks! Now the work began - getting him out of the canyon!

The deer on the right was taken at 50 yards, I was by myself walking up a trail going to place glass and I looked to my right was this guy! He was with a spike buck (I only had one deer tag : ( ). He was peering around a group of trees with just his neck and head sticking out. I raised my rifle ever so slooowly and took the shot. Right in the base of the neck - lights out for him!
Here's the kicker - the spike didn't take off after the shot. So I tired to make him smarter; I (almost) walked up to him and took a stick and threw it at him, that made him scoot.

BTW - The rifle is gun that took both of them:
Winchester Model 70 (featherweight) .270 cal with a 3X9 Burris Scope
Great stories.

BTW - The rifle is gun that took both of them:
Winchester Model 70 (featherweight) .270 cal with a 3X9 Burris Scope
One of my top 3 shots was taken with an identical rifle. It, however, had an old Leupold 1.5-4x20mm (23mm?) on it at the time.

Borrowed rifle that I hadn't fired in years (maybe 10+), shooting a handload that I'd never fired, basing my hold on the owner's anecdotal "One and three quarters inches high at 100 yards, at about 3,000 fps."

Called shot through the left eye of a Pronghorn at 550+ yards*. :D

I never should have taken the shot, and wouldn't do it again under the same circumstances. But it sure is fun to look back on, and I'm lucky there was a witness.

*(The range was estimated. Guesses within the hunting party ranged from 450 yards to 600+ yards. Measurements on Google Earth showed 570-odd yards. And ballistic charts show something around 525-600 yards, based on bullet drop. It's somewhere in there. :rolleyes:)
It was about my fourth year hunting. I'd done about 5 days scouting using all the information I'd picked up from those I hunted from before. I used some tricks I'd been told and one very effective variation of one found on I came up with on my own.
I still hunted the morning with a buddy, then after lunch went to the spot I had picked out. Sat my chair blind in "the spot," leaned back and waited. At just about the time I was expecting an 8 point walked where it was supposed to inside 10 yards from me, and I gave it a through and through double lung+heart obliterated with the smoke from my muzzleloader encompassing its body.

It was like everything finally clicked.