Your choice of caliber for home defense?

What handgun caliber would you choose from this list for home defense?

  • .38

    Votes: 18 13.6%
  • 9mm

    Votes: 34 25.8%
  • 10mm

    Votes: 2 1.5%
  • .357 Magnum

    Votes: 13 9.8%
  • .40 S&W

    Votes: 23 17.4%
  • .41 Magnum

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • .44 Magnum

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • .45 Colt

    Votes: 3 2.3%
  • .45 ACP

    Votes: 38 28.8%
  • .460

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • .500 Magnum

    Votes: 1 0.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Whatever I have in my pistol at the time, which can be any of the following: 9x18 Makarov, 9x19, 38 Special, 357 Mag, or 45 ACP.

Any of the calibers you listed are adequate in a quality firearm in competant hands.
For me it really has more to do with the specific gun model than the actual caliber. Currently I’m using an HK USP40 simply because I like the gun size, capacity, night sites, DA/SA and reliability. However, I would be perfectly comfortable with either 9mm or .45acp and maybe even .38, but wonder if .357mag might be a little much for inside work.
I own .22s, .40s, 9s, 10s, 38 Supers, and 45s.

With that said, my "go to" home defense is a Mossberg 590 12ga...but a 1911 in .45ACP is in the night stand to assist me in getting to the 12ga.
If you sleep with a pistol and you get jumped in your bed it might be best to use a pistol.
In EVERY other case I have to say you should use a rifle or a shotgun to defend your self and home. If you are home you know the "battle ground" better than your enemy so there is no scenario that I can think of where a handgun would be better than a rifle or shotgun within your house.

Handguns are for use when you have no time, and they are useless if you don't have them on you or within easy reach.If a handgun can be reached quickly from somewhere nearby so can a shotgun or rifle.

These questions are valid in that is shows someone asking for good advice, but the problem I have with most "answers" is that they come from a lot of people that have never had to fight in a deadly confrontation in their lives.

Combat vetrans (I speak of those that have been shot at and have shot back, not those that were close by a fight but didn’t take part) will all tell you pick A RIFLE or SHOTGUN is you have time to "pick up" anything.

That's why we carry handguns. For the times when you have no time or ability to go get a longer more powerful weapon. I carry a handgun all the time and I wear one even when I am home, but if I have 6 seconds to get ready for a fight the FN-FAL is going to be what I grab.

ALL militaries in the world issue rifles to their front line troops as a main battle weapon. Not handguns.

Maybe because they work better? Easier to make hits with. More lethal. A better weapon to fight with in every way.

ALL militaries in the world issue rifles to their front line troops as a main battle weapon. Not handguns.

Maybe because they work better? Easier to make hits with. More lethal. A better weapon to fight with in every way

The biggest advantage to a rifle is RANGE. And in self defense, that will play a big part. If the combatant is too far away, are you really defending?
I'll just hop aboard my 20mm Vulcan, that should do the trick.

Should I need to go mobile I'll grab either the 12ga, .40, .45 or even a 9mm from time to time.
Used to be 10mm. Then .45 super. Then .45 acp. Now 9x19mm. May go back to 10mm but not sure. Not a big fan of .40, though I've had and liked them in the past.
there is no scenario that I can think of where a handgun would be better than a rifle or shotgun within your house.

While I understand the clear advantages of a rifle/shotgun over a handgun in most situations I believe there is one clear exception. That would be a situation that required you to move around inside of your home. I believe a handgun would be a better choice for maneuvering through your home while responding to an uncertain/unclear threat.
Ok good comments but I can show you how to come to the right conclusion.
I have been teaching about these things now since I was 24 years old. I am 57 now. I have addressed this many times in the past, and I base my teachings on both real combat experience (mine and others) as well as years of tests and drills taching many hundreds of students.

Here is a drill you can try.
Set up a place you can shoot safely. You need only 10 yards of range with a lane of only 5-6 yards of width.
Set it up so you have large rocks or poles on the sides of the shooting lane.
Take a target the size of a basket ball and from a covered positing have a partner throw it into the shooting lane. The target must be hit within the lane. Any shots outside the lane don't count. The lane should be no larger than your largest room in your house. It's best to set up an obstacle in the middle so the target can hit it and change directions in the drill.

Shoot at the moving target with the handgun. Do it again with the rifle.
Shoot at the target at ranges from 7-10 yards down to 2 yards.
No shots are counted at still targets.
They must be moving.
See which one you get the most hits with.

To really make the point, try it with the best auto pistol you have and then use nothing but a lever action 30-30 so you have the best "tactical pistol" you can lay hand on against the 110 year-old model of rifle.

See how many hits you get with each gun.

NOW>>>>>> Use a shot gun!
Any shotgun!

Even a single shot with buck shot.
Count HITS (shotgun give several hits per shot)

Even shooting a single shot muzzleloading shotgun, when I did this drill in Nevada about 15 years ago, all my shooters (which in that class were ALL cops and their families) got more hits with the muzzleloading shotgun than they did with Glocks, 1911s, Sigs and DA revolvers.

Try it.

The advantage of the rifle in home defense is NOT range. It's ability to hit.
And with a shotgun it's as easy at worst, and far easier at best than it is with a rifle.

So let's not talk about our opinions here.
Do the drill and then you will have facts to talk about.

Try it and see if I am right.
If I was in a SD situation, I wouldn't likely be walking around my house clearing rooms with a pistol. I don't live with anyone, so my main plan would be to take cover in a safe place, with the muzzle pointed at the only exit/entrance, with a rifle in my hands.
If I had a family living with me, I'd quickly move to the hall with my rifle get them all in one room, behind cover, and then batten down, and cover the door until the police arrive. I wouldn't be poking around rooms with a pistol looking for the threat, personally.

That said, suppose I had no rifle and only had a pistol, I'd choose any caliber 9mm or bigger, as long as I could control the pistol reasonably.
Highest I'd go is probably .44mag.
Since pistols are pistols and create pistol wounds there wont be significant differences on non-armored humans. It's more about shot placement than 'power' with pistols, rifles too, but with rifles you have a much greater potential to create remote wounding effects. A gut shot with .308 could possibly stop someone's heart, and/or cause lung hemorrhage. A pistol with equal shot placement is MUCH less likely for that to happen. If the BG is wearing any type of armor of ballistic vest, the rifle is going to be at an advantage again.

To praise the rifle even more, hits are easier to make, as rifles are significantly more stabile and accurate than pistols. Especially when shaking from fear/adrenaline. And follow ups are potentially faster as rifles tend to be easier to control.
SO with the rifle we've got more power, better ability to defeat armor, higher potential for hits, and potentially faster follow ups and potentially larger magazine size.

The pistol, you can get through doors a little easier, that's about it. There are plenty of ways to get through doors with rifles. Police and military do it often, with rifles and full sized shotguns. In military videos and movies, I don't think I've ever seen anyone draw a pistol when they move into a building. Because the rifle has the advantage everywhere except compactness and maneuverability, over a pistol.
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