Your Best/Worst Shot?

Best Shot:
Besides every round ever fired at Charlie range MCBCL, 500yrds w/M16A1, prone, slung up. Hey, they just felt great, everyone of 'em!! smoke in the eyes, smell of powder, fingers froze, brass on the back from the guy next to ya, forget the data book, maggie took here drawers and went home.. uh, where was I??
Best Shot:
14 years old, sun going down, no deer but a partridge in a berry bush, head bobbin' 100 miles an hour.... dad gives the nod and says "You only get one shot and it has to be in the head or you'll ruin it"... bang... dad smiles, I am pleased. We had bird for dinner.

Worst Shot:
Every round I ever put through my dads 38 ...
bang.... dad frowns.
There is a great variety of entertaining stories in this thread. Clearly, come people value different things in their "best/worst" valuations. I've got a couple stories to offer:

1. Most profitable Shot:

Some military buddies and I were at a private range in Vermoont on a typical clear, cold day , with about 3 feet of snow on the gournd one winter. We were shooting a wide array of weapons, including a Colt Sporter Lightwieght. On one trek down range to the target area, we put up a dip can (copenhagen, with the tin side facing the firing line) and some tin cans on a pile of snow.

When we got back to the line, (about 100-110 yards from can) we shot down everything but the Copey can in a few strings of fire. We decided to have a little contest. everyone put in $10 and we drew straws (okay, we did something to figure out the firing order...) and we went at it. In two run throughs (5 of us). No one hit it. On the third run through I knocked the can down. we hadn't clearly defined the rules of the deal, but I was accuased of hitting hte snow and making hte can fall, some felt that was enoguht to win and some felt that it wasn't. Being a little cocky, I said somehting like.. "damn, now the the rifle is dialed in, I could hit it edgwise, if ya want!".. also, being a little bit cocky, someone offered $20 if I could, with one shot. His offered was followed by two oterh guys throwing in $20. The pot was over $100 bucks now and I didn't even have to match the 20's!. One of the guys ran down and set up the can, edgewise, and .. you know this is coming, I hit it. Turns out I had hit it the first time too!. Luck counts, but consistent luck pays!

2. "Doh!"

I was shooting an event for the first time down in Florida last year. One stage was a centerfire handgun on 24 steel plates at ranges from 7 to 20 yards. the plates were all between 6 inches and 20x10 ractangles. They were pretty easy targets, but the trick was to hit them fast. You also could only have 6 rounds per mag. I think Doug Keonig had run through in less than 13 seconds or something awesome like that.
I had really been looking forward to the stage, because I felt it was where I would do my team the most goo. I was hoping for a time of around 15 seconds. The stage was blind and I had never seenthe exact set-up of the targets before I got there.
It was part of a relay, so you had to run to the table where the gun was after your partner completed his stage and tagged you in. I ran to the table, picked up my gun (Glock 24-C) and began the stage. One mag, two mags, three mags, four mags.. (yes, there were a couple double taps requried).. five mags. I had cleared the stage from left to right (or so I thought).. dropped my mag, racked the slide and was "showing clear" to the range officer when it dawned on me that people were yelling "One More!" not "Great Job, Speedy!". I looked up and to my horror there was one more plate staring straight in the face at about 12 yards a BIG ugly rectangle, I slammed a mag in and popped it, again showing clear and completing the stage.
In going from left to right I hadn't noticed that there was one plate directly behind an identical one. I had nailed the first one at 10 yards, but never seen the plate right behind it at 12!.. Doh!


It was/is an M40A1 bolt rifle, built by Mike Lau, Leupold M1, Mark 4 scope with mil-dot reticle,(by Premier reticle) 26" Hart SS barrel w/#7 contour, Win. 70 baseplate, 2 1/4 pound pull, 4+1 round modification, McMillan stock, etc.

Bullet was a 190 gr. .308 Matchking, Federal match brass, Federal match primer and VV140 powder(I think) loaded with hand die, custom neck sleeve and an arbor press from Sinclair.

A similar rifle/bullet setup using a Berger VLD(?)bullet was shot by a DEA agent with a SWAT acquaintance of mine taking pictures of the event.
The group was about 5 1/2 inches at 1000 yds.
You can see a picture of it in the book "The Military/Police Sniper".

I recall about a 3 mph(?) quatering wind, and I was holding a little behind (or ahead, depending on direction) about 5 mil dots.

The first shot went thru the stomach area, but I didn't realize it, and just sat their quietly waiting for them to tell me I missed it. When a hit was verified, I calmly looked at an observer like I do it all the time. When prodded to try it again, I thought the masquerade was over. I shot it again, and, believing I missed it, waited for the scoring. It went through the upper chest. No one ever asked how often I do that, and I didn't offer any info. The funny thing is, when I later attempted to fully explain that it was two "luck" shots back-to-back, NO ONE will believe me! Oh. well.....

On the other hand, I can shoot. On a good day, with a pistol, I can hit a man-sized target at about 225 yards repeatedly, and can hit stationary targets out to 1000 yds, with or without scope. It's fairly do-able when someone who knows how, shows you how, and you practice properly. (and dryfire ALOT!)

If I can do it, ANYBODY can.....
Best shot:

Got a rabbit on the dead run at about 150 yards with a ruger single six from the hip. He was running full bore from right to left. Found I had hit him in the back end.

Worst shot:

Was with the same gun. I was practicing for an NRA pistol match. I had just gotten done reloading it, was taking it off the loading notch and putting it on the safety notch and was sticking it back in my holster at the same time. My thumb sliped, gun discharged. Well to make a long story short, I ended up shooting myself in the leg.

Moral of the story, no matter how much we preach about safety, there is always room for improvement.

my best was nra dcm match 200 yards off hand 10 rnds clean 5 x string.
my worst 50 yards laying across the hood of my pickup deer broad side 7mm08 sighted dead on at 200, no problem, till i pulled the trigger and the muzzle blast split the hood from one side to the other ....and i missed... man was the better half P.O.ed

yes, I do.....

Have you been to Thunder Ranch yet....

[This message has been edited by David Wright (edited March 24, 1999).]
In one of last years personal protection courses I help teach, one of the instructors stepped up to the line with a 12 ga. pump gun. He proceeded to tell the class about the roles of shotguns in home defense and then loads a round into the chamber, tells the class to don their hearing protection and takes aim at a gallon jug we had filled and set on pvc target holders at the 7 yrd mark. As he pulls the trigger, shards of pvc go flying in the air and the gallon jug falls to the ground. He declares the range cold, walks around to the jug and places it on the next target holder. Walks back to the business side, declares the range hot, jacks another round into the gun and dispatches another pvc pipe wounding the gallon jug in the process. After that we took the pump gun away from him and didn't allow him to touch another one for the duration of the class. - SCatt