I MAY shoot the 6" better, at least in revolvers, and from a two handed rest position, but that's a guess because they're so close as to be indistinguishable. Offhand, I'm definitely better with the shorter barrel. One point worth mentioning in my case...I find the balance of the 4" models is usually better for me...I'm talking Smith's and Rugers here. It's a matter of balance..and of course the increased weight.
An "N" frame Smith wearing a 6" barrel is a weighty beast. If I'm not paying particular attention, I'll allow the muzzle to droop late in the string of 5 or 6 shots. It just happens...eye strain, grip relaxation...whatever.
The same happens with the Rugers, especially the alloy framed guns...that longer barrel, the BH's in particular, droops...gives me those low or high shots out of group...the high ones come from recognition of the problem and over correcting. I do better with the Steel framed Flat Tops, but I'm still better with those sporting the 4-5/8" barrel.
Regards, Rodfac