Why the crap attitude, Wil? You did the same old curmudgeon thing in the recent thread about our older shooters... spent most of your characters whining about young whipper snappers. Now it's about people who spend more time talking than shooting.
I've met plenty with the same attitude. They don't impress me in person, either.
So why don't you go shoot rather than bitch about those of us that cannot do it anymore for whatever reason. Some of us are homebound by caring for a loved one and don't have the necessary time anymore. Talking about it "on the net" keeps us close to the sport we still love, but may have all but lost, due to something we can't control. But, we certainly don't need our noses rubbed in it by some thoughtless braggart.
It's the little dogs that bark the loudest. Just ignore him and he'll eventually slink back in to obscurity or find another forum that is willing to tolerate his rudeness. AND so it goes...