You might be a Liberal if...

I will agree that there are those whom have either squandered opporunites, failed to plan for the future, feel they are owed a living or simply lack the work ethic to "get a head". However I feel it exceedingly naive to think that today in this country that hard work, financial planning, clean living and making the "right choices" will insure finacial success.
There isn't just one or even two examples of this but literly thousands of people in this country that have and continue to work long and difficult hours just to keep a roof over their and their families heads and food in their stomachs. Much less have money to set aside for savings. What sounds like a mere twenty dollars a week for some families can make the difference as to what and if they eat that week. To these people becoming a millionaire upon reachiing age 65 means little when the bills are due and the pantry is empty.
Perhaps in certain social/finacial circles the idea of making the right choices and finacial success seems easy. But to many the only choice to make is to survive and finacial success is being able to pay the bills each month. The days of the father going to work to leave the wife at home and caring for the two point five kids and white picket fense are gone.


We live in a time in which attitudes and deeds once respected as courageous and honorable are now scorned as being antiquated and subversive.
Gunslinger, I've had my own business for over 12 years now, and I'm now looking at the possibility of bankruptcy. I can't find anyone to blame, even myself, since I've worked so many 80 and even 100 hour weeks I can't count them all. It's just the marketplace, I guess. But I _refuse_ to buy into the politics of class envy being peddled by so many liberals. If someone is wealthy and earned that wealth honestly, more power to them. And, should there be a tax cut, why shouldn't they get some money back?

Three guys--Tom, Dick & Harry--lose their wallets in a store. Tom had $10 in his, Dick had $100, and Harry had $1000. A clerk finds the wallets. How much should each man get back when his wallet is returned? It seems so simple, but the reasoning gets lost in the "spin."

But, when it comes to Social Security, I have a real issue about "tax fairness." And that issue boils down to this: it's _my_ money in that account, it is unfortunately the largest sum of money I've been able to "invest" for retirement since I began my business, and I want a better return on investment than 1.2% annually. Therefore, I want my money, NOW.

And, just to keep this on the RKBA thread, I want affordable, imported AR15 mags now, too.

Howdy Dick
I do agree that those that have earned their wealth are certainly deserving of it. I also agree that tax cuts should be equally and fairly distributed. A practice that in the past has not always been the case. Being a recipient of social security myslef I am all too familair with the short comings of that particular system.
What I do take exception with is dismissing someone who is poor as being merely lazy and/or making bad choices. You yourself should be commended for your efforts in your own business rather then condemned for making a bad choice which may lead to bankruptcy.
As for Tom, Dick and Harry if a politician were present when their repsective wallets were recovered he would take the entire 1110 bucks as a campaign contribution and then ask for a finders fee.
And I strongly agree that something should be done to lower not only the price of AR mags but all shooting supplies as well. Perhaps we should ask for a tax credit for home invasion prepardness. :)


We live in a time in which attitudes and deeds once respected as courageous and honorable are now scorned as being antiquated and subversive.
Liberal - A person still in mourning for Josef Stalin.

Real Liberal - A person still in mourning for Mao Tse Tung.

A Super Liberal - A person who thinks Stalin and Mao were saviors of humanity.