I grew up with rifles and shotguns, and used them to hunt with my relatives in Kansas. By the time that I turned 21, that was pretty much over. I had never fired or held a handgun, and I became interested in those. My handgun collection grew and quickly surpassed my long guns in number.
I used to belong to a range that had 100, 200 and 300 yard rifle ranges, and I had a couple of SKS's and a MAK90 in those days. Then, I moved and I no longer have anywhere to shoot a rifle or hunt. The only rifles that I have now are .22's that I've inherited from my father or grandfather, as well as a Winchester model 12 20 gauge pump. But, I never shoot them. It just doesn't occur to me to do it.
So, I'm a handgun guy. I have a safe full of them, and I reload for 8 calibers. If I had to have only 1 firearm, though, I think I'd like to have a Mini-14 sized rifle in .308 or 7.62x39.