You Can't Trust A "Patriot" By: Kurt Saxon

Ivan, Paul, and Dennis I gotta go with you guys on this thread.

As to black helicopters I've heard about them at least 3 times so here is my unilluminating .02Cents worth. I've seen what some might call black choppers. I was with my brother stuck in a traffic jam on the west bound 91 freeway (one of the top 2 deadliest freeways in the country, the other being the I 10 which most people know) I was in weir canyon outside corona this is near Riverside for you out of staters. I heard this thump thump (seemed a lot deeper than civilian) sound and after a while I looked around but saw nothing, took closer look a little while latter (sound presisited) and saw one part of the sky darker than the rest and could barely make out helicopter hovering a little obove tree top just at horizon. This baby was all black no lights of anykind and no visible markings, looked about as big as blackhawk. I have no idea what it was doing or if this is common to run without lights but it was there as sure as you are reading this. A funny thing is it was hovering near a flood control channel of some sort (hard to explain) this is a HUGE concrete slab with 1776 and stars and strips printed on it.