yote problems

i agree with MoBuck,,sometimes it is just easier to end the problem

raccoons and coyotes,,,especially raccoons,,, seem to never learn around here,,as hard as i try to keep this put up and put away they always seem to want to mess things up,,,SO,,, i handle it,,,,if they stay away they are pretty much safe,,,,if not,,,well criminal or not S S S

my .02

Let those who have never, ever, broken a traffic law be concerned about the morality or legality of how somebody deals with predatory varmints. :D:D:D

Poachers/violators always have some form of excuse to try and validate their crimes. It's really sad that a "staff leader" on a popular gun website has to attempt it. Funny how one gets a warning or reprimand here for using a cuss word or anything else that the so called "staff leaders" deem inappropriate, but then they readily endorse poaching.
"Poachers/violators always have some form of excuse to try and validate their crimes."

What color is the Kool-Aid you've been drinking?
As Texas law is written, particularly for those with a hunting license, it is impossible to be a poacher when shooting coyotes. Anywhere, any time (other than within municipal limits).

And I was speaking to the morality of the method of the kill, not the legality.

WRT predators, only the commercial sale of hides has to deal with regulations.
"Poachers/violators always have some form of excuse to try and validate their crimes."

What color is the Kool-Aid you've been drinking?

The "I am not above the law" Kool-Aid. It's what any legitimate, responsible hunter should drink, don't you think?

And I was speaking to the morality of the method of the kill, not the legality.

I think you need to re-read your own post......

Let those who have never, ever, broken a traffic law be concerned about the morality or legality of how somebody deals with predatory varmints. :D:D:D

We are talkin' about some coyotes eating some free running cats, not rouge mountain lions attacking children on a playground. Claiming the OP needs to deal with the yotes in an illegal way in order to protect his family is really a long reach for straws. In reality, those yotes are more beneficial to the immediate ecosystem, than grandma's cats, because they are eliminating a apex predator that is killing other beneficial wildlife, outta not other reason than the joy of the kill. Odds are the yotes were probably first attracted to grandma's house because of the cat food left outside. Odds are grandma's cats aren't "fixed", so they are continuously breeding more feral cats. Whether anyone here has the knowledge of it, feral cats are a bigger problem in the lower 48 than yotes.

I have stated over and over again, that I have no problem with the legal shooting and hunting of coyotes. Do it all the time myself. Its fairly easy. No real reason for any legitimate hunter to have to break the law to control a small population of them in a such a small area.
They look like dogs.

Ever seen a Coyote chow down?? Downright amazing...

I had that rare opportunity early one morning. I looked out my bedroom window and saw a yote belly crawling. Looked closer and saw the rabbit the yote was stalking.

Down the hatch! No real tearing it up, just a big bite. The head goes way back and I could see his neck get larger as the rabbit went down the hatch.

Yes, the whole darn rabbit, basically "one bite" and it was done. Have heard that they can unhinge (dislocate) their lower jaw for just that reason.

Fur, bones, the whole enchilada. Rabbit was likely still kicking the coyote, from the inside.
When a coyote is doing predation of any livestock of mine, I'm sorta lighthearted and unconcerned about anything but sight picture and trigger squeeze. :D
I wonder how many of you have seen those cute little CoyoteXwolf creatures that we have in NY ,PA and other places that go80-90 lbs ! They do get your attention ! :eek:
My buddy shot a coyote with a 30/06 accelerator round, and it basically blew him apart. And there was a jackrabbit inside of him that was pretty much intact, so I agree that they swallow prey whole..
I've seen them eat a calf or two and it's not a pretty sight. They start eating from the rear and don't bother killing the calf first. I have no love for coyotes and line them up in my sights every chance I get.
Like a shark!

Have spent a fair amount of time on saltwater. Was a commercial fisherman for more than a few years.

Coyotes rather remind me of a shark on land. They are the perfect eating machine....kinda like my grandsons....:D

My brother had fallen on hard times a good many years ago now. He and his wife and their 3 cats moved in to my place with their small travel trailer. The mountains outside of Bend Or are not a good place to be in the winter. We made it very clear they were welcome to stay in the house with us, but no cats allowed in the house. I am allergic to cats.

They chose the travel trailer. The cats? Well I warned her, was about two or three weeks before we were down to zero cats. My SIL is not the brightest bulb on the tree, I told her what happened to kitty #1, apparently it took 3 to convince her. I also showed her what Coyote scat looked like after #1 "ran away", complete with bones and fur....that could well have been from her cats.
Like I said, not the brightest bulb on the tree.
I was not into any livestock program nor did I have a friendly fluffy, during my Terlingua years. (1983-2013) I could thus enjoy the yodel dogs' serenades. A call of the wild, if you please. :)

However, we did compete for the enjoyment of blue quail as an entree--which led to the occasional demise of Ol' Wily.
And yet again opinion and ego has ruined another coversation on TFL.

O.P. dog food works great, just a dab'el do ya. Or simple mouth calling, wet you lips reeeeal moise, suck in to make squeaky noises, as stated about just a short burst of noise, maybe 10-15 seconds every couple minutes is plenty. They WILL hear you. Shot gun with a tight choke is recommended. They come and are gone quick. Try to not educate them by missing. :D