'Yote hunters. Help me put together a coyote gun

The Swift's undeserved rep for barrel-burning is from back in the days of single-based nitrocellulose propellants like the old HiVel series. With double-based propellants like IMR, etc., the Swift is no worse than any other hotshot centerfire.

My fathers' 1952 version Model 70 is still giving 3/4" groups with ammo he loaded in the early 1970s...

i know but its still fun calling it the barrel burner (as my dad still does) its actually really good now since factory guns in this cal have crome barrels
Most of what was called a burn't out barrel on a SWIFT was throat erosion.
My Ruger still after many rounds put thru it still knocks their ______ in the dirt.

:D Al
Sounds like about any good deer rifle in a 243 will have it covered.

Yup that oughta do the trick then if you want to hunt deer you dont have a super specialized rig and you can go shoot a deer as well.
243 Model 77 Ruger with a 3 x 9 Simmons Whitetail scope. 85gr. HPBT serra with a charge of IMR 4350. Entered just below the left ear at a paced 97 yards.


Same rifle Same load and bullet a month latter stopped this buck in it's tracks at a full 105 yards lazered measured.


A bit of over kill is this 300 Win. Mag song dog. 168 gr. Hornaday bullet with a charge of IMR 4350. Entered the poop shute and completly field dressed the dog.


:D Al

Any deer rifle will dust a coyote.

It's not so much the rifle as the accuracy. I hunt them in southern forests, so it's more on hitting a smaller target than a deer; a target moving closer to the ground; and the greater possibilitity of hitting a twig or sapling on a moving target.
I've been working along the same lines

As we now have a serious coyote problem here...My friend has just started "ranching" sheep, and the 'yotes are all over his place, as well as elsewhere. NOTE THAT I DON"T HAVE ANY EXPERIENCE, JUST ALOT OF OBSERVATIONS, AND FEEDBACK FROM EXPERIENCED HUNTERS. ALSO, I WANT MINIMAL PELT DAMAGE, AS I'D LIKE TO MAKE A FEW BUCKS, TO OFFSET THE COST OF A GUN I WOULDN'T BUY OTHERWISE.

So, what I've settled on is a Heavy Barreled Savage in .22-250. I do a lot of long range shooting, and prefer a heavy gun. I won't be carrying this thing around much, so weight isn't an issue. Most shots will be fairly long, as the coyotes here are very wary, and won't let you get very close. Will also be using variable scope, probably 6-24x, as that's what I'm used to.

One reason I've picked the Savage, is because of the "barrel nut" system...So I can switch barrels easily( as long as I have a headspace gauge)...If I'm not happy with the .22-250, I can go to .243, or .308, or any number of other calibers. The only thing I DON'T like, is that they don't make faster twist barrels(in .22-250), as I would like to use heavier bullets, for better "wind bucking".