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Everyone knows we don't have any cougars in central Wisconsin right? Just ask the DNR.

HOWEVER, this trail camera pic of a very large cougar was taken one week ago right by my deerstand!

We have wolf licenses now in Wisconsin. We also now need cougar licenses.




  • cougar.jpg
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If you want any more we will be happy to send you some from Washington. They have devestated the deer population in the area I usually hunt.
Send them my way. I like the big kitties. They help keep coyotes out of the area, and don't have as much of an impact on big game as most people believe.
I'll take a pair of kitties over a dozen coyotes, any day.

Everyone knows we don't have any cougars in central Wisconsin right? Just ask the DNR.
If they admit that they're around, they have to come up with management plans. That will cost money they probably don't have.
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If an game animal is not listed then you can shoot it any time. After all there's no crime in killing something that doesn't exist.

BTW that is not a "very" large cat. they get bigger.
If you have this cat hanging around to long. You may have to move your stand into the next county. I know from experience when a Timber wolf is out for a stroll and just passes by my deer feeder following fresh deer tracks and quickly moves on to other parts of his range as far as I know. The deer I see from day to day at that feeder are not seen for a solid week there after. I can imagine the same holds true for a big cat too.
Don't these conspiracy theories get tiresome? They won't admit because they would need a mgmt plan, really? Come on!!!!


One of DNR's own cam's image and verification...

With that said, let's get to the crux of the original claim. Who here thinks central Wisconsin is in Marquette County, Michigan? Please raise your hands. Who thinks the picture posted by warbirdlover right by his deer stand from last week is real? Raise your hands.

Anyone wonder why warbirdlover's trail cam image from right next to his deer stand is so blurry and you can't read anything. Think maybe he got the image elsewhere, say from a low res image from June, not July of 2012, say from Michigan? Then maybe he posted it as his own?


Dang if Margquette County, MI doesn't look exactly like central Wisconsin right next to warbirdlover's stand. Even the trees and the mountain lion seem to be exactly the same. Oh wait...they are.

Given that the premise of the thread is based on warbirdlover's claim of this mountain lion being caught on camera
one week ago right by my deerstand!
and that he used the faked information to springboard into a way to badmouth Wisconsin DNR, I would propose the thread be closed.
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No. Your text looked no better than warbirdlover's. You see, you didn't use the sarcasm emoticon previously. Your text read like his condemnation of Wis. DNR.
I suggest everyone just take a deep breath and think about what they are posting before they post it because, for obvious reasons, staff is watching this thread VERY carefully.

Accusations have been levied, so we'll give warbirdlover a chance to respond to the accusations.

This is not, however, going to become a "piling on" event, and I'll remind everyone of TFL's rules when responding to this thread.
I think I posted this before. A coupla years ago there was a big deal made of a turkey hunter witnessing a cougar attack on a dairy cow here in central Wisconsin. This was next door to my Son's in laws. The attack was verified by the local and state DNR. Few days later my son's FIL saw strange tracks in their garden and called the DNR. The DNR came out and verified that they were cougar tracks. Following winter, the DNR contacted my brother and asked permission to place game cameras on his land because they had suspicions that there were several cougars in the area. He told them yes. Last fall there were several verified pictures taken of cats 15 minutes south of where I live. All of these things happened withing a radius of 40 miles. All were confirmed and verified without hesitation or conspiracy by the state. The Wisconsin DNR is not an evil Big Brother. They confirme sightings when they have solid information to prove the presence. They are hesitant to confirm without absolute proof because of instances of fake photos and claims made by folks looking for attention. There are enough real pictures taken of cougars in the last few years in Wisconsin, one does not have to "fake" them. I too am curious as to the origin of Warbirdlover's photo. Good detective work DNS.......
If you notice this article it is the same picture I put up but says Michigan. It also says it was photographed in southern Marquette county which is where I hunt. Only it's Wisconsin. I think someone "borrowe" Mark's picture and claimed it was Michigan.


I too have spent quite a bit of time in "southern Marquette County" only, it's the one in the U.P. of Michigan.

This part of the story tends to makes me wonder if you friend Mark wasn't trying to pull something over on you....

The cougar was photographed by a cased and padlocked trail camera on private property on June 1, 2012.

Dr. Patrick Rusz, Director of Wildlife Programs for the Conservancy, and Michael Zuidema, a retired DNR forester, verified the trail camera’s location on a well-worn wildlife trail atop a wooded ridge

The camera has also photographed wolves, coyotes, fishers and numerous other species at the same site over a four year period.

The MWC said it was publicizing this photograph because it may be the best, clearest photograph of a wild Michigan cougar ever taken.

The clarity of the picture in the article vs the blurriness of the pic in the OP also makes me a tad leary, considering the claims are the article picture was copied from the one shown in the OP. I remember one time checking my game cams only to be shocked to see a gorilla's face looking into the camera lens. Turned out it was a friend in a Halloween costume.......
If you notice this article it is the same picture I put up but says Michigan. It also says it was photographed in southern Marquette county which is where I hunt. Only it's Wisconsin. I think someone "borrowe" Mark's picture and claimed it was Michigan.


I don't know who Mark is, but the article was published before you said the picture was even taken, by about 2 weeks.

The article says it is the picture from Michigan. The pic comes from the land owner and is confirmed by appropriate people who also verified the image location.
Dr. Patrick Rusz, Director of Wildlife Programs for the Conservancy, and Michael Zuidema, a retired DNR forester, verified the trail camera’s location on a well-worn wildlife trail atop a wooded ridge

So who is Mark? Why is the image so blurry? How could they publish an image 2 weeks prior to it being created?
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I don't know who Mark is, but the article was published before you said the picture was even taken, by about 2 weeks.

How could they publish an image 2 weeks prior to it being created?

Damn....................you're good!
My bet is that wbl's friend sent wbl one of those typical agitprop emails sent between people sharing political views, using slight lies or misrepresentations to bolster preconceptions.

Or maybe the two people quoted above by buck460 and DNS as verifying the location got lost on the way there and didn't notice driving through Chicago?
Its true, Wisconsin DOES have a Marquette County and it IS in south central Wisconsin, but Michigan also has a Marquette County and its in the Upper Peninsula (which I've actually visited and camped in).

Normally I'd rush to stand by a fellow Wisconsinite but in this case, after thoroughly reading the article from Michigan, I have to say that something definitely does NOT smell right here.

From the article about cougars in Michigan:

The cougar was photographed by a cased and padlocked trail camera on private property on June 1, 2012...

Dr. Patrick Rusz, Director of Wildlife Programs for the Conservancy, and Michael Zuidema, a retired DNR forester, verified the trail camera’s location on a well-worn wildlife trail atop a wooded ridge...

The camera has also photographed wolves, coyotes, fishers and numerous other species at the same site over a four year period...

The MWC said it was publicizing this photograph because it may be the best, clearest photograph of a wild Michigan cougar ever taken...

He has also identified a long list of additional physical evidence dating back to 1966, and notes that Michigan State College zoologist Richard Manville documented several cougar sightings or incidents when he inventoried the fauna of Marquette County’s Huron Mountains from 1939 to 1942...

The most recent MDNR confirmation occurred last May when a cougar was photographed with a hand-held camera near Skanee in Baraga County. That photograph was taken about 50 miles north of the Marquette County trail camera location.

This says to me that the photograph was taken in Marquette County, perhaps in the area around the Huron Mountain area (which I know is in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan and NOT in south central WI), a month earlier than the OP said it was. I also believe, according to the article, that the last most recent sighting was a picture taken in a location 50 miles north of where this picture was taken. Last I checked Skanee, MI was NOT 50 miles north of anywhere you could be in Marquette County, WI.

The other thing I have to wonder is the quality and clarity of the photograph. See my ex wife is a graphic designer and I used to work with her in her studio as a photographer for her. Whenever she needed source photos for her work I was sent out to take them. I know that regardless of how far technology advances you CAN NOT add detail and clarity to a photo that isn't already there. The stuff you see on CSI is just science fiction that they threw in there to make their cases solvable. In reality if you have a fuzzy pixellalted image you're going to keep on having a fuzzy and pixellated image no matter how much you sharpen the edges and lines. Simply put you can't put details into the picture that aren't already there to begin with unless you're doing some SERIOUS photoshopping and in that event there'd be clear differences. Even with computer extrapolation you can't go from the fuzzy little picture that the OP claims is the original and make it as clear, detailed and as large as the one in the Michigan article which the OP claims is the copy. Its simply not possible. You CAN however go the other way, take a clear and detailed picture, then make it fuzzy and smaller. This is usually done by people to obfuscate something in the picture... To put make it easy to understand if you start with a fuzzy picture you're going to stay with a fuzzy picture. If you start with a clear picture you will be able to make it fuzzy (which isn't really too hard actually).
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