Yet another possible situation thwarted

No question that open carry is legal in Virginia, and that the shall-issue status of the CHP is not questioned except by a few misguided folks who seem to get corrected by Virginia Citizen Defense League.

But the question was about "brandishing" -- the best collection I have found of case law in Virginia is at Check them out and you may be as surprised as I was how the Virginia Supreme Court has ruled!

stay safe.

From 10 ft I would be on top of you before the sensory nerves in your brain could tell you arm to reach for that sidearm....
But the question was about "brandishing" -- the best collection I have found of case law in Virginia is at Check them out and you may be as surprised as I was how the Virginia Supreme Court has ruled!

The creator of that site is a shooting buddy of mine. Very good info there.
For practical purposes, his act of "brandishing" probably saved him quite a bit of trouble. If that area is known to have a lot of criminal ativity, I probably would have done the same.

From a legal standpoint (Florida's Laws), That would be considered a misdemeanor. There is an obligation to retreat if possible to avoid using lethal force if you can do so safely (unless you are in your own home).

If you warned someone to stay away and they still approached agressively, I think most of you would do the same thing.
Everyone is part of the in crowd but me. Okay, I'm dumb - what is a MS-13.


No problem. MS-13 is a street gang that has a large base in Northern Virginia and have been responsible for some recent viscious attacks using machetes (weapon of choice for them). MS stands for "Mara Salvatrucha". The gang has roots in El Salvador and sprang up in California then somehow became big in NoVA. Hope this helps!

Thanks KONY. I'm in rural Indiana and obviously don't pay enough attention to what's happening elsewhere. Many of the abbreviations used here for current events and references to terms, people etc. are new or foreign to me. Finnally had to ask what a "meplat" was a couple of weeks ago. When we started having the "Colors" problem in schools we squashed that locally in short order. Tough to do in more urban areas where folks don't have the chance to talk together as much. Hope we continue to be lucky and the rest of the country can find their own 4 leaf clover.
Brandish if you have to, anything is better than dying or blowing someone away.

If someone blantently ignores your yelling for them to back off, and you brandish, and they run... thats a good thing.

Let them try and charge me with something for keeping myself safe. What are they going to do - take my weapon? From my cold dead hands.
It is alot faster than that, 21 feet can be covered in about 4 seconds by your average person......

Where do these numbers come from? They are ridiculous. Women and old men and some cripples can cover 21 feet in 1.5 seconds. Some take as long as 1.7 seconds. Some young men are faster. I know this because Massad Ayoob gave a bunch of us a stop watch and had us time everyone in the group from start signal to tagging (as in stabbing) a person 21 feet away. He did the same with another bunch of folks at the same time, and they got similar results.

But don't take my word for it - get a few folks and a stopwatch and try it out yourself.

BTW, can you draw and nail a moving target in 1.5 seconds?
You know, 3/4 people make up 75% of the population, 95% of all statistics are garbage, and I told everyone a million times not to exaggerate. :cool:
I don't think he's exaggerating w4klr. I could run 21 feet, take a whiz and turn and shoot in under 4 seconds. You would have to discount the dribble, however. :)

I'll bet, many can... I don't doubt anyone couldn't. Underestimating is what kills people.

Overkill is better than no kill my DI once told me in boot.