Yet Another "Non-Weapon as Weapon" Thread

You might as well use a potato gun............all paintguns do are piss people off. Though a friends of mine in high school had a nice outcome with one. It was Halloween night, they had a truck full of beer, CO2, Paintballs and a paintgun. Both driver and passanger windows were down, while they were crusing a some kid threw a m80 (its a 1/4 stick of TNT I think) at there blazer. Well lucky for my friends the kid missed and well they loaded the paintgun and returned to favor. A few shots later and kid got knocked on the ground, the cops later showed up, and my friends got pulled over. Lucky for them the cops gave them the option of giving up the paintgun, Co2 and paintballs for the night or get charged with a drive by shooting! With a truck full of beer they gave up the gun, and picked it up at the local department the next day, with half of the CO2 and paintballs missing.............
ronin, Its not to hard where I play. Most of the dumb a$$es run around out in the open (on an outdoor woods field) in paintball jersies that look like motorcross gear. It dosnt hurt that most of the brightly colored mall ninjas start shooting at you from 100 yards away with their $1500 full auto Cocker or Angel sticking out blindly from behind a tree. Its so satisfying to flank them and sit a few feet behind them and wait for their 200 round hopper to empty into the spot you were 2 minutes ago. Then when they reach for a reload from their 2000 round tactical vest..SPLAT. I'm not really that good and have only been playing for a year or so, but I keep killing the so called pro's at my field who insist that lots of paint, fast is the way to play..I call it the Wagner Power Sprayer technique. Most pro's are proud of 2 kills in 200 shots. I seldom take more that one hopper full into a game. Its amazing how far a little common sence, way to many war movies as a kid and some hunting experiance can take you.

This was that same morning before the games


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LOL! I love those paint-tac guys! My buddies and I cleaned out a whole 10 man team indoors one time. They all had Shockers and we had a Tippman 98's, Prolites, a Spyder, and one guy had a Stingray II. The guy with the Stingray II snuck up on a guy: The guy was standing and my friend sneaks around the corner and puts the muzzle of his $80 gun right under the guy's chin and says "You're dead" :) He used about 70 paintballs that night and he had something like 9-12 kills. We were playing center flag and I don't think the other team ever even won one round

No, it was purely a hypothetical question. If someone tries to break into my room, I will go for the "decorative" samurai sword I have hanging over the door. It is just a wallhanger, but I keep it sharp enough to do some major damage -- I can pretty much guarantee that I will stop the person unless he/she is a skilled martial artist, in which case I am dead anyway, weapon or no.
I can pretty much guarantee that I will stop the person unless he/she is a skilled martial artist, in which case I am dead anyway, weapon or no.

Hmmph. I don't care if it's Jackie Chan, he ain't gonna be much of a threat with 10 155gr JHP .40 bullets in his chest.

two pages worth of "what can I use as a weapon and not get
thrown out of college thread" and now I first find out you have
a samuri sword over the bed? Is campus ok with that? if so
I think the choice is obvious my friend...Ginsu city!
Can you get paintballs filled with OC liquid?

Police can, they're called pepperballs, and they sound very effective.

But they won't sell them to civilians. I don't think they're actually illegal, the makers just won't sell them to us proles.
You can buy unfilled .68 caliber gellatin balls. They kinda look like big round empty jel-caps. Or more accuratly, smaller, rounder versions of those little plastic bubbles we used to get rabbits feet and press-on tattos out of gun ball machines. They are really fun for filling up with flintpowder, a little sand, and a touch of black powder. Makes a nice little puff and some sparks when you shoot against a hard surface. Magnesium works good to but its more of a fire hazard. I'm sure you could fill 'em with OC powder or some other chemical iritant. If I can find the link to the website that sells them, I'll post it. You should be able to find them if you look on the web for movie special effects equipment.
Why don't they sell pepper-spray paint balls to civilians? I mean it is a non-lethal deterrent that actually sounds like it would work. I live in a pretty safe area, but if I did live in a bad part of town and wanted to protect my house that sounds like a pretty good alternative to a firearm. Suppose someone is in your house, but they are unarmed. They are physically threatening you. You have a gun, but at what point do you shoot this person. Do you shoot to wound, to kill. I have to wonder about this. I do have a handgun, actually several, but I sometimes wonder about the use of deadly force. With that said if someone were in my house and they had a .357 I sure wouldn't want to be sitting there with a Tippman 98!
I'ma thinkn' that a standard take-down recurve bow would make a pretty darn good non-firearm missile weapon. (Cheap too!)