Yet Another "Non-Weapon as Weapon" Thread


New member
Okay...BB guns are out. Airsoft guns are out. Super Soakers are out.

How 'bout a paintball gun?

It doesn't have enough velocity to cause any real damage, but paintballs spatter & sting; I think a paintball or two to the face would provide enough of a distraction to allow me to cut & run.
Might well turn back one who is not all that intent on advancing.

Just be sure you don't point that thing at an armed person. Could get you killed to death.

I'd say that sustained fire froma paintball gun would stop someone as long as they weren't a crazed psycho.
There are all sorts of things that can be shot from a paintball gun too, that will hurt alot more. Cherry heads ( candy, like gobstoppers) put a pretty good dent in a peice of stove pipe from about 30ft. Glass slingshot ammo would probably work. I doubt it could shoot a .68 minnie ball very well.
Make sure you don't confuse what your loaded with at a paintball match, team colors shouldn't be blue vs. stainless ;)
Ferchrissake, get away from the "can I shoot the goblin that's trying to break into my house" routine... Just be prepared, and deal with things... Having an softball bat lying around is one thing - modifying a cuisinart to serve as a ninja throwing star is completely different...

My advice - Get a flippin' wrist rocket (I do carry one in my car...) and some .50 lead balls. And learn to run well, at least until you move.
#1-Most paintball guns are not allowed in college dorms. You'll get in even more trouble if you have it stuffed with marbles or something like that.

#2-I've played a lot of paintball and if you hit someone (with a regular ball) you'd better kill or knock them out. They will probably beat you to death if you don't.

#3-Using a paintball gun is still assault and battery, so why not use a friggin' bat instead then?

#4-KISS, Keep it Super Simple. I wouldn't want to rely on a paintball gun to keep me outta trouble. I'd rather have an ASP, knife, bat, axe handle, or even my bare hands. It seems like you're thinking too complicated. Like Bogie said, "just be prepared".

My advice would be to learn how to brawl hand to hand. Most college problems never go far enough to need weaponry. If you think you need a weapon, buy a bat, ASP, hammer, whatever, just don't try to Rube Goldberg your self defense strategy :)

"I think a paintball or two to the face would provide enough of a distraction"

Sounds like a lawsuit to me. Remember the old saying, "If you have to shoot'em, make sure they're dead." A paint ball in the eye will most likely not be fatal, but almost surely will be permanently disabling if not blinding. While I personaly would have no problem with this outcome for someone stupid enough to invade your home uninvited, I would almost bet you would end up paying him in court. It's pretty sad. I heard of one guy who was going through a window, fell and broke his arm or leg or something, and sued the home owner and actualy won!Somehow I think a bat or something a little more "traditional" would be viewed differently.

By the way, paintballs are fatal on 18" long packrats!!!:D
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Anyone who plays paintball knows they hurt like heck...anyone that plays on a public field knows frozen paintballs REALLY hurt and can break small bones like fingers and knee caps. A frozen paintball to an unprotected face could put someone out of commision for good. this is all just hypothetical...right

Im 5'7 150lbs. Not a drug crazed monster by any means...
quick story about two yrs. ago I was walking out of a grocery store in Boca Raton Fl. While putting my groceries away I was
the subject of what could have been a life threatening joke on their part (since I carry regularly CCW holder) I was shot 3 times
in the back. After realizing it wasnt a small caliber handgun and wiping yellow paint from my glasses shirt and jacket. I approached the vehicle with 2 young (15-16yrs old youths)
yanked the obvious paintgun from there hands( a splatmaster it said) and proceeded to break 3 of there car windows with it. then tossed it in the dumpster (i know should have let LEO handle it but thats how it unraveled) Moral of the story even a little guy when shot with a paintball gets PISSED OFF. and for them the outcome could have only been worse (returned real gunfire etc)
stay away from paintball guns and heed the advise of the wise members quoted above.
Carbon_15- This is for a self defense tool, so how can he keep the balls frozen while loaded in the gun? Either he loads it when he needs it, or he puts the whole rig in the freezer. Either way, its all pretty silly :p

loandr.- Those kids are lucky to be alive! I'm glad to hear that you didn't get in trouble for smashing their windows. Those ***** deserved it!
Holy Cow folks. Just get a pair of chain saws and a couple of quick draw hanging holsters for them like the tree trimmers have.

Bad Guys do not generally continue the attack in the face of a pair of chain saws... Of course there is the time to start them. Hey Thuggo, wait while I start these Thangs...

You guys are a HOOT with all this stuff.
I know of two incidents where people were permanently blinded after being hit in the eye by paintballs in drive-bys. Still doesn't seem like a good defensive weapon though.

I have used wrist rockets with .50 lead bullets and think that they would be much more lethal. Also more compact and silent.
I know of two incidents where people were permanently blinded after being hit in the eye by paintballs in drive-bys. Still doesn't seem like a good defensive weapon though.

I have used wrist rockets with .50 lead bullets and think that they would be much more lethal. Also more compact and silent.

In the eye??? In the head??? these phrases have come up several times in this thread. If ones skill level is HIGH enough
to nail an unexpected assailant in the EYE...while moving.....
they need not worry about his or hers saftey. at that point you could just shoot paper clips :-) seriously good luck and stick with a bat. even a wrist rocket can get you in deep water.
<"this is all just hypothetical...right">

ronin308, I kinda thought we were just batting thoughts about, not planing out real self defence strategy. No one thinks a paintball gun is a realist defence tool, right?? I mean, just get a baseball bat.

BTW, This is me in my paintball garb AFTER a day at the field. Notice the lack of paint splaters:D :D :D


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Carbon_15- I thought Striderteen was actually considering it. But only he can say for certain. Anyways, it must be nice not to get all painted up :) I play at this indoor arena sometimes and if you survive a night without getting tagged you are probably amazing! I don't get to play too much anymore though. Oh well, I still get to shoot at least once a week :D
