Yellow Journalism (re: Palin)

Elitists in the media were miffed because they didn't break the news on her being picked as a VP candidate....perhaps they can save face by disclosing some more highly classified documents that may endanger our troops.
No, let's face this one squarely. The ear mark for the bridge to nowhere was asked for by Rep. Don Young and Sen. Ted Stevens, neither of whom are
named Sarah Palin the last time I checked.
Psst, guys... Don't mention that "earmark" stuff anymore. It's gonna bury us. Did she ever own a trailer?
That's why I was saying it in a sotto Obama voice... Use of that argument by the Dems will backfire. Bigtime. :cool:
You should turn off the cable news and watch a movie instead. Let me suggest some titles:

Mr. Smith Goes To Washington
Meet John Doe
The Fountainhead

(all movies about the media manipulating the public)
the low road began well before the Clinton campaign.

There is a lot of talk about the innuendo/slander politics that goes back into the 1960 campaigns. Claiming the mater started with Clinton seems to serve as a convenient way to claim its the Democrats who started the nonsense. Other could say the big time slamming was from the Swift-boaters. In any event I do not believe the majority of Americans fall for most of the stuff thrown out about any of the candidates. Some of the commentary might make you look for answers but most just waste your time by expecting you will read and believe it.

Bye the way there are a lot of accounts that say the negative campaign stuff goes all the way back to a very early election when one presidential candidate had letters written to major news papers claim he was having an affair. I believe it started around the time Washington ran.
I'd like to believe most folks don't 'fall for' the 'stuff' thrown out in the negative campaigns, but based on discussions with some of the people I know, including realtives, I'm convinced negative adds do have an impact.

Too many people believe anything they read on-line or hear on televison.
One of the things I like best about Palin is that she drives Liberals crazy. Just read what the Libs posted on this thread. Koo koo.

I can't wait to see the looks on their faces 11/5.