Yellow Journalism (re: Palin)


New member
Where do I go for impartial, unbiased news?

These days, all I can find are biased reporting in the tradition of Hearst
Yellow Journalism.

Take for example reporting about Sara Palin. Parenthetically, given her
history of reform, I am surprised that nothing of substance has been dug up
by the attack dogs. Sarah Palin made her share of enemies, due to her
reform agenda. If there was real dirt to dig up, we would have heard about
it by now.

Sarah Palin's teenage daughter is pregnant and she's not married :eek:
And, the same five-month pregnant daughter may be the real mother of
Palin's four-month old son? What? That's not even mathematically possible.

Sarah Palin doesn't get along with her ex brother in law. :eek: Do you
want Palin to take sides against her beloved sister? Sarah Palin
is not made of stone. When the ex brother in law threatens the life of
her father, she took that personally. Unlike a lot of people, Palin has a
close knit, loving family. An attack against her sister or her father is an
attack on her.

Sarah Palin sold the Governor's jet but did not make a profit on the sale. :eek:
This is just the most ridiculous of all the nonsense. How many times have
you bought something, which is not collectible, at retail price, used it for
a while, sold it at wholesale price and turned a profit? :confused:

And, horror of horrors, this one time Sarah Palin called another woman a
bitch and suggested that she was fat. :eek: The less said about this the
better. :barf:

I think that the liberal media, having failed to find any real dirt, is generating
all of these stories so that the American public would think that maybe
where there is smoke there is fire.

The American Public is smarter than that.
Where do I go for impartial, unbiased news?

It does not exist. Get your news from more than one source, and just use your head to think about what they are saying. Often, it becomes clear when the media is filling us full of manure.
Not all of evidence I would submit that many still support Sen. Obama.

You are right, as is also evidenced by some conservatives supporting mccain, an anti-gun, pro-global warming taxation liberal.
oh yeah?

I am surprised that nothing of substance has been dug up
by the attack dogs.
I beg to differ!
Her church wants to convert gays to hetero! (This one just out today)

We will no doubt be bombarded by stories like this until November.
If you can't find something that really matters, give us something that doesn't matter and make us think it does; or just make something up.

I saw another yesterday that was an article about her (just kind of a personality/bio-piece) with the accompanying photo of her holding up the head of a caribou she had just shot (complete with blood streaming out of its nose and mouth). I actually am not a hunter, and the picture was very unpleasant to look at to me, as I could never shoot something like that; but It was more sickening to me how and why that particular picture was chosen (I assume it was an attempt to get some people to not like her). I guess the ends always justify the means.
why isnt this getting more attention ??? even from the patriots on this forum ...
Posted by jackesq on 09/04/08 at 8:33AM
Despite her claim to the contrary, Sarah Palin did take the "Bridge to Nowhere" money, she just didn't build the bridge. Her deception regarding that fact is not nearly as disturbing as the unpatriotic stance she has taken in support of an odd seperatist political party in Alaska.

The Alaskan Independence Party ("AIP") is an avowed seperatist party, their goal is to succeede from the union. Please go to their website and read their materials, and while you are there, look for the video of Governor Sarah Palin addressing the party.

Not only did Sarah Palin prepare a video tape for the 2008 AIP convention, but she also attended at least two other AIP conventions. Until yesterday the head of the AIP claimed that Sarah Palin was a party member, however that claim was suddenly retracted. But one other claim has not been retracted, and that is that Sarah Palin's husband, Todd Palin, was a card carrying member of the AIP for at least seven years.

Providing active support and encouragment to a political party that wants to succede from the union is a kooky thing to do, but when viewed in light of Sarah Palin's political ambitions it rises to the level of being down-right unpatriotic, and, possibly treasonable.

Attending political conventions of a party whose goal is the break-up of the United States does not strike me as something that a Governor who wants to be VP should be doing.

I find it especially ironic that she would be running on a Republican ticket while supporting Alaskan independence given the fact that it was a Republican, Abe Lincoln, who fought the war to keep our country together.

As I learn about Sarah Palin it is apparent to me that she is a lying, deceptive, and unpatriotic person who will not hesitate to use every opportunity to advance her ambitions.

Of course, if you think it was ok for her to take the "Bridge to Nowhere" money and not build the bridge, and if you think the break up of the United States is a good idea, then by all means, please vote for John McCain and Sarah Palin.
dbl bbl daryl said:
Her church wants to convert gays to hetero! (This one just out today)

:eek: And of course she has as much control over her church as Obama has
over Rev. Wright. :rolleyes:

It's Religion, and the holy writ says what it says. Palin did not write the stuff.

By the way, I realize you were being sarcastic.
Why is it

when all the stories regarding Obama were being televised and published it was accpetable. Now when a few issues surrounding Palin get reported is biased liberal journalism.

The crying over all the media in the world being liberal and against conservatives has to be the biggest load of crap ever concieved.
Sarah Palin's teenage daughter is pregnant and she's not married
And, the same five-month pregnant daughter may be the real mother of
Palin's four-month old son? What? That's not even mathematically possible.

That allegation alone should give you an idea of the depth of the Obamite's desperation. I happened to be in Anchorage when Mrs. Palin's son was born, awaiting the birth of my own grand-daughter. It was something of a running joke as to whether Sunni would beat the Governor to the delivery room.

Sarah won, by about a week...and I think she must have used her influence as Governor to do that! I am demanding an independent investigation into this matter:rolleyes:

Idiots. If there were black helicopters flying up & down Cook Inlet, I'm reasonably certain my daughter would have called, or WildAlaska would have told us. BTW, has anybody seen Ken???

Oh NO- they got him too!
The New York Times' David Brooks, on George Stephanopoulos panel, couldn't resist muttering the "trailer trash" epithet this morning. Classless bastards!


Psst, guys... Don't mention that "earmark" stuff anymore. It's gonna bury us. Did she ever own a trailer?

Check out the website of Citizens Against Government Waste,the non-partisan, not-for-profit watchdog group. "Taxpayer Heroes" rank above 80 per cent.

The 2007 rankings are out and John McCain got 100% ranking, and is 88% lifetime. :D

Obama got 10% in 2007 and is 18% lifetime. :barf:

These are rankings based on waste, pork, earmarks and other government corruption. Check the rankings for yourself here:
Not too surprising Brooks would use terms like trailer trash. The New York Times has been in full attack mode since Palin was announced. They can't tolerate someone other than Obama getting positive attention - after all he's their annointed, appointed, Messiah.

The Times lost all pretenses to being objective long ago. In their mind 'if it ain't Obama it aint good'.
who post most of the stuff

that seems to pop up on the Internet regarding all the candidates. I really believe there is a group of individuals who pride themselves in doing nothing other than creating these stories that claim a candidate is one thing or another or some similar foolishness. Can anyone actually point to the source of the statements on Obama, Palin, McCain or Biden as coming from either party?

Its a great supposition to claim the Obama campaign is making all these lies up about Palin. It is easy to clam the McCain headquarters made up lies about Obama. But has anyone actually seen proof that either side has been responsible for these messages.

Again I just believe there are a number of malcontents who post BS on all the candidates becasue they need to get a life. They are so insecure they are not willing to take credit/blame for the stuff they post.
I don't believe 'this garbage' comes directly from either campaign. The last two presidential campaigns pretty much proved there's lots of money and lots of organizations to spread rumors, innuendos,etc.

That being said, I also think we should expect main stream media to show some impartiality, except on their op ed pages.
Intune said:

Psst, guys... Don't mention that "earmark" stuff anymore. It's gonna bury us. Did she ever own a trailer?

No, let's face this one squarely. The ear mark for the bridge to nowhere was
asked for by Rep. Don Young and Sen. Ted Stevens, neither of whom are
named Sarah Palin the last time I checked.

The money was going to Alaska anyway. So, instead of building something
of limited usefulness with it, Sarah Palin and Alaska decided to put the money
to good use.

The Federal Government is the only one that can really run a deficit year
after year. State governments have to balance their budgets. Sarah Palin
did what was best for Alaska.

If this is the best that the liberal media can dig up, other than Sarah Palin's
bout of tourette's syndrome in calling another woman a fat bitch :eek:,
Palin is squeaky clean.
I don't believe 'this garbage' comes directly from either campaign

In the case of Palin, it does come from the campaign. Bill Clinton brought in the era of politics of personal destruction. The republicans learned to fight back a bit, but the democrats have it down to a science. Family and friends of a politician are all fair game to a democrat strategist as long as it helps the democrats to remain in or to gain power. Hillary Clinton used the IRS against her opponents as well as the justice department. Don't be naive and think that these people do not play hard ball. They are disgusting and do not deserve to be trusted with power.

By the way, small states are over-represented in congress. Alaska has
two senators and one representative.

Earmarks are one way for an incumbent congressman to stay in office, and
the smaller the state is the greater the impact of earmarks.

That's why some of the most powerful senators and representatives
come from small states.

And, the last time we checked Sarah Palin was never a Congresswoman.
The American Public is smarter than that.

Oh, I wouldn't go that far......

Hate to say it, but Rove set a new low road for political attacks and that trend will continue on both sides.

The swift boaters, Obama's a Muslin and the Palin attackers will continue. After all, the low road has proven that it works.
Krezyhorse said:
The swift boaters, Obama's a Muslin and the Palin attackers will continue. After all, the low road has proven that it works.

I hate the lowest common denominator. If I see that dude, I'll put two in his head. :(

Almost everything in this country is designed to be consumed by the
lowest common denominator. Food, movies, TV, elections, cars, ...

And of course she has as much control over her church as Obama has
over Rev. Wright.
I don't think either has much control over what their church says, but I am much more comfortable with someone who's church wants to "save" people from hell or whatever, no matter how misguided, than I am with someone who's long-time "spiritual adviser" preaches about how the white man is the root of all the world's problems, about how our government created the AIDS virus to commit genocide against blacks, and makes statements like the infamous "God bless America? No, God damn America!"

when all the stories regarding Obama were being televised and published it was accpetable.
What stories about Obama? The only one I can think of is the Rev Wright thing.
The only other stories I can remember - and I admit alot of this crap doesnt stay real long in my short term memory que - are the stories about right wing wackos claiming he's a closet muslim who really wants to destroy America, or he's the Antichrist, or stuff like this. These stories aren't about Obama, rather about how low those on the right will stoop to discredit him.

You have to admit the media and especially the Hollywood elite as well as musicians and such adore him.
I guess they are more enlightened than us bitter white folks who "cling to guns and religion" though. (as an aside I am not a religious person, I hate the term Atheist, but I guess thats what I am)
You also have to admit the people who lean to the right have reason to dislike him. He is all about entitlement programs and social engineering and seems to want us to be part of a New World Order, where the desires and opinions of all the other world citizens weigh as heavily as ours as to how this country conducts and governs itself. This is my opinion of him that has developed over the last year or so. If anyone wants to dispute it, I can try to find some quotes that back this up.
I by no means agree with all of McCains positions, nor do I believe alot of what comes out of his mouth; afterall, they are both trying to get elected, and will say whatever is necessary to get those votes. I do think he would like to see us remain a (or rather the) superpower, and is more concerned about what is in our country's best interest, even if the rest of the world doesn't particularly like it.

Sorry for drifting off-topic.
You don't have to have the T.V. on for long to get the feeling the mainstream media really would like to see Obama put in the white-house - I don't know how anyone can deny this.

Another example I just saw at the grocery store about two hours ago:
Some magazine or tabloid at the checkout lane with the HUGE headline on the cover "Sarah Palin: Babies, Lies and Scandal".
I guess you cant really call some tabloid (I think it was US wekly or something like that) journalism, but I can't recall ever seeing anything like that about Obama or Biden.