y2k urban rifle choice

I'd go with a 16" AR15 varient, carried in something like the Eagle Industries Discreet Carry case. Or perhaps a golf bag or something similarly unobtrusive. If things are to the point that we're moving about our cities with battle rifles and combat harnesses on, it'd probably be better not to be moving around.

One of the big advantages to the AR15 is that is is essentially identical to the M16 that the security forces (when and if they arrive)will be using making battlefied resupply of ammunition, magazines etc. easy.

I really hope things don't come to that, I've got a feeling our major urban areas would make anything we've seen out of Bosnia look tame if there was that great a breakdown in society.

.30-30 is a plentiful powerful found for defense. But if you are in the city, and you have hoards of looters coming for your stuff, an AR15 type rifle with lots of 30 rounders handy is the way to go. With a 12 gauge pump as last resort line of defense.

Back to the .30-30. It was and is a favorite in the SW US. By LE and ranchers alike. I love my Marlin 336 TS carbine and thank God that I could afford all three, a Colt AR15 16", Marlin, and Remington 870 suitably modified. I don't have a "Scout Rifle" per se, but my Rem. Model 7 will suit me fine for that niche (.308). And Rem. 700 HB .308 (Kevlar stock) to reach out and touch someone.

I think that .30-30, .308. and .223 , along with .30-06 will be among the most available calibers in a crisis for rifles. .38 spec, 9mm, and .45 ACP for handguns.
HK in .223 with collaspable stock and plenty of 40 round magazines. Reliable, accurate and with its slimline forearm, very handy.
30-30s are popular here in Missouri also. I've got several different Marlins in the safe. I know that I can walk into just about any town or hardware store and if they have any ammo on the shelf you can bet the bank that there is 30-30 and 12 gauge.

If the lights are out, the phones don't work, the water is contaminated and their is no food on the shelves, aren't people going to think your Golf-bag is a little odd? ;)

I hated golf and my talent may be restricted to caddying (provided I don't wander off somewhere to sleep). That is until my older brother explained the game to me:

You take a BB gun and stuff it down your golf bag, pour in some ice, toss in some beer, more ice, then a couple of clubs. Knock the ball near the quail, pull out the BB gun, bag a bird, stuff the gun back into the bag, stuff the bird into the bag, pop a beer, look for more birds, knock the ball... You get the picture.

I may have to go to a garage sale and buy a golf bag and clubs.
This subject has me also wondering about applications in the urban/suburban setting.
First, I've never fired any of the following ...so some help clearing my mind on this subject is greatly appreciated.
AR-15 in .223 vs. Ruger Carbine in 9mm
Other than having the same ammo as my Glock pistol, what advantages/disadvantages are there in using the 9mm vs. .223?

Only slightly confused,
Douglas in CT
I suppose a golf bag might stand out a little (I don't play myself) in those circumstances, but then again I know some pretty dedicated players :)

I do think a discreet carry for a rifle in an urban setting would be the way to go. Why attract a lot of attention to yourself. Someone may ambush you just to get your rifle.

Anyone else have any ideas about discreet unobtrusive carry for a rilfe/carbine?
The fact that assault weapons may be even confiscated leads me to belive that a benign looking hunting rifle may be the way to go. Even a modified "sniper" rifle to most people will look just like a hunting rifle. A Styer Scout even , to most everyone, would look like just another hunting rifle. An M-14 by ruger would be an excellent choice. I have also considered a Marlin camp rifle for it's dependability and the fact that I can reload 9mm, and my wife can operate and shoot it easily. Don't get me wrong, I will have an AR, but I want some other more regular looking stuff as well.

Jeff W.,

I'm not sure what circumstances you envision carrying a rifle in a concelaed manner, but for everyday use in normal circumstances, I am a big fan of roof racks. There is one design that holds two long guns up above the occupants in your truck. There is also a desgin which hangs above your dash like a tray up against the cieling of the passenger compartment.
This is a great way to carry a rifle and/or shotgun in your truck without having to stash it behind a seat or putting a "Redneck Rob Me" sign in the sliding window.

I think you are on the right track, if you mean the Mini-14, see my posts above.

I like your roof rack idea. I was thinking more on the lines of dismounted carry though. Might not be the best idea to walk into a crowd or store etc, openly carrying a rifle (especially an "evil" black one). But if things are bad enough, you may want to have it with you and not rely on a handgun as your primary weapon.
Having lived in both a metropolitan area in a subdivision and currently in a rural environment, I would like to offer my suggestions. First, in a subdivision at 100+ meters you can be at least two houses away. Hard to identify friend/foe. If you start randomly picking off targets without provocation you will create a huge problem. If you or your loved ones are threatened, I see that happening at close range. Perfect environment for a shotgun. With slugs, this same firearm will also be effective out to 75 meters (plenty of whitetails are mounted above fireplace mantles to prove the point.) If you are able to have an arsenal at your disposal one of everything is nice. If not, the gun that settled this country can't be all bad.
In the scenario you guys are contemplating I honestly think the rules are going to be different than anything we can put into terms of todays state of the law...

Let's see...
panic in the streets...
no communications....
food is running low....
I might be shooting people in the street to protect myself or to get food...
The reserve troops that they can find are being called in to enforce martial law....

NFA my a**, I'm getting out my hacksaw.
(another good reason to have a red-dot sight on your AR...)
(This is not meant to be a post encouraging/advising/approving vthe violation of federal law... but being safe during a time of true civil disorder is worth having to discard a barrel or upper reciever if/when order is restored.. IMHO)


[This message has been edited by Rob (edited 01-07-99).]
I'm no authority on religion or law, but I believe that we all have the God given right to self defense and if it means violating a few of man's laws, so be it.

Just my personal opinion and like Rob, I'm not advocating violating Federal Law unless it was the lesser of two evils (death or great bodily injury as opposed to avoidance of same by violation thereof).

[This message has been edited by 4V50 Gary (edited 01-08-99).]