y2k urban rifle choice


New member
What's the gun to get if you're stuck in the
city when/if y2k goes south? Some choices to
get started:
AR rifle, AK/SKS, M1 Carbine, Marlin 30-30...
Bushmaster AR-15 with a 16 inch barrel.

Look at those goodies at:

Kenetic Defense Institute
I have to go with the AK. Simple ultra reliable. In the city if I can't hit it with in 300 meters I'll run away to fight another day. Just the way I see it.
Sorry I have been not around so much last day or two.. been out chasing BGs. Went into a house yesterday and a crack-head had made his Y2k rifle choice... fully loaded E.A. AR, looked just like the one that was described last month on this forum. Not a settling sight, trust me.

If you had to start fresh today, I'd make an argument for a Mini-14. I like .223, but ARs are going to cost more.

Just visited bushmaster.com and elieve I'm hooked.
Has anybody assembled one? Moneywise it seems the way to go.

Better days to be,

Something that I think is often missed by the "pick a _____ for y2k" question is that we don`t know what y2k will entail. The situation might dictate a mello looking "hunting gun" to keep the reigning authorities from throwing a fit. You may also need to take large game for food or shoot through hard cover etc. Further,do you *really* need 30rd. mags. and 6 spare clips? If you`re up against numbers so strong and well armed that all this is necessary the law of averages says you`ve already lost. In this situation might you be better off with a scoped "hunting rifle" to pick off the BG`s at a distance or make every second of exposure count? Maybe maybe not,but it`s sonething to think about. My thought is that a scout rifle or scoped carbine in say .308,or 30-06(30-30 to a lesser extent) would be much more versatile and attract a lot less attention in the back seat during a "bug out" with the family. Of course I love assault rifles too,I`m just not convinced they`re perfect for the y2k question. Marcus

That's another reason for the Min-14. The versions available now are rather innocent looking. The .223 is certainly adequate for hunting, yet lightweight, and hi-cap mags are there if you need them. It is easy to throw a few mags in a back pack and you'd be well supplied for a year's worth of food hunting.

I agree that the whole line of "what y2k _____ ?" is kinda silly, because it should be "what ____ do you have just in case of ______."
And the answer should be consistent.. which would really lead me back to a shotgun capable of shooting Shot and Slugs.

High Standard Model 10B with
2-3/4" magnums of custom 000 & #4 Buckshot loads. A kind of a "Buck & Ball" for the Millenium in a short and rapid handling package.
I too would agree with Rob.... a ubiquitous Mini-14, a smallish 12 guage with slugs and buckshot, and a autoloading handgun would serve well if this Y2K thing really comes to fruition. However, lugging all of this stuff around will give you that "Doom" look. Stay home until everything settles down.
Price independant, my H&K 91 with A3 stock.

Price dependant, Springfield M1A1 with paratrooper stock. O.K., so I like .308. It's a good plinking round.

Shotgun: Remington 870 with Speedfeed pistol grip, and a variety of shells.
I personally prefer an AR-15.

If you get a post-ban or find a good deal on a pre-ban, it may be possible to get an AR and 1000 rounds for just about $1000 from someplace like Georgia Arms.

If it is socially acceptable to mention another site here, gunforums.com under Carbine and Rifle I started a thread of
"Ideal AR-15: my experience"

...and keep in mind if you have ANY long arm and are familiar with it/trained with it, you can carry the day.

Kudos for desiring a long arm for a RBD
(Really Bad Day)

I like the AR15 series. There will never be a rifle in this country that you can get parts, mags, etc. like this one. I also would give consideration to a .30-30 levergun. Or a scout type rifle.
Rob,I agree the Mini 14 is great choice for those who want a small cal. semi auto that won`t get a SWAT team called out on ya. I like a little bigger caliber for unknown uses,just in case,but .223 is okay for most uses. I also agree about the shotgun. My 1st line of defence is a Rem.870 with slug sights and some other goodies. ;) Marcus
Consider your parameters: You'll probably be either at home, with the concerns of penetration of other rooms or your neighbor's walls; or in transit from some sort of errand. This issue of over-penetration would favor the .223 round.

Relatively short ranges without the need for 300- or 400-yard "knockdown" power; possible multiple foes, but I'd assume discretion if foes are more than, say, two to five. Ergo, box-magazine autoloader.

If you are faced with some cities' anti-self-defense political structure--and these political structures will continue to be jealous of their prerogatives--then AK clones and black plastic will continue to cause negative vibes. Since you are not thinking in terms of protracted firefights of hundreds of rounds at a time, I see no reason why a Mini-14 would not meet your needs.

.223 ammo costs less than .308. A .223 rifle is easier for repeated aimed fire than one of heavier recoil.
