Y2K fears???

1) First of all I don't think there will be any widespread inconveniences unless people go nutty and try to use Y2K concerns for personal benefit. I simply do not believe all the gloom and doom.

2) I prepared anyway! ;) We can last several weeks fairly comfortably (longer UNcomfortably). My only worry is my Mom's medications. The doctor refuses to let us "stockpile" even a 30-day supply. (So I've made him an offer he can't refuse. We'll see. ;))

3) We have some neighbors who truly are frightened. They are good people but do not have the resources to "lay in" food for next week - let alone next month. They are not prepared for even a week of real problems. They are not negligent, lazy or stupid. They are poor and have other (private) problems. So, without telling them, I've stocked up on certain supplies which can help them in a pinch. They've helped us in the past - now's the time for paybacks (of a good kind!).

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited December 15, 1999).]
"So, without telling them, I've stocked up on certain supplies which can help them in a pinch. They've helped us in the past - now's the time for paybacks (of a good kind!)."

GOOD FOR YOU, DENNIS!!! Sounds like there is still hope for the world yet.

As for myself & Y2K fears, at most I'm what you would call SEMI-concerned. There's always a months worth of groceries (usually more) around here. Earthquake country you know. One of the few benefits of living in coastal CA is the mild winters, so freezing to death ain't much of a worry, none really.

TEOTWAWKI? Highly unlikely. Man is very resilient.

Just one of the Good Guys
Gotta love this.....

Last night over dinner with the news babble in the background. S.O. is staring at the tube with concern on her face.

They're discussing possible terrorist attacks worldwide between x-mas and new year, and how some local "kooks" might take advantage of the "Y2K thing", just for laughs.

You gotta understand that S.O. just tolerates my gun collecting.

She looks at me...dead serious...and says, "Do you have enough ammo." :) :)

Almost brought a tear to my eye! ;)

[This message has been edited by Dago (edited December 15, 1999).]
Dennis you sound like a very decent human being. I will also help those less fortunate than myself [though I am not nearly stocked as I should be] as for my friends and family that think preparing is crazy, for them to get even a dimes worth their going to hear a rash of S*** about what they said before.
Being a good boyscout I'm always prepared.. but my roomie just asked to borrow my sleeping bag for a winter camp out in jackson's hole over new years???

Damn son you picked the WRONG time to ask for that. ;)

I know my nieghbors pretty well and have enough propane and canned food to share if need should arise 9it probably won't) but i have noted a distinct LACK of selsction in the champagnes available...

Should have bought the Dom instead of MRE's :(

Heheh Tank Girl is a favorite of MINE too.. have a Barbie on the monitor dolled uplike TG ridinga Giant Rubber Fly and packing a Mac-10 and a sawed off grenade launcher. (hey i work in the art department.. toys are encouraged)

Its just suprised me the number of frinds .. casually and SERIOUSLY asking me if:

a) I'm packing on New year's Eve (and what)Can

b) I know where to get the best price on a shotgun

c) what they should have in thier first aid kit

d) They can come over if its an emergency ;)

I feel sooooooo loved.


PS: In a way.. its kinda nice to see everyone else acting "paranoid" for a change. Now I don't have to explain the wool blanket, shovel and gas can in the jeep. Maybe the fastest way to FORCE people to act like boy scouts is to let them survivea real disaster. Well lets hope it doesn't come to that.
hehe tank girl ive heard the goverment mutter about phoneline crashes on new years if every moron in the USA picks up their phones most wont here diddly sh&& because there just arnt enough circuits(lines) to support the entire USA.

[This message has been edited by Nova5 (edited December 18, 1999).]
I got just 1 question for y2k that I need some good advise on. I already have guns & ammo ,food,propaine stove, city gas stove ,
extra propain, propain lanteern etc.

The only thing I am worried about is
if we loose electricity. My house is oil fired hot water heat in Conn. Conn in Jan. can be 20 deg or colder.
I think I can keep the house at 38 with the city gas stove for 2 or 3 days with the house getting progressivly colder the longer we have to go with electricity.

After 4 days ,I would be worried about pipes freezing even with the stove
going wide open.

I was wondering if I should buy an emergency generator. I really dont want to
spend the money unelse I am really going to use that generator. They are 700.oo to 800.00
for the cheapest small ones.

We only lost power once in 51 years,
for 3 days when a tornado ripped down power
lines one summer. Lost electric for 3 days
but in July it really didnt matter. I just bought a bag of ice for the refrigerator
every day.

Winter would be worst without heat in the house.One or two days would be no problem
cause I could keep things above freezing with the gas stove. But beyond that, it would be near freezing.

I live in a major city.

What please is your advise?
Thanks in Advance.

Every year,over 2 million Americans use firearms
to preserve life,limb & family.Gun Control Democrats
would prefer that they all die,instead.
ernest2, Conn. CAN opp. "Do What You Can"!
I recommend that you go to the FBI's website,www.fbi.gov , and read the Project MEGIDDO repot (scroll down to link). Very interesting. In summary, the DOJ predicts minor computer glitches. The main concern is the hate groups and cults who will respond to the anticlimatic New Year's by trying to start a self-fulling prophecy.
("Revend Fa-Faa, nothing happened like you prophecised, now what?" "Shut-up and start pouring the gas in those coke bottles!")

Of special concern is for law enforcement who may unknowingly encounter these wackos during a traffic stop and provide the "excuse" they were desperately looking for to start the race war or holy war.

Lately, I have noticed the news media being very careful when reporting on Y2K. Most reports take the approach that you should use common sense during the New Year's Eve. Power may be out due to weather conditions, or a drunken idiot hit a telephone pole. One statistic was that on any given day, 500 ATM are down briefly (telecomunications failure, being balanced/resupplied) on a normal day in the Washington, DC area.

My advice for the next few months is to keep a low profile, and when out in public stay alert for any extremists that may want to include you in their "master plans".

Happy Holidays and stay safe!
I love it how the gov. spins this. If the power goes out it will be the fault of some HACKER or some EXTREMIST group. G-d forbid it was the fault of their own. I can't stop beleiving the hype. The thing is they say everything will be ok and in the same breath they say stock up on water? The question the press isn't asking is, why stock water if everything is fine?

When people come begging at my door for food
after the power goes out, I will remind them of their previous comments to me. All the hard work I spent, and the constant ridicule from them.

As a former boy scout, Be prepared!!

jeffrey e sax
I guess growing up in the swamps makes me see things differently. The only thing i have done was reload a couple hundred rounds of ammo, make sure there is gas in the car and boat. Remember years ago, people lived off the land, no a/c, no central heating, no supermarkets loaded with can goods. remember when people boiled water to get the impurities out? remember when people had gardens? My own grandparents collected herbs and wild veggies from the swamps for medecine and food. Now Im glad i payed attention to em when we were out. I also understamd your concerns about heating, northern states can be a bit cold, average temps in La. in the winter are 38 lows and 60 highs, so its not that bad.The only thing I wish would happen is when the electricity shuts down, along with everything else, everyone just says screw it, it was better when this was all we had, lets just call it 1800 and start all over! Not a flame, so please dont take it as such.-----Cuz
George, your comment about liking MREs raised an eyebrow - until I saw the "kidding." Imagine all those folks who are stockpiling MREs and will have to eat them when Y2K is over. Lucky them!

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
Ernest I will use my rifle barrels to keep me warm, though it might cost a little more than that generator.
Hoosier they say prepare a little and that minor disruptions will occur, but who knows for sure, if they knew of anything major they would never tell us as it would cause a panic. Then again wouldnt it be better to have a panic while everthing is working?

Doc Rob, do you know anything about doing emergency war surgery with a do it yourself mentality, I build all kinds of stuff with supplies from home depot, and as for surgery [is that misspelled?] how hard can it be, I've seen a little on TV!
I could definitley do knee replacement with my carpentry tools, would even blow the sawdust out of my millwalke hammer drill and sawz-all. A little Kroil wouldnt cause infection would it? Even got a 1/2 inch right angle drill for those in tight places, so guys step on up and dont be shy I'll even let you have a swig of my Absolute or Ketel one before we get started.

Doktor Kommando.

For the Record I'm an Art Director, not a licensed physician (its a nickname from a LONG time ago). But i too, was a boy scout and we covered sucking chest wounds in first aid class. ;) Maybe we did so because my instructor was an army medic??

But i digress...

Hope you all have a safe and fun New Year's celebration.

I keep getting these slightly nervous, thinly disguised, feel out type questions like" He He..uh.. what are your plans for New Years " to which I reply ...."he...he.. uh..nothing".
what i like is the acquaintences that live on capitol hill that said to me
"if there is any big problem, we will just drive up to your house"

i told them that if there was a big problem and they made it past the beltway, i would be surprised. I also told them they better have some good barter.

dang grasshoppers


I finally snapped a bit at the last "friend" who said "you're prepared; if anything goes wrong, I'll just go to your place." She was joking (but she'll remember if the situation comes), but that "joke" has turned sour. I've had enough people say the same thing that it's starting to concern me. I've prepared for one, maybe two people. I'm not prepared for...lessee here...<counts fingers and toes>...10-15 people to appear, cold and hungry and low on gas (long drive).
I've started collecting items for a 72 bug-out kit. I will be working with the local Search and Rescue team that evening. They have requested all members to ready a 72 hour kit with water, food, and other goodies. I am not anticipating using this kit but just in case we get a lot of calls that night, I would want to keep provisions for myself. Oh, I did go out and purchase an 870, you know, just in case...
i have read several reports 2day about possible fuel shortages

think i will fill my jerries 2night...

I didnt get much of an answer , so Ill repost.
Should I spent 600.oo on a 4,000 watt
120/240 volt generator with an 8 hp Briggs &
Stratton engine & a 7 gal fuel tank. Runs full load for 8 hours & half load for 11 hrs.
My needs,if any, would maybe be total 2/3 load.
In live in a major Conn. city & own 2
homes and 1 commercial building.
My main worry was frozen hot water heating
& plumbing pipes, if the pipes went, I
could be seeing anything from 600.oo to 4000.oo worth of plumbing repairs.
At least with the generator, I could run from house to house every 4 hours
run the heat up to 90 and go to the next cooling building.

Buy or no buy for y2k.What you think?
Waste of needed money or cheap insurance?

Every year,over 2 million Americans use firearms
to preserve life,limb & family.Gun Control Democrats
would prefer that they all die,instead.
ernest2, Conn. CAN opp. "Do What You Can"!