Y2K fears???


Staff Alumnus
On a serious note.. some of my friends HAVE been asking me about dangers on News years.. not from the bug.. or power outs but from cultists/suicide bombers/end of the worlders starting stuff... or god forbid what IF (due to a solar magnetic storm) the lights DO Go OUT over boz-wash the KOOKS will say see.. I was RIGHT and start the holy war/race war/jihad/ethnic cleansing/purification of the earth to save the snail darter etc.

I'm not particularly worried about my visa card or my bank account... or about canned goods (already stocked up for winter) but seriously.. are any of your LEVEL Headed friends and nieghbors starting to ASK you questions???

Like "hey Rob... I'm buying a 9mm just in case .... what should I load it with?"

Like "Hey Rob... you ever treat a sucking chest wound?"

Like "Hey Rob do silver tips ACTUALLY contain silver??"

Like "Um what are YOU doing for new years... cause I'm pretty sure it will be safe where YOU are"

and assorted stuff??


Nothing here. Most of my frenznnayburs are singing the same "everything will be fine, 'cause the gummint says so!" song. Sheesh.

"The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it."
-- John Hay, 1872
Hi Rob
I have had friends who were laughing at me 6 months ago for picking up a generator, extreme sleeping bags, combination wood/gas stove, and food now asking me question like where can they locate a combination wood/gas stove. They are apparently waking up from their dream state and are starting to get worried. I know that I won't celebrate the year 2000 until May of 2000. I figure if nothing happens by then great. I'll use what I picked up and be extremely thankful to God for being alive and not having to hurt anyone in defense of my home and family. I figure if something does happen then I'll be ready. I guess once a Boy Scout always a Boy Scout. Remember the motto: Be prepared! Its a good motto to live by.
I almost forgot the vast majority of people that I have talked to actually believe that nothing will happen because the government said so. They (the Government) also said that agent orange wasn't responsible for all those deaths of American Veterans or the deformities that arose from being exposed to it. They denied it until the vast majority of Vets who were exposed had died in order to avoid the high cost of treatment or possible law suits. I forgot you can't sue the Government it is immune to lawsuits.

[This message has been edited by UZI4U (edited December 14, 1999).]
I've already advised folks I care about to prepare, and prepared myself. When people with whom I have not already initiated a conversation DO ask me about it, I reply "The government says to prepare for it like a winter storm."

Face it. If the sheeple are unprepared at this point, and are asking around, it's not to get prepared. That time is over. It's to see who they can ask for help if they have to. Deep down I'm sure they think if they beg passionately enough, long enough or loud enough, no one would refuse them food, water or shelter.
Yes--my friends (some of whom consider me a "gun nut conspiracy theorist") are now asking me questions about what I'm doing to prepare. Like many others, I'm hoping for the best but preparing for the worst, and advise anyone who asks to do the same. I've been asked some interesting gun-related questions, such as "What's the best pistol for home defense?" This is obviously not an easy answer, but non-gun types don't understand that. They just want me to throw out a name brand and a caliber so they can start shopping. I've always recommended a DA .357 revolver for those who aren't familiar with guns; the simplicity of these guns is just what a newbie needs. (Like revolver fans say, "six for sure.")
Took a friend out shopping for his first gun recently; he was bewildered by all the brands, sizes, actions, finishes, and calibers. Although I recommended a DA revolver, he ended up getting a Mossberg 500 20 ga., not a bad choice I suppose. At least he knows how to use it.
If nothing else, this Y2K hysteria is making non-gun owners rethink their position. And that's a good thing.

Sic semper tyrannis

i made a run to the Walmart last Saturday night

i was going to get a case of oil & a filter for the Cherokee but after securing my oil i wandered into the sporting goods department.

i decided to do some provisioning
1) a dual fuel coleman camp stove
2) 4 sets of mantles for my lantern
3) 4 gallons of white gas
4) 2 five gallon gas jerrys
5) 2 seven gallon water jugs
6) a bag of 100 yard rifle targets
7) a bag of 30 cal cleaning patches

i think i will frame the reciept!

Be prepared
& i love sturdy stuff!
what the hey,
if nothing happens we have a camp stove the kids can inherit

i noticed a few shoppers were checking out my cart...

awesome y2k doc: http://i2i.org/SuptDocs/IssuPprs/Y2K.htm

Taxonomy of Y2K Respondents

IMPORTANT NOTE: The use of the terms ant, grasshopper, and squirrel is not a judgment about people. While based on the fable, we must remember that their behavior is based on the way they are.
All three species flourish on this earth.

1. Ants 1st Class: Primarily Christians, and especially Mormons (whose religious doctrines encourage the storage of one year’s worth of food), these people have stockpiled by mid 1998. Food, gold
and silver, weapons and ammunition, generators are still plentiful. Presently, they are considered fools and paranoids. Later, they will be called evil hoarding fools and paranoids.

Length of self-sufficiency: 6 months to indefinite

Percentage of population: Infinitesimal

2. Ants 2nd Class: Stockpiled by December 1998.

Length of self-sufficiency: 3 to 18 months

Percentage of population: Less than 1%

3. Ants 3rd Class: Stockpiled before April 1999.

Length of self-sufficiency 3 - 12 months

Percentage of population: 1%

4. Squirrel 1st Class: Stockpiled before fall 1999.

Length of self-sufficiency: 1 - 6 months

Percentage of population: 2%

5. Squirrel 2nd Class: Will wait until December 1999 and then try to stockpile during the Christmas shopping rush.

Length of self-sufficiency: 1 - 3 months

Percentage of population: 5%

6. Squirrel 3rd Class: Will wait until after Christmas and start to shop for stockpiling bargains.

Length of self-sufficiency: 1 - 4 weeks

Percentage of population: 10%

7. Grasshopper 1st Class: Will wait for December 31 and start shopping if the news reports crashes in earlier time zones. Cannot spell Y2K.

Length of self-sufficiency: 1 - 3 weeks

Percentage of population: 20%

8. Grasshopper 2nd Class: Will get serious on January 1, 2000 if the lights go out.

Length of self-sufficiency: 1 - 2 weeks

Percentage of population: 50+%

9. Grasshopper 3rd Class: Has not so much as bought a can of beans or extra batteries. He thinks Y2K is not a problem and the government will take care of things.

Length of self-sufficiency: several days

Percentage of population: 10%

Let’s carve the inside of the spectrum into three main parts and call these positions 1)Not-so-Bad, 2) Bad, and 3) Really-Bad.

1) If Y2K turned out Not-so-Bad, there were only minor glitches. There were a few blackouts and your bank statement was late. Your credit card company said you owed 100 years of interest, but a
phone call fixed it. Congress lost all phone service for a week, but no one minded.

2) If Y2K turned out Bad, there were some food shortages and sporadic rail and plane problems. Water supplies were disrupted, and some folks got sick from contaminated supplies. Rioting in larger
cities was contained the National Guard. Those few who slipped by the Guard and tried to round out their collections of VCR’s in suburbia, got a quick, emphatic lesson in the purpose of the Second
Amendment. Congress lost all phone service for six months, but no one noticed.

3) If Y2K turned out Really-Bad, the whole power grid failed. That caused the failure of phone systems. Banks closed and customers couldn’t even get to their safe deposit boxes. Many died of
hypothermia and disease. People had to scrabble for food and water. A safety failure caused a nuclear detonation in Siberia. Luckily, the fireball froze. Frenzied looting and food riots led to Martial Law.
If you looked like a nerd or a computer geek, you had a lot of explaining to do. People who admitted to being computer programmers were shot on the spot and the Y2K Czar was hung in Effigy --
Effigy, Ohio. Pyongyang decided it was an appropriate time to consolidate the Korean peninsula. Spain retook Gibraltar by force. Society regressed fifty years in population and technology.
The worst thing that could possibly happen to you and your family on New's Years Eve (or the subsequent days thereafter) is...not to have been prepared for any/and all possible Y2K scenarios.

You've had plenty of prep time, and the only excuse you could possibly have now (not to have prepared) is shear negligence, and maybe stupidity.

This millenium turn is an adventure for all of us. No one knows for sure what will or will not happen. But we can imagine very easily what may happen to us personally if we are NOT prepared for something that COULD happen. Compare this preparation to a sailing trip across the ocean. If you are planning and preparing for flat seas and good winds, you'll be doomed for failure. Prepare for any possible contingency, and you will most likely survive.

If an administration tells you out of one side of their mouths that Americans should NOT be able to own firearms, and out of the other side of their mouth they are saying, "don't worry (about Y2K), be happy"...you just have to wonder whether you want to believe ANYTHING they tell you.

Just imagine yourself unprepared on January 1st, and then something as simple as the power goes off for 2 days. Woops! The chain reaction of events henceforth will put you in some very deep doo-doo. That's OK though, that survival training you had while in the Special Forces will allow you to rub two sticks together to keep your family warm.
As near as I can tell, our local folks fall into two camps: One is quietly preparing, but the degree of preparation is not discussed. The other is acting as though it had never heard of Y2K.

I've noticed a few folks look knowingly at somebody and murmur, "All set for next year?" or some such. Maybe a nod for an answer...

However, in an area where frequent power outages can last up to a day or two, and it's 80 miles to basic shopping, most folks are fairly well prepared for long-term problems, just on a day to day basis.

Most of the folks I know in cities haven't done doodly.

I went out and bought a kerosene heater a few weeks ago and the next night went out and got one for my dad I will have a 55 gallon drum of kereosene and 55 of gas then 110 gallons of water I have 2 cords of firewood i got for 45 bucks a piece and I will have plenty of food

My friends think I am crazy, and I told them If the power goes out they can go screw themselves anyways why would they want to talk to a "CRAZY" person

Funny story I have to admit I started late and went out every night to get 10 gallons of kerosene the clerk at the gas station asked me what I was doing with it. I told him it was none of his business. he just gave me a look.

If I am wrong so be it, but I would hate to be wrong. Remember the boy scout motto -- be prepared!
I live in an inland coastal valley in central coast Cali. Low population, climate extremes...very cold winters, very hot summers. There is no cable TV out here....costs too much and is too far to run the lines. Cell phones, pagers, cable modems work at best 50% of the time. I'm also less than 50 miles from Parkfield; the tectonic plates (Pacific and Continental) are less than 30 mi from me. Power outages are common.
Yep, I have water, food, fuel and wood....just like all my life and everyone else (natives, not the nouveau yuppies :)) here.

Y2K will be a city freak, hehehehe

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Y2K fears? Not passing my exam and not getting a promotion!

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
I have no doubt that there is going to be some inconveniences here and there. You can't believe how our business has exploded what with California and the end of the earthers. I think one of the biggest problems will be the creeps trying to pray off people who were foolish enough to withdraw their money from the bank to protect it. If I could give any one sound advice it would turn it up to condition red be on your toes and expect the worst and be prepared to handle it . It wouldn't hurt to have your friends who have the same ability to protect them selves to watch your back and you watch his. This is not going to be a long ordeal as where there is problems there will be the effort to get on line. Where I believe the danger is the BGs will think the opportunity is best to strike while the police and other authority has their hands full so lets be on our toes and give them a surprise they won't forget
Gee.. Am I the only one looking forward to mass hysteria? I hope like crazy that at least the phone lines go out on New Years. Ok you caught me. I'm just lazy and don't want to be stuck at work on New Years staring at the phone, but seeing as how I work in the computer industry its mandatory for me to be at work.
So even if the world does fall apart I can only watch it from this short leash they call a headset (sigh) I remember when I used to party on New Years. Did I suddenly grow up while I wasn't paying attention?
Will all you guys do me a favor and pick up your phones at exactly 12:01? Maybe it will kill the switch and I can go home.

Gun control isnt about guns, Its about control.
I prepared for Y2k just like a natural disaster. Prepare for just like a earthquake. Out here in Kali, you have to be prepared. I myself don't expect anything extraordinary. Maybe a few small problems but certainly not mass mayhem.
I have had a lot of those same questions.
People are nervouse.
Like Tank Girl - I hope it does go down... Because I really like MREs.


"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
We, the people, are tired of being taxed, penalized, supervised, harassed,
and subjugated by a federal government which exceeds the powers
enumerated in the U.S. Constitution.
I think it would do many people good if we had some SHTF for about a month. Not to mention one of the best diet programs in history.

Hoosier, tell the people you know to pound sand, if they ever need any help. I think a lot of people are thinking narrow with reguard to ytwok it is good to be prepared for any disaster, quake, storm, finacial collapse, war, etc..

Tankgirl I'll garb a phone when the time is right.

Gale I think alike, mostly bg's trying to take advantage of the situ, my buds and self will be cocked and locked with the bar-b-q going full bore, I'll have to have my 12 ga with me incase of too many beers will need as large a shot pattern as possible. I have cousin in LE and he say that they will all park under overpasses form 15min till 12 to 30 min later, and not respond to calls. If we are all still in one piece after this happening I will be over to your place sometime after the new year for M1A stock and later for 50.
Thanks oberkommando, I'll need all the help I can get.

Gun control isnt about guns, Its about control.
No preparations here, already prepared. Some friends will be over for a quiet, non alcoholic party, I'll be working with my friend Justin nearby. Justin Case....
Wife & I been Boys Scouts all our lives (well the wife's more cuddly than the usual camp partner ;-) but you get the idea. We backpack, etc. & have had the works for outdoor adventures forever. We be all set anyway.

When we had That Primer Famine of '94 (not to mention the discussions of Brady 2 w/all the "arsenal talk," the writing was on the wall as far as I was concerned & ramped up. Didn't want to get caught short for lack of essential items.

& hey Tank Girl! My crazy wife's fave roll model. "Lock up your sons!" Too funny!