Y2K Alert***

Is it a rule somewhere that when Martial Law is declared all privately owned arms are to be confiscated? And if so, to what end would this action serve? If there is resistence to such an act would it not result in more deaths than not confiscating them? And what guarantee do we have that Martial Law would be a temporary messure if we have no arms to re-instate the Constitution? It seems to me to be a very precarious situation.

And why is the page on this particular thread spread beyond the borders of my screen? ;)


"Just because something is popular, does not make it right."
Dorsai: With all due respect, but after spending 2 years as an advisor for USAR and NG Military Police units, I don't recall ever seeing more than the ususal VRC and PRC series FM tactical radios in Reserve Centers and Armories. To my knowledge, nothing has changed. By the way, assuming that the information you provided is correct, then every swinging richard in the National Guard would have to be issued a HF receiver in order to get the word to saddle up and come on down to the armory. I'm sorry, I just don't think this is going to happen. All mobilization orders are passed via landline and microwave shot fixed communications systems which print out orders to mobilize, move out, etc...then, the unit uses it's alert roster and people call people at home or at work using the telephone system...that's just the way it is.

[This message has been edited by Mike Spight (edited March 19, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by Mike Spight (edited March 19, 1999).]
Mike Spight,
In General, you are correct. However, during my years in the SpecOp community, it was not uncommon for members of specific units to be issued pagers. if it went off, you didn't have to call anybody, you knew the drill. Kiss the wife, grab your war bag, and run for the door yelling, "I love you Honey, I'll see you when I see you!" (This is why my first marriage only lasted two years!)
I don't see why this is less likely now than it was in the early/mid eighties. With the technology available today, a Guardsman wouldn't even have to report to his Armory. He could just put on his uniform and draw his weapon and any mission specific gear from a "Shop van" onsite! (actually, a mile or so away from onsite, but you know what I mean.)

Your mind is your primary weapon.
From what I've read, the May 1st NatGd callup is specifically a Y2K drill, with the assumption that telephone and TV no workee. The plan is for radio comm. for the uppper ranks, with word-of-mouth knock-on-doors at the lower levels. And, after all, it is a pyramidal structure...

Now, if they all know ahead of time that they're gonna be called up, won't that make it easier for all concerned? Can't you see the headlines about the "Smashing Success"?

Ciao, Art
I have serious doubts that LEO's would do house to house searches of their neighbors property. I mean, they have to live there after the feds go away. The feds, on the other hand, would do it, (like at Waco) probably with assistance of foriegn United Nations troops, or Natl Guard troops from out of state.
I think I see that everyone is on the right track. I happen to be working that night (unfortunately) and I for one will ABSOLUTELY NOT be confiscating any weapons. Unless the Gov't gets paranoid and declares a state of emergency or god forbid martial law.
In the county where I work, participating in house-to-house weapons searches is tantamount to suicide. The Sheriff knows it too.

Bruce Stanton
Just had an ugly thought and I don’t know quite how to put it in writing.
Bear with me a little bit.
With the possible exception of our President and a few of his cronies, I
believe our government realizes that a large scale takeover of the people
(eg. breaking and entering, confiscating personal firearms, shooting folks
etc.) is not practical.

1) It would show the true intent of those who would rule us rather than
represent us.
2) Too many casualties would occur - on both sides.
3) Too many “unlicensed” firearms are in the hands of the people.
4) Too many “licensed” firearms (and gun owners) would suddenly
5) It simply would create too many enemies of the state.
6) It’s unnecessary. The government is taking over by “compromising” our
Rights away from us. They don’t need to use large-scale force.

For these reasons, and others, I suspect no major federalization efforts due
to the Y2K “crisis”.

Does this mean I will not prepare appropriately? Be serious.
In every country, there are those who believe they can or must do anything
the government desires. Such people say, “I’m just following orders”, “I
don’t make the laws, I only enforce them”, and similar expressions. Many of
us thought that was all settled in Nuremberg just after WWII, or at My Lai -
but I have heard both phrases, in America, spoken by Americans, within the
last two years.

If the federal government declares an “emergency”, martial law or whatever,
many LEOs will have sudden attacks of “blue flu”. Some federal officers and
troops will “just say NO” or play “What if they gave a war and nobody

But, as in any attempt at tyranny, there will be those “patriots” who follow
the government - whether it’s the Tories in the 1700s or the guards at
Auschwitz in the 1900s. Some will put their futures with “The People” (as in
their government) rather than with “the people” (as in their fellow
Americans). Some people (both citizens and enforcers) will do as they are
ordered. Some won’t. As one gentleman said, “Pack your lunch. It’s going
to be a long day.”

But spread this thought among those who are willing to be federal
“enforcers”: While you boys are off breaking into people’s homes,
confiscating their personal property, shooting resisters and a few by accident
and a few “just because you can”, there will be similar “government
representatives” visiting your neighbors, your friends, and your families.

Think about it.
BTW, if the Internet goes down and other modes of TWO-way
communication fail, I’ll figure “the balloon is up”. The full or partial
operation of the government/media TV and radio is no assurance that all is
well - regardless of what the “talking heads” say. If WE can not
communicate, there is more than “a computer problem.”
Riss, did i read you right? you said "I happen to be working that night (unfortunately) and I for one will ABSOLUTELY NOT be confiscating any weapons. Unless the Gov't gets paranoid and declares a state of emergency or god forbid martial law." does that mean you won't confiscate unless ordered to, that if you're told to go door to door, that you will? i hope i just misunderstood what you were saying. if not, God help ya'!!

fiat justitia

The plan is to use the police to confiscate guns from everyone else, then have the feds disarm the police. Of course, Robert Sherrill (The Saturday Night Special) urged disarming the police first, as they were all corrupt, incompetent, evil, etc. If you want to get a cop against the gun control gangsters, show him or her this book. The gun control people were promoting the idea that all deadly force should be under the control of the glorious and noble President, who can be trusted to protect us. The campaign has now been quietly put in abeyance.
Ken: Yeah, I know the drill...spent more than a few years at Bragg and USSOCOM with a pager welded to my hip as well, on alert rosters, etc. You're right on the money with leadership receiving pagers and NCOs driving around "door to door" if necessary. It's just my problem with the overall Y2K scenario...I think posters on this board have seen what I've had to say about this topic in the past, so I won't repeat it in full. Bottom line, I don't think there will be a major problem...if there is, I think there would be real problems in getting LEOs and military to participate in an organized disarmament op...and if UN forces ever set foot in this country to enforce anything, they will get their asses handed to them.
My previous note was concerning a general anti-gun policy, not something specifically related to Y2K. My opinion of Y2K - Big nothing. A few systems may go down, a few files get messed up, but the problem was never as big as it was made out to be by the panic peddlers. Will the Government create panic and then use the panic to impose a dictatorship? I don't think so, but the best way to thwart that idea is to remain calm and urge others to do so.

Amassing gold? Nonsense. If the hoarders haven't beaten you to it, the grocery shelves will be stocked and they want real money, as in FRNs. (Of course if I am clerking at Safeway, and you give me a $20 gold double eagle for a $16 purchase, I will happily take it as legal tender, give you $4 in change, and pocket the coin.)

Stockpiling arms and ammo?? Most of us already have, but for that reason??? More blather. "Hordes of screaming starving fanatics overrunning our redoubt..."??? Mas basura.

Stocking up on MREs? Mostly a "necessity" created by guys who have MREs to sell. More silliness. Why not stock up on good food?

Nor were all of us old-timers idiots. In the mainframe I worked on, which is still in use, we put the year in binary in a 32-bit word. Our rollover won't come until the end of the year 4294967295. We will have it fixed by then!
To answer John/az2's question, the text is running off the right edge of your screens because thaddeus posted a very long URL / web site address in the second post of this thread. I've had this happen to me before - the software apparently won't wrap a long URL, so we all get to keep moving our mouses around so we can read all of the posts. ;)

I tend to agree with Jim - my money says this is all overstated. I do believe some folks will unfortunately die, and there will be aggravations. But, I expect it all to be handled without great calamity.

OTOH, I'm using this as sort of an excuse to make sure I have my bases covered in general, in case of civil strife (ala LA in '92), earthquakes, economic problems, war, volcanic 'winter', comets, and an invasion of the body snatchers. ;) All kidding aside, since it doesn't cost all that much to make some basic preparations, I'm just adding a little 'insurance'.

If I keep hearing about these interesting exercises, I suppose I may begin to doubt myself ...

[This message has been edited by Jeff Thomas (edited March 24, 1999).]