WWII Type 99 Japanese rifle

About 5 yrs ago I sold a Jap with dust cover, mono pod, aa sight and Mum for $1K. It even
had the paper work a Marine bought during WW2. I think the rifles that were brought home
before surrender of Japan have Mum intact. McAuthur ordered Mums defaced as a political
deal to allow the Emporor to save face with Japanese public. Jap rifles have come along way
in value from when I was a kid. I don't remember mil surp ammo being available, I herd it
was dumped in the ocean. Norma was only one loading for it and a box of 6.5 or 7.7 Jap was more than value of the rifles at the time. I wish I had my Dads but he traded it for a
TV Rotor in early 50s. His was a early 6.5 carbine with folding bayonet. They still can be
picked up reasonable off individuals. Everyone is not aware they are now collectors items.
During 50s into 60s most gun shops wouldn't take them on trade. When 98 Mauser & Brit
303s were $10-$20 who would want a Jap, to shoot?
He is not really "spot on " as everything he said is wrong . The Rifle looks to be a very late Nagoya series 5 rifle [ photo is not clear enough to tell , but it has those features ] . It is not missing a dust cover as it never had one . It is not missing the mono-pod as it never had one and does not even have the band for one . It was made with a solid fore end to the main stock . Only later made rifles had a loose fore end and they were Never "glued " , just captive . The stock has been sanded and finished [ just look at the grasping grooves ] that really hurts the collector value . Worth about $300 due to the sum of the other parts .
" It is not missing a dust cover as it never had one."

It's likely that it had one when originally manufactured. There's no concrete information I know of as to when the dust cover was finally abandoned as an issue item, but it's likely around the time that the "aircraft ears" were dropped, sometime late in the Series 6 or early Series 7 rifles.

This gun has the ears, so I think it's a solid bet that yes, it had the cover.

"It is not missing the mono-pod as it never had one and does not even have the band for one."

Yep, that's been discussed in length.

"The Rifle looks to be a very late Nagoya series 5 rifle"
That late of a Nag 5 rifle never had a cover . It is interesting as it is as late of a 5 with AA sights that I have ever seen . But you did figure out what a sling swivel was.
That rifle in your link has NO AA sights . I have one of the largest T-99 collections in the country , every series and every 10,000 serial number block minimum . On all of my Nag 5 rifles the AA arms start to disappear about 90,000 with some rifles made a little after still having them and some not . None of my very early nag 6 rifles ever had them .
Back in the 60s a friend hunted with one, you did not want to say any thing bad about the 7.7 in front of him !!!
"That rifle in your link has NO AA sights ."

Whoops, you're right, it doesn't. I looked at it really quickly and thought I saw the wings.

I'm certain I've seen Series 6 Type 99s with the AA sights, but I can't find anything to back that up right now.
If you find one tell me as I will buy it since I have never seen one in 30 years of collecting Type 99 rifles .