WOW! Check out this shooting!

goes to show you

Thats old news but it just goes to show you that you dont know whats gonna happen when someone gets shot, thats why I dont get into the caliber wars. There are people that are alive and well thats had thompsons emptyed in them yet there are people that have gasp'ed thier last breath being struck with a .25 auto, probally the lameist rd. out there. I personally know a man who was in a abandoned farm house during WW2 and he and his fellow soldier buddies were clowning around with a captured pistol, he described it as a '' .41 Belgiam'' and i didnt ask any questions because I was just listening, but he said a soldier put it to the back of this other soldiers head and pulled the trigger and the dam thing fired! (more to the head meets neck area) And he said that they put the guy in a truck and drove him to a Hospital, and I/we asked what happenrd to him and he said he wasnt sure but the guy was awake and talking to them on the way there. So you just dont know.
I am not sure if this demonstrates the lack of power of the .38 spl or the amazing power of the human body. I have never been shot, but I have been shot at and I can remember running for cover without a thought. The adrenaline rush from being scared was intense.
Couple of thoughts from prior posts...

This happened in PDSR California.

The shooter had a problem with the lawyer over a lawsuit. We'll see if the lawyer learned anything. I can't find out much about the weapons; the reports indicate he had two guns, but I only saw one being used. It's a short barrelled revolver. I checked a couple news sources, no information on caliber.

The lawyer survived without much long term effects.

The shooter was determined not competent to stand trial. (He's in the 'home' for an undisclosed period of time.)

The reaction of the witnesses was rather typical. The first reaction is "What is that?" They cannot believe what is happening. Second reaction is "How interesting!" They watch, while not becoming involved. Somewhere down the line comes the "I wonder if I'm next?" thought. Very few seem to realise they are involved and need to do something. The ones who do recognize danger usually have a history; service, victim of crime, gang activity or some such.

The 'authorities' reaction was typical. The shooter (William Strier) was upset over the handling of a trust fund from an accident. Strier had threatened a female case worker within the preceeding couple weeks - who had gone to court for a restraining order. Nothing much was done about this goof or the threat until he shows up and shoots someone. Then it becomes evidence of 'gun violence'.
that lawyer must have been really good at dodgeball when he was a kid... miracle he wasn't hit more. Another miracle that he lived. I'd bet he loves that tree more than anything else too.

Hmmmm... I think a ccw would have definetly helped there... but then again that would be an innocent person saving their life with a handgun and according to our gov't that's wrong.

CCW wouldn't have helped the shyster much.
In most states that have it, you still can't carry a gun in a courthouse, and the guy was either coming into, or going out of, a courthouse. Se even with a permit, he would have been disarmed by the law. And left to the mercy of a trigger happy man.

As for the angry shooter, he probably realized that in the world we live in with hustle and bustle
• nobody would want to get involved.
• most people realy don't pay much attention to what is going on around them.

One of my friends got shot back when I was in college. He was in an arsenal on active duty and he and another guy had gotten back from manuevers. They unloaded their .45s, when one guy forgot to pump the slide AFTER he dropped the mag and shot my buddy in the head.
Bill said that he did not know what was happening, just that one minute he was talking to the sgt. the next he was laying there in a puddle of wet stuff and he thought somebody had hit him with a baseball bat.
Knocked him off his feet, but not out. The fmj hardball round went into the side of his head, followed his skull around under the skin and exited the back. At first, the paramedics thought it was a through and through wound, but we coulda told em that Bill had a thick skull.

>>Amazing how nonchalant the shooter was. Emptied his gun and then just puts it in his pocket and strolls off like he had just stopped for his dog to water the tree or something.

Wow Jack,

That is a crazy story. Goes to prove that even the venerable .45 is not as potent as some people believe. It was probably an odd angle of entry, but I'm sure it must have hurt like hell.
power has nothing to do with it

No one knows what a bullit will do, thats why people have been shot in the shoulder and the bullitt exits at the hand or anywhere else.Sometimes they actually bounce off of bones. Anyone that has fired any tracers knows that once a bullitt exits the barrell of a gun you dont really know where its going. some bullits come with air-pockets in them screwing balance and ballistics all to crap.

Don't get extreme here... Power does have a lot to do with it. Angle of entry has a lot to do with it as well. An under powered bullet will deflect off the bone rather than breaking it (.22 LR or .25 acp). A .40 S&W or .45 acp will break bone more easily and has more momentum going along the vector it was fired. This is the basic law of physics known as intertia. Something with less intertia is much more easily deflected. Some quirky things have happened but they are the exception rather than the norm. If I point a gun down range, it is going down range. It might not go exactly where aimed due to a myriad of factors, including those you mentioned, but it will be going in the general vicinity for sure.
to stephen

Yea your right but in general if a person gets hit noone really knows whats gonna happen. And your right about what you said, I was actually referring to a dum buddy of mine that managed to shoot himself w/a .25 auto and it entered near his elbow and exited from his hand. So I stand 'basically' corrected. see ya