Wow. After 28 years?


New member
I received an email notice that the Fresno PD had recovered a handgun I reported stolen in 1986. A rifle that was taken in the same burglary was recovered by the LAPD in 2003 and I had to travel to LA to get it back. Hoping they can arrange to send it but I am guessing that if I want it I will have to go get it.
NCIC never goes away, but sometimes local PD's records do.

I had a Model 48 Smith stolen while I lived in Miramar, Florida in the 80s. In 89, I moved to Arizona.

About 5 years after I moved to AZ, I called the Miramar PD to see if the gun had ever been recovered and was informed that they "purge their stolen goods records" after three years.:mad:

I then called BATF who had a nice little chat with the Miramar PD explaining to them that you don't remove stolen firearms from your records and why they should be reported to NCIC.

The gun was reinstated in NCIC, but, to date, has never been recovered.:(
I received an email notice that the Fresno PD had recovered a handgun I reported stolen in 1986. A rifle that was taken in the same burglary was recovered by the LAPD in 2003 and I had to travel to LA to get it back. Hoping they can arrange to send it but I am guessing that if I want it I will have to go get it.

You have the same email account after 28 years! :eek:
I then called BATF who had a nice little chat with the Miramar PD explaining to them that you don't remove stolen firearms from your records and why they should be reported to NCIC.

Would love to have been a fly on the wall for that chat!
They recovered a friends of mines revolver in NC (he's in WV) a few years back. He had to jump through a bunch of hoops and pay some kind of costs to get it back. Needless to say it's still in NC...
Well, at least you got it back eventually. I'm actually pretty surprised that they found it at all, especially after such a long time.
I'm hoping one of these days the P-85 Ruger that I lent to my brother will surface.

He knows who stole it from his house, but we can't prove anything, unfortunately.
nam68 said:
Terrible Police Work
Huh? The only way this could be terrible police work is if the police had been trying to find the gun all this time. So you honestly believe the Fresno PD has been actively searching for one specific stolen gun for 29 years? No police department has the resources to do that; they simply run the serial numbers of any gun they aquire against a database of stolen guns. Apparently it took 29 years for the Fresno PD to happen to aquire this gun. And when they did, the still had the original owner's 29-year-old contact info. How is that terrible police work?
Theohazard, he may have been referring to my case where the Miramar, FL PD purged the stolen firearm from their records according to their stolen goods policy. That is definitely terrible police work.
Good point. If that's what he was referring to, then I retract my statement. But his post looks like he's referring to the OP.
I received an email notice that the Fresno PD had recovered a handgun I reported stolen in 1986. A rifle that was taken in the same burglary was recovered by the LAPD in 2003 and I had to travel to LA to get it back. Hoping they can arrange to send it but I am guessing that if I want it I will have to go get it.

Police aren't always clued up on how to ship.

I received a handgun of a relative that died this past year. It was held in evidence for a number of months. The police thought it had to ship disassembled. <Scowl>. I eventually got my local lawyer to drop by, and found an FFL for him to take it to. I just hope having him in the process didn't turn a $200 gun into a $500 gun. :mad:
I am guessing that if I want it I will have to go get it.

I guess I'm not understanding the reason you would have to go pick it up. To prove who you are? They contacted you and would be shipping it to your address.

Do they do this with all stolen stuff, like jewlery or power tools etc?
Holy moly! Mine is the TWENTIETH post in the thread and NOBODY has asked about the gun specifically?! Are we still on TFL Forums or is this some alternate reality?! :eek:

It's a handgun, so let's hear it! A classic Smith & Wesson revolver? A Bryco "Saturday at 6:45pm" Special? Maybe it's that prototype Luger pistol they chambered in .45 Auto for the U.S. Pistol trials in 1910? :D

Whatta we got?!