V8, for going to a better school than I do, without knowing what school I go to, you yourself should take some history, that or maybe your school's program has some holes.
For example, there have been people with the choice of jail or the military since the founding of this country. Your insinuation that they are bad people again shows your ignorance. A very good personal friend of mine was given that choice. The structure of the armed forces turned him around, with help from the base ministry. He takes great pride in having served his country in Afghanistan. With his GI bill he is currently going to school to be a network administrator.
Another section of history that your school must have skipped over is the Great Depression(funny, we covered that in Junior High). Many people joined the militray for lack of a better job. So, that is nothing new. Furthermore, I served with a multitude of individuals who gave up great civilian jobs to join the Air Force. After 9/11 they felt it was the right thing to do.
Now I am not debating that there are bad apples in the military. In any large population your are going to have dirt bags. However, thanks to greater information technology and background checks, applicants to the military are much less likely to be dirt bags than they were in previous years.
With changing values in out culture, people are less likely to blindly follow illegal orders. I can tell you have never served your country or else you would know that the Oath of Enlistment contains a caveat about following orders in accordance with the UCMJ. While in basic trainging, trainees are given instruction in to the Laws of Armed Combat(LOAC). Before deployment and during deployment the LOAC is reviewed in depth.
Today's military is composed of an all volunteer force. Not so in previous conflicts. Almost everyone who was in during peace time that never thought they would have to fight is gone. The military is now composed of people who knew what they were getting themselves into or those who had a chance to get out, but chose to re-enlist. That, combined with everything above proves that they are every bit as good, and in many cases better than the military of 50 years ago.
I don't care how you feel about the war, but at least have the decency to care about your countrymen. Your eire towards the military is as misplaced as if I hated all taxicab driver mearly becasue of their job.
As for libertarians, two of my classmates are of that particular bent. So, it gets brought up. As for my laughing at "logical arguments", it has never come up, they are quite intellegent, but their arguments leave a lot to be desired in the logic department. Beliving that you went to a better college than I currently attend shows a low level of thinking about everyone but yourself. You would be fun to play at poker, as you belive that whatever you have is better without even seeing the other persons cards.
You mean to tell me that your are not a convict, or incapable of getting a better job? That must blow V8's mind! Seriously, if you feel that is what you realy want to do, you have my undying respect. There is no greater feeling than serving your country, despite what V8 belives. What branch are you going into?
Yes, and we funded the resistance to Afghanistan while the Soviets occupied them. Situations chage and the old enemy of my enemy, is no longer your friend. Especialy in such a volitile region. The fact remains that we went in, and historicaly it is disasterous to defeat an enemy and not help them rebuild(look at what happened with Germany after WWI). It is equaly disaterous to help an ally of conveince, only to hang them out to dry after you have accomplished your goals(like Afghanistan).