Would you shoot?

Would you shoot?

  • Yes, without a doubt. That's why I carry.

    Votes: 50 61.7%
  • No, my CCW is only for my and my family's safety.

    Votes: 9 11.1%
  • I would intervene physically, but not with my gun.

    Votes: 11 13.6%
  • I don't go into places I cannot legally carry with my gun.

    Votes: 11 13.6%

  • Total voters
We can reasonable assume that the attacker was no knife expert or she'd be dead. May just have time to pick up a TV and bash him in the head with it without shots fired. Saving her is saving her but if it can be done without shots fired, all the more prudent yes?

I could be wrong, but I think most states would consider hitting somebody over the head with a TV to be deadly force. You might as well just shoot him... same amount of legal hassle and you don't have to pay for a TV set.
I would probably shoot him consequences be damned, but if I had a moment to think I would try to use something else like hiting him with a shopping cart. I would love to help if I can but I have no wish to go to prison.
Knife = deadly force. TV also granted. The difference being the variable of the non combatents. Collateral damage to innocents is a possibility so a tv may well be a more prudent action than shots fired. Exigent (?) circumstances may well call for shots but if you can end it without shots fired (and the roulette wheel of firing shots in the store) so much the better.

Was his backdrop into the shopping area or an outside wall? Too many unknown variables. What if you hit the perp twice and stopped him but your 3rd round missed and nailed an innocent shopper? TV's are cheaper than lawyers!
I voted to shoot the slug, . . . being 60 and in less than perfect health. There is no time when it is justifiable for one person to take a knife to another. My hat's off the the gentleman in NM who protected the woman.

I also, though, . . . would probably not have been in that Wally World if the signs were posted. WM's in Ohio are not posted.

It is one of the few places where I have one eye on what I am buying, . . . and the other on who & what is going on around me.

May God bless,
With my snubbie, I would have an equal chance of shooting the victim as the assailant.

At a distance, I believe I would yell at the perp to stop. If he didn't, I would be compelled to fire a *gasp* warning shot to let him know he might eat a bullet. If that didn't work, or if I were closer, the next step would be to separate the perp from the victim via kick to the face, punches to the face, or whatever means. I would expect to receive a potentially nasty cut to my arm or elsewhere in the process.

Once I was sure my bullet would strike him and not the victim or anyone else, my snubbie would be on the perp. Anything other than retreat by the perp at this point would result in a shooting.

Crappy position to be in, no doubt.

ex cops opinion

How about an ex cops opinion on this one?
The average gun fight involving a police officer takes 2.3 seconds at a distance of three feet. Got time to think? In reallity, you react to the situation at hand, most of the time without thought of the consiquences. (SP) sporry.
The man was killing another human being no other way to put it. Tv? might as well choose a brand if you have that much time. Pepper spray? Most states requrie a LTC to carry it and half the time it wouldn't stop a determined gopher. As to hand to hand, LOL. lots a luck hope you have good hospitalization insurance, the guys got a knife, you know a deadly weapon and he obviously intended to do bodily harm to anyone in stricking distance. Congrats Old timer we need more people of your nerve and intestinal fotitude
My Two Cents Trapper
Shoot/No-Shoot? Knife= No Question--Shoot.

I carry and have WA CPL. It goes with me everywhere. Since I have few dealings with the courts, don't drink anymore, and no longer travel by air (retired), the weapon is with me at all times. If faced with the same circumstances, I would take my chances of being charged with a felony versus allowing someone to be stabbed to death. I would be more than happy to take my chances with a jury on this one.

I spend lots of time with shoot/no-shoot simulations and lots of range time. Hope I never have to put it to the test but given the same set of cicumstances as the NM gentleman, I would act similarly. Hopefully with the same results. Fortunately, Washington State laws give a little more latitude. Preventing bodily harm that could result in death is one of those "affirmative defense" clauses in our law.
I voted "I don't carry my gun where it is illegal." But, if (and maybe this is what you are asking) say I were talking on the cell phone and got out of the car and walked into a say courthouse or post office and didn't realize I didn't take my gun off and saw an incident involving a deadly attack then YES I would pull the gun and use it if need be. If the Law is idiotic enough to punish me for doing the right thing then then fine. I'll let a jury hear it. There is always the option of Jury Nullification (even though many judges and other legal officials don't like people to know about that option because it takes control out of the government's hands and into the jury which was what our leaders of early america intended :) ) If it doesn't work out the way it ought to, well I let God be responsible for what happens. I person's life will have been saved and the system would have once again made itself look foolish.
When I get a ccw it will be for my protection only. Any strangers in danger? Well thats their problem, maybe if they stopped imposing laws on us lawful gun owning citizens and making us look like villians I would be more inclined to help out. First and foremost I would think about myself and my friends and family. I am not going to take any risk in protecting a stranger; who knows what strange law or incident could cause it to bite back at you.

If god wanted her to live, he would have put someone like the 72 year old in that position, not me. I doubt I will ever have to make that choice, but I will be prepared for it anyway. If I am able to run for cover and call for the police, I will do that first. We all have to look out for our own skin sometimes.
I would have to play it by ear, keeping in mind: a) survival of the victim, and b) keeping my CCW (which, by the way, I do not have yet). If the BG is 15 feet away, flailing around with a 1-inch pocketknife, I would probably try to take him down without drawing. If the BG is 15 yards away, about to make the killing strike, that is a whole other matter, which would almost certainly mean drawing, and considering the legal ramifications later. In any case, by my book, not helping is not an option. The survival of innocent victims tops all else.
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Tough call, instinct would kick in, hopefully, and I would do the right thing. Last time I checked Oregon law I have the right to use a firearm to prevent a felony violent crime against another party if there is no other apparent way to stop it.

Meanwhile, I might suggest that some of you read "In The Gravest Extreme" by Massad Ayoob.
Not actually being in that situation, it;s hard to say. My first reaction would be "Hell yeah I would shoot!" and I have absolutly no qualms about doing so if needed. Putting rounds down range is an absolute last option and that may have been the case here, but who's to say since none of us were actually there and under those circumstances.

I applaud this gentleman for doing what he did and saving a life that day. He chose the option that was the safest for him and the victim. He did what needed to be done which was to stop the agrressor. I think that's the number one thing out of this. Stop the aggressor, ANY way possible.