Would you fight the UN?

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A few middle aged guys with ak47's are no match for a well trained modern army

Warsaw Ghetto.
US Revolution.
And a whole lot more that I can't recall off the top of my head.
Even the Branch Davidians held off combined forces of BATF, FBI, Rangers, Delta Force, and others for almost two months.
Listen carefully to the arguments on both sides. One is typically American, the other an argument of "subjects".

Modern people, in favor the the world "village", tend to favor the "subjects" line of thought.

America will remain American only so long as we remember we stopped being subjects and became citizens in the 18th century. To return to the peonage of being subjects should be antithetical to gun owners.
I'll make you a promise....get assigned to the division that invades Central coast Calif. Make sure you have your name, this nickname and your address in your pocket. I'll make sure to mail your head back to your wife...postage due of course ;)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Afghanistan - they had much more than ak47's, anti aircraft and anti tank weapons etc etc

Chechnya.- same
Vietnam. - same
US Revolution - completely different era - no tanks apc's planes helicopters etc etc.
Man can not win a war by ak47 alone and in Vietname etc sure it was a major tool but it was not the only one.
What good is an ak47 against any type of armoured vehicle?

I've already been on a scouting mission to Fresno , Kings Canyon and Yosemite to find suitable areas for internment camps.
All those international tourists you see aren't really tourists they are U.N soldiers on secret training missions. We also go to Disneyland to learn about your cultural activities. Yes I admit I was 25 and went on the Dumbo ride and the saucers and it was fun :)
You will not shoot me - I will move through the country like a rabbit, quiet, fast, alert blending into the background.
Watch out the rabbits are on the way.
Just watch the goodies and the episode on the rabbits :)
US Revolution - completely different era - no tanks apc's planes helicopters etc etc.

The proportions are the same. It was still a rag-tag bunch of poorly-equipped farmers who beat the reigning superpower.

Man can not win a war by ak47 alone and in Vietname etc sure it was a major tool but it was not the only one.

It was still mostly "gooks with guns" vs. a superpower. The latter lost.

And neither are your "few middle-age guys with AK-47s" entirely without other tools and resources.

What good is an ak47 against any type of armoured vehicle?

The guys _in_ the armored vehicle have to get _out_ at some point.

What good is an armored vehicle against a guy with an AK47? Those inside may not get shot, but if the latter is light on his feet he won't get shot either.

I've already been on a scouting mission to Fresno , Kings Canyon and Yosemite to find suitable areas for internment camps.

Tell us more!
And tell us how they intend to get people in!
Don't tease us, details, details! :)

You will not shoot me - I will move through the country like a rabbit, quiet, fast, alert blending into the background.

With a bright blue helmet.
Ok I agree to disagree on the ak47 thing.
The blue helmet is a problem, there is a plan to change colours but I can't give that away.
I will be going on another scouting mission next year. South West again and a bit further east this time. As usual I will meet up with supporters in California first. :)
Just have to get my .02 in before somebody locks this thread. I'd like to remind everyone here that lot of us "middle aged guys with AK47s" on this forum hold information technology jobs. There's more than one way to fight. Think about it, and you can come up with a boatload of different ways an IT type could do damage. May not be as exciting or heroic as target practice on blue helmets, but it damn sure would help get the job done. Yes I would fight, you bet.
ckurts brings up an interesting point. We all know the importance that technology plays in warfare nowadays. It may not be necessary to unleash a bioweapon.

The scenario would play out much like a Y2K disaster. Kill the infrastructure. Why blow up or sabotage refineries or power stations when they can be controlled electronically?

How long could an unprepared society last in those conditions. In effect, they would/could control the infrastructure and dictate the sheeple's actions. Turn them against us for a little heat and water. Turn in one gun owner for one gallon of gas. Throw in the usual roving predatory groups. Wow, wonder where THEY got those guns? Thin the ranks. Then when the blue helmets come in, the sheeple will do about anything and there won't be enough resistance to do anything.


Detroit Area Chapter
Terra-Haute Torque & Recoil Scoiety
Your posts are extremely insulting and inflammatory at a time of very high emotion in this nation. On that note, I believe you've convinced me.

Kindly reference my email.
Beating someone involves much more than equipment. It involves a superior spririt and state of mind.

All things being equal, the person on his home turf is going to fight harder than someone that doesn't want to be there.

As far as Afghanastan, the "indies" were pulling the rug out from under the Russians well before they got any substantial equipment or other support from my buddies.
That's the luxury of knowing people that were there versus the local news folks in Perth. ;)

FWIW, I've seen what the "blue hats" can do at their very best.(not on CNN either)
Uh, how can I put this delicately. I am underwhelmed.

Ah, let's throw another rabbit on the "barbie"! G'day, mate! ;)

Devil and the deep blue sea behind me,
Vanish in the air you'll never find me...
A few points I'd like to make, if you will...

As to "How could UN troops arrive here in the US?" and similar questions on logistics
and supply of foreign troop elements, consider the following. How many members of the American military have refused the "lawfully constituted order" to don the blue beret and rip the flag patch off their shoulder? What percent are they? My point being that most people will follow the group, whether it's the U.S. Army in Bosnia, or the 2nd SS moving through southern France in '44. Of course, "following orders" only works as a defense if your side wins.

Our military units are increasingly trained and deployed as "peacekeepers". Doesn't this make them much more suited to engage in similar operations domestically? Almost ever piece of video of the military you see nowadays is our troops badgering some locals to reveal and turn over their weapons, supplies and leaders. Constitutional law is ignored on domestic troop use in incidents like Waco and Ruby Ridge, and every day in the fiction of the "war on drugs" and to save us from illegal immigration, even though federal and state law enforcement agencies have personnel, equipment and funding for both of these tasks. These facts, and "training exercises" like "Operation Last Dance" should have been a wake-up call to our citizenry, but such does not seem to be the case.

There are already moves to enforce U.N. laws that supersede U.S. law here in America.
You don't hear the population rising in a general uproar. They're too busy watching
"Friends" on TV and going to the mall in their shiny new SUV. Uprisings tend to be small numbers of "fanatics", which most of us realize, we've already been branded as.

Unfortunately, the ballot box is unlikely to provide relief. Even if issues dear to us were brought to a vote, most people won't care, or vote the way the "yellow journalists" tell them to (this is why the country was established as a constitutional republic, not a democracy, despite what the history books are telling schoolchildren). Polls, as much as such can be trusted, seem to indicate the majority of the population doesn't care if we do away with the Bill of Rights, if the kind and benevolent government promises to get rid them of those racist, rap music-buying, Internet bomb-building, drug pushing, child pornographer gun nuts. Who needs a gun, we've got an army! Who needs privacy, if they've got nothing to hide! Who needs free speech, the TV will tell you what to think! Who needs that demon rum, when...oh, wait, tried that one already. (Note to Aussie posters: I hear they're going to start calling your country a "republic" instead of a "Commonwealth". Don't suppose you'll be getting a "Bill of Rights", though...)

In fact, if voting were the only way our government conducted its business, many of us
would be living in the Confederate States of America, the duly appointed representatives
of which voted to succeed from the Union. This was ignored when Lincoln decided to
restore the Union, by any and all means necessary. A War of Northern Aggression, indeed.

If (or perhaps, when) the time comes, it won't be the stand up fight that we could win. Waging an insurrection is a bloody business. This means being very nasty. Bombing, assassination, sniping LOC targets, random ambushes, mining. It's worse if you're fighting the domestic military on your own soil. Both sides will end up inflicting innocent casualties, generally in larger numbers that those of the combatants. In fact, forcing the enemy to commit atrocities works in your favor (rabbit assassin, take note, having the "helicopter/tank/plane" "level your whole neighbourhood" is favorable to the cause, if not your own health). Still, how many Oklahoma City-like events are you willing to be involved in to repel those come to rescind your freedoms? Because that is what it will mean.

This is a dark subject, but the clouds on the horizon are looking pretty dark to me. There's a storm coming...
RepublicThunderbolt raises an important issue. Why wait for bluehats to show up? They're already essentially here.


Detroit Area Chapter
Terra-Haute Torque & Recoil Scoiety
don't wear UN blue where I can see it through my scope. Invading army to me. I've seen what their peacekeeping has done over seas, I'll be dmaned if it will happen here.

Live Free or Die Trying,

Why is it never considered by the doubters that partisans can obtain advanced weapons from the enemy either by capture or guile?

The Afghans did not start thier war with much in the way of advanced weapons. They captured them, and then later bought them or had them provided by the Pakistanis. Early in the conflict, it should be noted that "Ivan" didnt like to stick his head out of APC hatches...their was often a .303 Enfield round with his name on it waiting for him.

Most of us have weapons at least equal to the venerable No1 MkIII Enfield ;) And an excellent point has been raised about using the weakness of infrastructure against an enemy.

We are, in the words of a famous 18th century European ;) "..a people both numerous and armed.."

I will use a pocketknife if I have to.

My philosophy is simple...


:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
Republic Thunderbolt-
Well said, Sir. A post grounded in history, reality and common sense. None of us wish this scenario to come to pass. You paint a very ugly, but very real, picture.
I was trained to fire Morters... Dragon ATMs... TOWS... and I can even pull 13F Duty if need be.
These munitions are carried in trucks. Trucks can be jumped... That means I would then have my Dragon. There goes there Bradley. I have my Stinger - there goes there F-18. (well - hopefully ;) )

You get my point.

"Supreme authority derives from a mandate from the masses. Not from some farsicle aquatic ceremony."

The Critic formerly known as Kodiac
Time for part 2...this is at 120K

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
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