Would you fight the UN?

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New member
By no means am I advocating violence or trying to wage war with the UN, but I was just curious to know that if the UN did come to America during this Y2K deal to be "peace keepers" would you fight against them. If so what would the circumstances be ---

Just setting foot on American soil, Trying to Law American citizen, Taking our law enforcement officers jobs away from them.....etc.

What would be your justification for fighting.
No. Not for the reasons you outlined. Those can all be addressed in other ways. The ONLY justification for fighting, IMHO, would be an immediate threat to me, my family, my town, etc. In other words, if I judged that UN soldiers were attacking my hometown, for instance, or if they came to my neighborhood to do a door-to-door and attempted to use force when I refused their demands, then and ONLY then would I fight.


"Hey you, let's fight!"
"Them's fightin' words!"

How then, can you justify a foreign occupying force in our country's soil?

But, it's only a "police action"?

"Hi. We're from the UN and we're here to help you." Doesn't that sound familiar?


"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." RKBA!

referal #2005932
How could UN troops arrive here in the US. Do you think the Canadians will attack us? The mexicans.

The UN goes nowhere without the US doing the transporting, maintaining the supply lines, providing air support, and holding the hands of the troops sent by other countries.

If you took all of the other navies in the world and put them up against the US Navy, the battle would be over in a week. No other country has the airlift capability of the US except possibly the Russians, and most of their planes probably can't fly due to funding.

Foreign troops wouldn't last long here, or would throw down their guns and ask for asylum. They would be swallowed up by the abundance of this country, wouldn't make it past the first shopping mall.

We are the power of the UN, and the rest of those loosers in the building on the Hudson (UN HQ if you didn't know where it is) know full well who the big dog in the pack is.

Blue helmets make great targets, just like those little green figures we shot at in basic training. Would I shoot at them, yes, but I would also feel sorry for them.

Our biggest enemy is here in the US. The media and the politicians, not some troops from New Zealand or Nigeria or wherever.

Geoff Ross

Damn!...I need more practice!
If the UN does come to America my greatest fear is that they will disarm American citizens just as they did the KLA in Kosovo, leaving them defensless, not to mention another territory gained by the NWO. If this does happen I will become a one man army and fight for my constitutional rights/liberties and my personal freedoms along with the freedoms of other fellow Americans. But I would like to reiterate that I'm not advocating violence this is a strictly WHAT IF QUESTION.
It would never happen....and any "UN" soldier
sent here to "police" or "keep order" would know its his death sentence. Not a single one would live to go back home. And, just having them here would touch off the 2nd Revolution.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
DC Remember, that would be the third revolution. Our great greats down here in the South lost the second!
"It wasn't about slavery then but..."

Hate to quibble about semantics, but it was neither a Revolution nor a Civil war.
It was the war of Secession.
A civil war requires opposing combatants mixed throughout the political boundaries of the country....a revolution intends to replace the current gov't with another within the same political boundaries.
The South wanted to secede, they didn't wish to overthrow the Federal gov't, just wanted the Feds off of their turf :)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Foreign soldiers policing in my native country. I would think that resistance in violent and non-violent means would be quite appropriate. Of course I think that this would also apply to the current illegal occupation in the Serbian province of Kosovo.
This is the reason for stipulating able bodied men over the age of 17... one of the many reasons for the 2nd...

"It's not about dying for your country... It's about making some other poor bastard die for his!" - or something like that... Spoken by Gen. Patton

"Supreme authority derives from a mandate from the masses. Not from some farsicle aquatic ceremony."

The Critic formerly known as Kodiac
DC, My Great Grand Dad Young told me that it was a war of Northern Aggression! I think that the folks in the South tried to bow out before the hostilities began. Government got big! Yes, it was a bad deal but...

That fracas down here in the South was actually a war of Northern aggression against a peacable people trying to achieve their manifest destiny through political means. We are still being ruled by an occupying tyrannical government! Someday we'll call off this tactical retreat we've been in....


Until then, I will defend this country and the Constitution against all enemies, foreign or domestic.


American by birth - Southern by the grace of God!
Hank, Mikey....

Northern Agression...ok, that works :)

Forgot to answer your question: yes, with relish!

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Sorry, but I'm not about to bow to the wishes of a foreign national assigned to interpret US Law. Since he's not a citizen, he has no civil authority over me. If he's given such power by any member of the US government, I refuse to recognize it. If he's got a gun, it's illegal. If he acts threateningly, he's fair game.

This would make answers to the "Beating the SWAT Team" thread real easy!

Got any room up there for me?! :)
solo, you hit it on the head in my book. We've witnessed the bang up job the UN and NATO did in Bosnia and Kosovo. Let or force the citizens to become disarmed, lie to them about 'safe' areas, and then wring your hands when you find the killing fields. It may not have been intentional, but I really don't give a rat's a**.

Anyone, especially a foreign 'alliance' who disarms Americans is not only not to be trusted, they are to be loathed. Between ancient and 20th century histories, I suppose we've all been warned, no?

I too think it farfetched we'll see the UN deployed on our soil. OTOH, I see a lot of things on CNN I used to regard as farfetched ...
Hey you people have the least to worry about in USA, it is far more likely that one of you would be in the UN doing it in someone else's country.
Who do you think bankrolls most of these escapades by the UN...you do! When the USA is not interested then we have a Ruanda or East Timor.

As an answer to your first question... mine is "YES" - to the last bullet (of any calibre.)

***Big Bunny***
To all the posters who think it is unlikley that it could happen here, I hope you are right, but I am a bit more pessemistic. I think it will eventually happen. Perhaps not in my lifetime, but eventually.
As a Native Texan I wish to set the record staight about the 'civil war' 1861-1865 it was not as some have said the war of northern aggression, the SOUTH - South Carolina to be specfic FIRED FIRST. IF the Souther states had succedded and NOT fired first, just left and set up a new govt and DID NOT send reps to washington then and only then could the North have been the aggressor. As for the war not beeing about slavery if it was not it should have been slavery was an abomanation and should alwas be thought of as such.
It is popular sentement here at TFL that " free men own arms slaves do not" well if that is true and you belive it ALWAYS REMEMBER the US did have REAL SLAVERY, be proud of the the men who fougt for home and heath but also remember they fought so some men could OWN others at the same time. <whew... that soap box is tall>

[This message has been edited by Nestor Rivera (edited September 08, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by Nestor Rivera (edited September 08, 1999).]

As I recall, the Union Army occupied Confederate territory, and were impolite in that they didnt leave when asked. South Carolina is a bit far down the coast from the USA/CSA border ;)

And, while slavery is abhorrent, it was on its way out in the South, economically. (Also, if those liberals who wring their hands over it, and make it an issue even today really cared about it, they would do something about the slavery that is occuring right now in places like Sudan and Madagascar. Not you, Nestor, but the ones who make a living off of guilt. I dont think you are a liberal, just morally conscientous :) which is a good thing.)

The War Between The States was indeed fought over States Rights, however I will agree that it is unfortunate it focused on a reprehensible legality. Keep in mind, though, that less than 6% of Southerners owned slaves...what where the other 94% upset about? Federal Interventionism....just like many of us today.

History may well judge some of our legal, modern practices in the same light as slavery...let us not judge too harshly those who came before us, as long as we are intellectually honest about their actions. History is supposed to be Truth...it does us no good to try and whitewash what our ancestors did, good or bad.(Thats said in my own defence ;), lest anyone misinterpret my post )

Just my .02 cents (in Confederate money ;) )

BTW, how in the hell did we get here in this topic??? :) :) :) I thought this was about resisting UN forces.

"Yes, your Honor, I did go waaaay off topic...I only ask Mercy from the Court."

[This message has been edited by Grenadier2 (edited September 08, 1999).]
I don't think they would have the guts. Nevertheless, if they came to my door to get my guns, some of them are not gonna make it back home to the motherland.
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