Would you fight the UN Part 2


I've been in and out of the net over the past two plus weeks...missed out on this thread earlier.

Some observations:
--I think rabbit asassin was jerking some major league chain in part one of this thread...don't take him too seriously and have a sense of humor.

--Thanks for the kind words Byron. Although there are people in DOD I do not trust, I still remain convinced that the majority will do what's right.

--This scenario is highly unlikely. As others have posted, few other militaries have the capability to conduct strategic level deployments of personnel and material. Those that can number less than the fingers of one hand and none of them have a capability approaching that of the US.

--It's amazing how bad things have become...the fact that theoretical discussions of this nature are becoming more and more commonplace. The entire state of affairs sickens me...

The nice thing about invading armies is we end up taking their arms from their dead soldiers, strengthing our side with each victory. Sooner or later, we are stopping them with RPG's, grenades, M60's, and tanks, rather than semi-auto politically correct assualt weapons.

Who's gonna legislate against that?