Hurricanes do happen here in Northern Virginia but they wouldn't order people away for that, or at least they haven't so far. There are tornados in places around here now and there but they are too quick for much reaction. And we don't have forest fires here either. Mostly too wet. But something else bothers me.
I live not too far from the national capital and I really don't think there is a plan in place to evacuate people. Fifty years ago, there was but apparently not now. It might be that the problem (the population) is too large to deal with, or at least that's what the various local governments seem to think. In other words, they have given up. On the other hand, they may just not think it is worth it. There is an effort to have people prepared for most common evenualities, which around here is snow (yes, snow!) and power outtages.
But what ever happened to civil defense. What happened to the Emergency Broadcast Network? It certainly wasn't on the air on 9/11 nor on the day of the Air Florida crash, for those who remember that. But if you had to evacuate this area, you would have to deal with five million people and their cars and we don't handle it that well at five o'clock every afternoon.
I'm not sure I could even get back home, assuming that emergencies can happen at any time. I could walk, though. It's only twenty miles.