Would you buy your first shotgun at a gun show?

Here is the order I research for this...
I start in general. Once brand is chosen I research their offerings. Find the exact model number for the gun configured the way I want.

Then during price research, I will look the gun up at a place like buds guns.

With their price I allow my local gun shops to bid on the deal. If I can get a quote within $25-40 of Bud's (FFL transfer fee I pay if I buy from buds) I go with which ever local shop has the best customer service (on this transaction) for the price.

So far I have never had to buy online and sure hope I don't have to... As for a gun show, I would want more experience with a gun platform before placing myself at the mercy of sellers who could care less about me than a typical mid eastern flea market vendor...

I can always go kick in the local guy's door or slam it shut behind me as I leave if he wrongs me... not always the case with a show dealer...:D;)

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So far this sounds like a mixed bag. I may end up going just to have a chance to see a number of shotguns in one location.
And this is a good idea for sure!

Also, Get names and numbers of dealers who may have what you want still in hand after the show.

You can research what you see there and then take an experienced buddy to look at it after you decide it was a good deal.

I have a buddy who shoots who will be going with me. He is actually looking for a gas semi-auto as well, so it should be interesting. I just hope I see more than HD shotguns.