Would you buy a .380?

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I'm thinking of buying a compact pistol as a backup or "easier to carry" than my .357 or 1911. Would you buy a .380 and if so what make/model, or is 9mm about as compact?

I know the .380 isn't very powerful but they are small!

Suggestions anyone?
007 aside, I love my PPK. While I'd rather have my P13.45 in a gunfight, the PPK has plenty of firepower for toting around. Good size, good features, and shoots well.

The only downside to a gun like the PPK is guns like the Kel-Tec and the Kahr. Those guns are not much bigger or heavier, but use carry the same amount or more of a bigger round (9mm or .40).

Needless to say, I still often carry my PPK.
Get a Makarov in 380 cal or 9X18. There're fantastic little pistols and inexpensive too. I just got an "unissued Bulgarian Makarov" in 9X18 calibre. Fits my fanny pack better than my other pistols. Good Luck, J. Parker
The Kel-Tec P11 is actually smaller and much lighter than the PPK, and it holds 11 rounds of 9 mm.

I briefly had a PPK/S in .380 last fall. It was made by Interarms and was a total lemon. I got rid of it after about a month. But I hear the German-made models are fine, if you can find one.
I have a slight bias, being that I live in the south and concealed carry is hard to pull off in a office environment. With that said, I routinely carry a ppk/s or a colt government 380. Both are small, thin and easy to carry. Yes the kahr is of similar size, but I have no qualms about what damage I can do with my 380's. I also travel with a md84 and 2 13 rnd mags also in 380. Nice size for quick work etc.

Now that it is cold and I wear a jacket, then it goes to a 9mm H&K P7PSP. A bit bigger then the Kahr or PPK/S, but very reliable!
If you're going to carry a .380, I'd consider a Colt Mustang or Pony Pocketlite. While they're not manufactured anymore, they're locked breech pistols that are a lot smaller than any of the alternatives that have been mentioned here. The felt recoil is soft, the gun is small, and they're quite accurate. I still reach for my Mustang when I want to put a gun in my pocket...
AFB, you don't say how you want to carry it or with what clothes, so I will make a couple of suggestions. I use to carry a stainless Walther PPK in an ankle hoslter. I replaced that pistol with the Kahr MK9. I don't notice the weight in an ankle gun, but Lou Alessi swears I have calves like a horse. I will say that for pocket carry in slacks the gun is too heavy though I have experienced no problems when carrying in pants of heavier construction and fabric like jeans. For carrying at work in slacks I have found the S&W Airweight or AirLites to work well. Rarely must I resort to the small Autauga MkII .32 ACP. If you want a little larger than an MK9 you can drop a few ounces as well by going with the P9. I have not tried one, but have heard glowing reports of the Versa Max II holster and a P9 would seem to be ideally suited to it for tucked IWB carry.
Johnwill beat me to it. For a "close encounter" back-up type firearm, the Colt Mustang - especially the Pocketlite, IMHO - is tough to beat.

I ride a cruiser-type motorcycle, and during the hot summer months I tuck the Mustang into my inside vest pocket, using a simple Uncle Mike's pocket holster. When riding, I don't even know it's there.

But--- I am a big fan of the Makarov too. It is a little bigger and it weighs more. Where the Mustang is an SA gun, the Mak is DA/SA - depending on who is carrying, that might make a difference. Gives you 9 rounds (8+1) of 9x18 to the Mustang's 6+1 of 9x17. While the .380 is just a little less powerful than the 9x18, you can't dismiss the 2 round difference.

Also - for what a nice Mustang is going for now, you can buy 2 Maks. Best value I have seen in a gun ever, I think. Mine is 100% reliable and accurate, and it has had nothing done to it to enhance reliability. If you do buy one though, stay away from the commercial Russian version for concealed carry duty. To meet the BATF rules, they machined away a good bit of the slide & stuck an adjustable sight there. It's sharp, doesn't add anything to the sight picture, you cannot get replacement parts or a replacement sight for it, and there aren't any aftermarket replacements. The Bulgarian milsurps, Bulgarian commercial, and East German guns all have the small fixed sights - which are about as good (:rolleyes: or as poor) as the Mustang sights. Russian milsurps also have fixed sights - but being among the rarest of Makarovs, they command a premium which is usually 100's of $$.


You can't go wrong with a Mak ;) But I do have a Bersa .380 and trust it with my life :) Both are inexpensive and you don't have to worry about what happens to them ;)
Why buy a .380 when you can get a 9mm that is smaller?

The Kahr MK9 is smaller than either the PPK or Sig 232. And it's 9mm. I don't see much use for .380 now that the MK9 is available.


Sig P232. Fits my hand like a dream. If Remington 102 grain Golden Sabers won't save my bacon at 5 yards I am in trouble
The only time I'd consider a 380 if I were you is if it were a SIG 230/232. That gun fits my hand better than anything I can think of. The 230 is the best looking compact IMHO. That said, I'd get it for the gun, not for the round.

Best regards,

What M1911 said. Why go for a .380 when you can get a 9MM in the same or even smaller package. I have the P9 with no problems and would not mind getting a MK9 or MP9 when they finally make it.

Unless of course you just want a .380 to round out the collection. Nothing wrong with that.
FWIW, I owned several .380s and traded them all away: Beretta Model 84, Browning BDA-380, Colt .380 Govt. and Mustang Plus II, etc. I simply never shot them. Plus, compact 9mms seemed to make them obsolescent. (Of course, now that Colt's has discontinued its .380s, I wish I had mine back.)

Recently, though, I got a P232. I've had some malfunctions with it, but otherwise it's been a sweet shooter. This is an instance where I made the purchase purely for the pleasure of owning a certain model of gun, rather than for the cartridge. I guess this means that if my P232 had been a .32 or a .25, I'd have bought it anyway. ;)
I say go for the colt ponypocket lite or the mustang , quality and a reliable performers , I read elsewhere thet Kahr Arms sued Colt Over a patent infringement on the 380 pistols, and colt stopped production.pony is the Best pocket pistol I have.
The Kahr is to heavy for me if I have to carry something that heavy It will be a 45.
I often carry a Bersa in 380. It is light, powerful enough for my purposes, excellent quality, and it didn't cost a fortune either (around $200). That said, I practice more with my 9mm pistols, as the ammo is somewhat cheaper. The mak is not a bad choice either, but definitely check out the Bersa 380s.