Would this make your pistol an AOW?


New member
Just curious? I seems totally unnecessary but I was wondering the legality of it?
Its not really a "foregrip" but it seems to be somewhat marketed as one. :rolleyes: what do you all think? Mods move to this if you need to.
I guess it's not designed as a foregrip, so it could be legal. Either way, legal or not, that is the worst accessory I've ever seen.
What about the detachable shoulder stocks that were all the rage in 1910? Lugers, Mausers, even a few Colts had them. My C96 had one, though frankly I was less than impressed because the attachment wasn't rigid enough. But one source stated that in the Winter War, some users thought that handguns with a shoulder stock like that were almost as good as a submachine gun. But as far as the grip on those guns, it puts the other hand too near the wrong end of the gun and it is a shooting position unlike no other.
What about the detachable shoulder stocks that were all the rage in 1910? Lugers, Mausers, even a few Colts had them.

According to the ATF, attatching the original shoulder stock to a C96 or similar does not make it a SBR, but attatching a reproduction stock to the same pistol does. Nonsensical isn't it:barf:
If the gun is already a registered full-auto, you don't need to worry about buttstocks and foregrips.

But, (stupid looks aside) why would you ever need a foregrip on on a semi-auto pistol? How would you carry this gun? Handguns were made to be fired with one hand - that's the point of having a HAND-gun....not a handsgun.
I wonder why it does not say "Gecko45 Approved!"

I wonder how much support it would actually give the shooter that was trying to hold it?

I think it is designed as just another magazine storage system. IMO it would be clumsy trying to retrieve the magazine and insert it. (I guess if I had this system, I would have to call it a clip.:))

But training with this system might prove you could reload faster than conventional hip/chest magazine storage. But again, with this system, you are limited to one spare magazine, and any others would have to be retrieved from the hip/chest storage.
Looks like a good way to shoot yourself in the hand.

Should the device slip, or your hand slip while you are doing tactical mall ninja rapid fire excersizes, you could blow off a couple fingers.
LMAO...good luck finding a holster for that butt ugly rig as well. Another useless POS ...:barf: And I agree with Master Blaster...I see a youtube vid coming to your computer soon.
mall ninja approved indeed. :D I can just imagine the rounds tumbling out as you fired it i mean its upside down and no cap on top... LOL.

I was mainly concerned I could see this being a gray area concerning foregrips on pistols just wanted to see what your opinions on the matter were. I would hate to see some young kid thinking its cool get busted by ATF or something.
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Highly not original, the CZ75 Full auto pistol mounts the spare mag as a foregrip. Only a few of them in country. I would bet ATFE would qualify this as something used as a foregrip, no matter what other function it may serve as when NOT used as a foregrip, and would determine the pistol is an AOW.