Would this even function?

I don’t know how much I have to type to keep this from being a drive—by

This a screen shot from the actual social media page.

Would this even function?


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It would function quite well as a club.
It's still inferior to a baseball bat. Which makes me wonder if bats are ever banned. Also reminds me of the cult film, "The Warriors", in which one of the gangs colors consisted of baseball uniforms and equipment, especially bats as weapons. In a society that outlaws weapons, but not sports, it would seem that sporting equipment could be a near perfect cover for weaponry. Golf, anyone? So it appears to me that the chief value of the broken, incomplete gun, in this case, would be to look like you have a gun; a bluff that one would hope no one else calls, since it is clearly inferior to at least a few sporting implements, and also caries legal risks, perhaps more-so than a hockey stick.
WOW, A group photo for that????? That squad would be having group photos done every day here in Arizona;)

Saw a newspaper article about a former NYPD officer now employed here in AZ. as an officer. Apparently the former NYPD officer underwent a period of adjustment as to what action to take, or not take might be more accurate, if he saw an armed person here in AZ.......